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Adv 1 - Gnarlo Spac Win 2011AD

Lots to do at work, will get the first part of my report up now with more to follow later today; short story is I got a Space Race win in 2011AD. Fun adventure smile



being A Record of the Fates and Fortunes of the

English Empire

Under Her Most Royal Majesty

Queen Victoria

from 4000BC to 2011AD as recorded by Her Majesty's Servant,
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
[with editorial notes by Gnarlo of East Keyboard-by-the-Mousepad]

As Her Majesty had provided such a productive and resource abundant site for London, I quickly proceeded with establishing the lay of the surrounding lands. Our Warrior band made the acquaintance of a nearby group of local natives and procured 108 gold from them in gratitude for elevating their grey lives by absorbing them into the greater English Realm. Grey lives indeed, for tundra was quickly found to the south of the native huts, leading me to believe that we must be near the limits of the world in that direction and should not fear much for incursion upon that border. Our workers began work on a route to the northern wheat fields in anticipation of eventually farming them. Mysticism occupied the thoughts of our scholars and intellectuals in London.

[Would actually like to found a religion this go around; saw how lucrative they can be in Epic One and having the financial trait can only help as well. Worked the lake to the south for the added income, dropping research down to all of 5 turns; have always played epic speed before and am *not* used to how quick things move on normal :-) ]

It was only a span of 40 years before our Warrior band encountered the borders of Spain, and across the channel from London I could just make out a red border... Russian, perhaps? China? I discovered more coast to the north of London, possibly providing a defensible neck of land between us and Spain.

[Close starts on a small world... I'm having to learn a lot of things I'm unexperienced with in this adventure.... "May this peace last until there is no more room to expand" why does she remind of of Genghis's sister? She already has mysticism, so she's 5 turns ahead of me on the religion track. I'm learning to look up what traits the leaders have so I know what I'm up against as well :-) With Izzy's warriors scouting about, change production from the lake to a forest, making a warrior pop in 4 instead of 12. ]

In the Year of Our Queen 3800BC, the Great Realm of England expanded its borders, contacting those of Peter the Great, of the country of Russia on the other side of the Channel. Mysticism so inspired our Intellectual Elite that they continued on to the mysteries of Polytheism. Continued exploration over the next couple of centuries uncovered it was not the English Channel but the English Inlet; English and Russian lands have a northern connection as well. Sheep and deer are discovered in the wilds to our south. Peter is seen to have gold reserves, bless him...

[Got Peter, was hoping for Katherine the Flirt :-) Capitals already touching? Let's see, expansive, expansive, expansive, small world, looks like there's gonna be some conflict, y'all. After Mysticism arrives, I figure a 50-50 shot, choose Polytheism next. Then Buddhism discovered in a distant land in 3720bc... another spiritual on the board (actually Izzy converts next turn, guess she got it). Can still get Hinduism if lucky. ]

The Greatness of the English Empire was confirmed with the founding of Hinduism in 3480BC. Practical matters prevailed over the spiritual next, and we set out to learn the technology of Hunting for both food and defense. Though much must be said for the grit and determination of the British Soldier; at one point our Warriors entered a native village and was set upon by no less that 3 bands of barbaric native warriors, managing to valiantly survive against all three! I immediately awarded the Victoria Cross to Lieutenants Chard and Bromhead, and to Private H. Hook (posthumous).

[Didn't need the happy right then or the bad relations with Izzy, so declined to go state religion. Hunting next, wanted some spearmen, got a feeling one of my neighbors may be just a bit too close to me... and gold is such a pretty metal. Sorry, Pete :-) Made my first ever dot map in 3240, thinking of expansion toward Russia. I like that the strategy layer gets saved now, nice addition in the patch.]

[Image: adv13240bc-dotmap2a.jpg]
Strat Level lines courtesy of my l33t Etch-a-Sketch sk1llz....

Early in 3210BC, Her Majesty's diplomats made the acquaintance of Frederick of Germany. The great thinkers of London quickly moved through Hunting, Agriculture, and Animal Husbandry. So many new things to do in those days to keep our British People occupied! Around this time, the borders of England expanded again, and we established our first wheat farm. As our Elite discovered the mysteries of Archery, we simultaneously gathered a band of doughty, hardy folk with a taste for adventure and sent them southwestwards in hopes of founding a new city for the glory of our Empire and Monarch.

[York founded 2720 on the southern “New City?” location, starts work on a Scout. Lands around Moscow really looking like a rich target. Frederick, huh? Damn creatives. Notice that Izzy's borders have expanded toward me, wonder if she has planted a new city as well? ]

[Image: adv12720bc-britishempirea.jpg]
The Great English Empire post founding of York in 2720BC.

Her Majesty's exploring band of Warriors beyond the extents of Russia were gifted with the knowledge of Priesthood by a awed native population. London's borders continued to expand; indeed we had gained control of the entirety of the English Inlet. Along with the Russian gold, we saw Silver south of Moscow. I was afraid Peter's days may be numbered. I met Asoka of the Indians during this time, he expressed his best wishes to Our Majesty and her Empire.

Bronze working and Pottery quickly came into the ken of our abilities. Copper deposits were found just outside of York. In 2120BC, our Industrious and Hard-Working Citizens finished work on Stonehenge, just the first of many monuments built to the Glory of Our Queen and Empire.

[Image: adv12040bc-savestonehengea.jpg]
SaveStonehenge.Org quickly founded as erosion begins to eat away at the foundations of this beloved National Treasure.

[Noticed not as many places for animals and barbarians to attack from when civilizations are this close, one good point for small maps I suppose. Workers built mines, pastured pigs, farmed wheat, etc. Want the Oracle after Stoney for the free tech; am about to close the gap between myself and Frederick.]

I received word from our Priests that Peter had seen what great wisdom was possessed of the English, and had adopted Hinduism as his religion as well. Over the next couple of centuries, Her Majesty's scouts found the borders of India, as well as the western coast of the continent. Pottery, Sailing, and Masonry quickly fell to the powers of English Intellectual Thought. Even with the Enlightenment provided by the great Church of England Hindu, Peter fell under the lure of Slavery. I had expected better of him. Then, in 1720BC, Spanish Expansionism founded Barcelona on the northern coast of England! This incursion could not be tolerated!

[Barcelona does not have a chance against my culture, within a couple of turns English border expansion had already cut it off from the rest of Spain. Built several archers during this period as well, learned my lesson about skimping on security during the multiple Aztec and Mongol wars of Epic 1. England ranked 3rd in wealth by St Augustine in 1960bc, I don't think I ever get higher than that as I also don't ever remember dropping my research below 90% for more than a turn or two during the entire game. ]

The Oracle is completed in London in 1640BC; it was a very productive year for English Intellectualism, as we discovered Masonry and then Metal Casting with the aid of the Oracle and England entered into the Classical Era. In celebration, England expanded it's borders to bring the news of Her Majesty's Power and Glory to all the world until we pressed against the very limits of Spanish control.

[Image: adv11600bc-worldasenterclassicaleraa.jpg]
The Known World as England enters the Classical Age.

It is believed that this was what allowed the Spanish to spy upon English research, as there is no other explanation for their founding of Judaism in Barcelona just before our scientists published their great work on Monotheism. Yet another offense the cursed Spaniards shall pay for!

It was around the turn of the century 1300BC that the English Navy was founded with the launch of our first two Galleys, Her Majesty's Ship English Brawn and the HMS Vigor. Alas, launching from York, the HMS English Brawn remained confined to the English Sea below the German coast as ice flows south of the German and English tundra rendered further exploration impossible for the small open ship :-( The HMS Vigor found greater fortune, eventually exploring the entire coast of Russia as far round as Spain in the north, where they regretfully had to turn back from that vile country's closed borders. Damn Isabella!

