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Who Gets your Goat?

Did I mention how much I hate Catherine the Great? In two straight games she has beaten me a few turns before I achieved victory myself. I'm so close to beating Emperor, if not for that [female non-human companion]!

Also, her music reminds me of Boris "the Bullet Dodger."

Why do they call him the bullet dodger?
.....Because he dodges bullets, Avi.

But she doesn't know one thing. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow! Savvy? [Image: pirate.gif]

NEXT GAME SHE IS SO DEAD. [Image: hammer.gif]

So who gets your goat?

You'll hate Cathy even more if you run into Friedrich playing as her in a MP game (Creative/Financial is a nice combo for MP). lol

I can't say that there's any one leader that really irritates me all that much, but I have had bad encounters with both Montezuma and Napoleon in the past, on multiple occasions. Napoleon is hyper-aggressive, true, but I'm convinced Monty is just a total psychopath in this game. Like X-Man on steroids from Civ3. He'll found his own religion early on, and if you don't adopt it, he's a comin' for you later on, even if he has to cross the entire world to do it. smile

Tokugawa (xenophobe!), Isabella (religious zealot!) and Temujin (hyper-aggressive!) are also notoriously difficult to get along with.
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As I was saying elsewhere, it's to the point where if I see Mansa Musa in a game now, I'm tempted to A) start a new game; B) sign the World Alliance to Destroy Mali. For one, he's been in...all but one of the games I've played so far, and in 3 games in a row, both MP and SP, he's wound up with some ludicrously good land in comparison to everyone, and wound up racing me narrowly to space.

Not that I MIND being raced to space, but it's ALWAYS him and his cheater awesome country. I'm tired of it.

Izzy and Cathy are also annoying for the obvious reasons, but nowhere near to the same degree that Mansa achieves just by showing up.






Dwip Wrote:As I was saying elsewhere, it's to the point where if I see Mansa Musa in a game now, I'm tempted to A) start a new game; B) sign the World Alliance to Destroy Mali. For one, he's been in...all but one of the games I've played so far, and in 3 games in a row, both MP and SP, he's wound up with some ludicrously good land in comparison to everyone, and wound up racing me narrowly to space.

I have also run into him in several games, easily most of the time. It becomes VERY annoying, having to go against the same AI several games in a row. I have also encountered Hatty and Kublai more than enough times.

Agreed that Monty is completely nuts. Haven't had many encounters with Mansa yet.

I quite like Hatty and Cyrus. And FDR isn't too bad either. wink

Dwip Wrote:As I was saying elsewhere, it's to the point where if I see Mansa Musa in a game now, I'm tempted to A) start a new game; B) sign the World Alliance to Destroy Mali. .

For some bizarre reason, Mansa Musa of the Malinese is always in my games, and almost always hated by someone (someone always wants to me declare war on him with them). I always have the option to sign wars against him... and I do. Yet, he still comes back for peace by end game--even after multiple phony wars.

I think I'm lucky. Aggressive civs curb Malinese country size, even though he does get a sizeable chunk in my games, it is usually average (never vastly more than other folk).

Chatty Cathy is my most hated. That witch just won't STFU when her and I are not the best of pals. lol (And even when we are, she is very demanding!)

I'm not the biggest fan of her tartness, either. I like lower key. Isabella is the AI I find the most interesting. Her personality is less complicated, and you know where you stand with her. You are either with her or against her; you share the same beliefs or you don't. She makes a fun enemy, and a good ally. (Maybe I like that you have to chase her pretty hard, but she actually wants to be caught -- to have her way, but straight up, no head games.) nod

Izzy, Baby, yeah! thumbsup

The Chinese are not to be trusted. :mad: At least in my experience!

Financial leaders (English Women, Gee Dubya, Inca-Corporated, Money Musa, Qinky and Chatty) are not to be left unmolested! lol That's more of a game balance issue, though. 8) Word to the wise!

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Without any question Izzy

Her frown when you meet her and her attitude always make me wish to wipe her out.:mad:

During the last 2 games Alex has tried very hard to earn a place on my Hatelist too.

Monty OTOH makes me always laugh. Yes he is completely insane but very cool too.

Something like the late PR-man of Saddam. The one who always talked about the superior Iraqi-troops


another Monte hater here. :mad: Not only is he completey nuts, he also manages to sneak into nearly every single game I play, and nearly always ends up as my direct neighbour! rant Fortunately in my current game (on emperor), there are two other civs between him and me. Which of course does not hinder him to declare war on me...even if he lacks an open border agreement with the two other civs, making this war a phony one. rolleye

I also dislike Isabella. Much less aggressive than Monte, but SOOO arrogant...

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

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