I've completed my very first game now, a standard continents game on Noble, and wrote a report about it called "A Different World" on my website. I thought it might be interesting to read about all the an old Civ 3 player makes when trying to learn the new game, and I'm sure I've made more weedy moves during that game than I'm currently aware of...
Feel free to post comments, questions or criticism about the game report either here, or via PM or email!
I've completed my very first game now, a standard continents game on Noble, and wrote a report about it called "A Different World" on my website. I thought it might be interesting to read about all the an old Civ 3 player makes when trying to learn the new game, and I'm sure I've made more weedy moves during that game than I'm currently aware of...
Feel free to post comments, questions or criticism about the game report either here, or via PM or email!
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider