November 21st, 2005, 12:54
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After looking around/reading here and CivFanatics, I noticed that there were far fewer opportunites to give positive feedback for Civ 4 than negative. While complaints/bug reports/rants can serve a purpose, I think that praise for what the game does well is equally valuable. I know that several members here contributed a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to this effort, and that Firaxis designers also frequent these message boards. And in light of the firestorm from some corners decrying and nitpicking every little detail, I thought some encouragement might be a welcome sight. So here it is folks, your chance to give a big  to whatever you really like about the game.
Now, I've only been playing for a week or so now, but one thing that has really stuck out for me so far is the EXCELLENT musical score of the game  . In most games, I end up tuning out the music as it gets grating very quickly. But in CIV, I've actually caught myself pausing to listen at times. The title screen piece is particularly well-done. Not sure if that was composed or borrowed, but either way it sets the stage for the game very well. It is both upbeat and grandiose, and reminds me watching the sun rise from the point of a high cliff. Kudos!!
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
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November 21st, 2005, 18:26
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I've only played a couple of games of it so far, but I also think the game is very well done.
I was afraid that the franchise would be taken over by a marketing department insistent on more options, more graphics, more glitz and glamor, at the neglect of substance, but thankfully that hasn't happened. Rather, the developers have been happy to have less options in some areas than CivIII if it was necessary to make the AI more competitive (in particular, quite a few diplomacy options have been removed).
The AI is substantially stronger, warfare is more difficult, and much annoying micro management has been removed. I think a simply excellent job has been done of making the game enjoyable for 'serious' players of the game, rather than trying to get as many people as possible to like it 'just enough' to plonk down $50 for it.
And oh yes, the music is definitely the high-point as far as presentation goes: it's excellent.
November 21st, 2005, 18:42
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Sirp_ Wrote:I think a simply excellent job has been done of making the game enjoyable for 'serious' players of the game, rather than trying to get as many people as possible to like it 'just enough' to plonk down $50 for it.
Well, in theory... We hope to turn most folks who try it in to serious players. (If you look up, and it's four or more hours later than you thought it was, contratulations! You are now a Serious Player.  )
Sorry that your business website got drowned by the Walkthrough, though. Considering that, I'm happy to see you haven't taken out on a hit on Sulla yet.
- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.
November 21st, 2005, 20:13
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Welcome back Sirp!  Hopefully you'll be joining us in SG-land?
November 21st, 2005, 21:38
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Sirian Wrote:Sorry that your business website got drowned by the Walkthrough, though. Considering that, I'm happy to see you haven't taken out on a hit on Sulla yet. 
It's actually my mom's business web site, and it really wasn't too bad. I'm glad that Sullla's page gathered that level of popularity.
Sirian Wrote:Welcome back Sirp! Hopefully you'll be joining us in SG-land?
Sure. I've actually been lurking in SG-land since I got the game, looking for an open game to pique my interest.
November 21st, 2005, 21:46
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Sirp_ Wrote:Sure. I've actually been lurking in SG-land since I got the game, looking for an open game to pique my interest. 
Perhaps RB4 (or will it be 5?) that Maniac is planning. It's a complex variant involving culture and city pairs and who-knows-what goodness. Care to join us?
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
November 21st, 2005, 21:53
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Hey, I'll jump in.
The military AI is MUCH improved. It is still a bit predictable, and still a bit exploitable, but it is a BUNCH better.
The Diplo is much better, over all.
Religion is fun.
The Civics grid is hog heaven. I'm a Poly Sci geek, but that thing is great. I miss some of the old combinations (Federal Reserve, you were unbalanced, but we miss ya'). The whole concept of the Civics grid is just soooooo....Poly Sci as to be kissable.
The openess of the game via python and xml is incredible.
A GREAT job by all around on the gameplay.
I have some severe objections on other grounds--but let's all play it into the new year, and maybe then it will be time for a bitch thread
November 21st, 2005, 22:11
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Speaker Wrote:Perhaps RB4 (or will it be 5?) that Maniac is planning. It's a complex variant involving culture and city pairs and who-knows-what goodness. Care to join us?
Sure. Just as long as everyone else playing isn't an 'expert' already because I know I'm definitely not.
November 22nd, 2005, 10:13
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dathon Wrote:After looking around/reading here and CivFanatics, I noticed that there were far fewer opportunites to give positive feedback for Civ 4 than negative.
You're right! Let's praise the game a bit...
* Despite all I've written before, I love the enhanced AI. Monarch, archipelago map, I declare war and capture a city. Some turns later, galleons unload 20(!) assorted units (cavs, rifles, cannons) at one of my core cities. I was deeply impressed!
* The map scripts are great!  I've said this before, but have to say it again: Great work, Sirian!  I hope all those people only playing continents/pangea/archipelago out of Civ 3 habit will soon discover the fun to be had on the highlands, the inland lake etc...
* I really love the rock-paper-scissors-type unit system. You actually have to put some thoughts behind your SoDs, and the best thing is, the AI does it as well!
* Graphical details. I admit I would have preferred a more clear, less confusing user interface, but I realize you cannot sell such a game in 2005. Accepting that, I *love* all the small details! Best of all IMHO is the zoomed-in view of a mine.
* Both AI enhancement and the changed game mechanics create a challenge without the feel it's only challenging because the AI has superior boni. I like that!
I hope the patch comes soon. Boy do I look forward to the first report day of an Adventure or Epic...
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider
November 22nd, 2005, 14:16
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There is alot to praise in Civ4
the enhanced AI, the Techtree where you can research various ways to fit your needs, the improved Mechanics(no corruption but upkeepcosts), various Unittypes which are all needed and usefull and that the Leaders now really have personallity.