Game open!
Day 2 Deadline: 2200 GMT, Saturday 9th Feb
Dead Players
flug_auto, Magus Deathspell (King's Bounty), Town Neighbour was lynched day 1
Gaspar, Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed 2), Scum Secret Mayor, was killed night 1
Zakalwe, Leisure Suit Larry (Leisure Suit Larry), Town Incompetent Seducer, was killed night 1
Tasunke, Eurabatres (Fall from Heaven 2), Scum Arsonist Mass Distractor, was killed day 2
GaiusMarius, Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Town Jailkeeper, was lynched day 2
Novice, Dora the Explorer (Dora the Explorer), Town Innocent Child, was killed night 2
Gazglum, Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island), Town Insult Duellist was killed day 3
Mattimeo, Akemi Homura (Puella Magi), Town Temporal Displacer was lynched day 3
Rowain, Deckard Cain (Diablo), Town Martyr was killed night 3
BrickAstley, Gentleman Cho'Gath (League of Legends), Town Macho Seer was killed night 3
Jkaen, The Nameless One (Planescape Torment), Town Amnesiac, was lynched day 4
Ichabod, Morte (Planescape Torment), Town Taunter was killed night 4
Bigger, Navi (Zelda: Ocarina of Time), Town Advisor was killed night 4
Lewwyn, Frank Fontaine (Bioshock), Town Death Feigner was killed night 4
Azza, Creeper (Minecraft), Scum Suicide Bomber committed suicide day 5
Serdoa, Jarlaxle Baenre (Baldur's Gate 2), Town Compulsive Agent of Chaos, was killed day 5
Live Players (6)
Meiz - Korgan Bloodaxe (Baldur's Gate 2)
Molach - Necromancer (Diablo 2)
Pindicator - GlaDOs (Portal)
Qgqqqqq - Baron Duin Halfmorn (Fall from Heaven 2)
Ryan - Dante (Devil May Cry)
Day 2 Deadline: 2200 GMT, Saturday 9th Feb
Dead Players
flug_auto, Magus Deathspell (King's Bounty), Town Neighbour was lynched day 1
Gaspar, Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed 2), Scum Secret Mayor, was killed night 1
Zakalwe, Leisure Suit Larry (Leisure Suit Larry), Town Incompetent Seducer, was killed night 1
Tasunke, Eurabatres (Fall from Heaven 2), Scum Arsonist Mass Distractor, was killed day 2
GaiusMarius, Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Town Jailkeeper, was lynched day 2
Novice, Dora the Explorer (Dora the Explorer), Town Innocent Child, was killed night 2
Gazglum, Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island), Town Insult Duellist was killed day 3
Mattimeo, Akemi Homura (Puella Magi), Town Temporal Displacer was lynched day 3
Rowain, Deckard Cain (Diablo), Town Martyr was killed night 3
BrickAstley, Gentleman Cho'Gath (League of Legends), Town Macho Seer was killed night 3
Jkaen, The Nameless One (Planescape Torment), Town Amnesiac, was lynched day 4
Ichabod, Morte (Planescape Torment), Town Taunter was killed night 4
Bigger, Navi (Zelda: Ocarina of Time), Town Advisor was killed night 4
Lewwyn, Frank Fontaine (Bioshock), Town Death Feigner was killed night 4
Azza, Creeper (Minecraft), Scum Suicide Bomber committed suicide day 5
Serdoa, Jarlaxle Baenre (Baldur's Gate 2), Town Compulsive Agent of Chaos, was killed day 5
Live Players (6)
Meiz - Korgan Bloodaxe (Baldur's Gate 2)
Molach - Necromancer (Diablo 2)
Pindicator - GlaDOs (Portal)
Qgqqqqq - Baron Duin Halfmorn (Fall from Heaven 2)
Ryan - Dante (Devil May Cry)