Bowing to Her Majesty's Great Wisdom and Long Sight, a brief period of Anarchy ended in 1280BC with the establishment of the Church of England Hindu as the national organized religion. The great English People also voluntarily decided to endure the bonds of Slavery at this time; believing that it was better to give up a little freedom for greater security. Greater numbers of barbarians were seen in the wilderness, and after Writing was discovered, Iron Working was though to be a prudent course to further the defense of the great nation.

925BC was notable as another grand year for our Great Empire, with the founding of a barracks in London and the start of a Forge, the founding of Nottingham in the southern tundra for the harvesting of the beaver pelts, and Barcelona going into an English inspired Revolt! (Its allegiance would teeter for the next 500 years until it finally joined the Empire in 250BC.) Shortly after Barcelona began to revolt, Moses would be born in London and construct the Kashi Vishwanath in the fair city. Over the next few centuries until Barcelona permanently became a part of England we would discover Iron Working, Monarchy, Mathematics, and Code of Laws. The English people, awed with the wisdom and benevolence of their great Monarch, would demand Hereditary Rule in 450BC; thus insuring that the bloodline of Our Most Noble Majesty would remain at the helm of our Great Nation.

[Finances were greatly aided by the Kashi V; I quit bleeding quite as much money each turn. London was my first city to max against the happiness barrier. Founding Nottingham inland instead of on the coast was about the craziest thing I've done yet; I'm going to claim that it must have been early in the morning when I did that as an excuse. It would of course have no chance of ever growing above 2 the entire game; to further compound my error, I would later try to stave it out of existence and discover that you can't kill cities that way... temporary insanity is my only plea! :-) Gibbon declares that England is the Most Cultured civ in 350BC, evidenced by the expansion of York's borders to grab the copper south of Cordoba away from the Spaniards.]

[Image: adv1250bc-empirea.jpg]
Barcelona joins the English Empire.

Once Barcelona changed allegiances, our Great Nation was quick to once again demonstrate it's benevolence and good-will; Mahavira left his birthplace of London for Barcelona to build the Temple of Solomon in the (now) English Holy City of Judaism in 75BC. Also around the turn of the century, Hastings was founded in the NE corner of the Empire, and quickly expanded to take the nearby horses out of reach of Peter. The first 800 years of the new millennium kept our citizens and workers quite busy; Currency, Compass, Alphabet, Literature, Construction, and Machinery are all researched, with Machinery taking us into the Medieval age in 820. York constructed the Colossus in 200 and Great Lighthouse in 560; London the Pyramids in 275 and Hanging Gardens in 600 with the help of Imhotep.

[Went on a wonder-building binge for a while. Learned my lesson from Epic 1, I (usually) built an archer or axemen between each building I'd construct in one of my towns. Changed to Representation in 425 after forgetting for nearly 200 years I had the pyramids :-) I did a trade with Peter of Priesthood and 20g for his Meditation; I need to do a good deal more practice with trading techs, is an aspect of the game I never got into (never played Civ3). I did have the sense not to trade Currency to Frederick :-) ]

Missionaries and monasteries were quite important builds over the next few centuries to spread Hinduism across the Empire. Feudalism was discovered in 940 and research on the Calendar began. Serfdom was enacted across England. 40 years later, Barcelona constructed the Great Library, and a great plague swept across the city of Nottingham.

[This was when I tried to stave Nottingham out of existence. Would take a while to grow it back to 2 after realizing my second mistake on that poor town. smoke ]

The Calendar was coincidentally discovered in the Year of Our Majesty 1000, and citizens far and wide could now celebrated the new millennium arriving. London constructed the National Epic in honor of this great achievement. Even the English Children are Well Above Average, as one named Mo Tzu is born in London and in the first decade of his life discovers Theology.

Her Majesty's Great Thinkers quickly learned the secrets of Optics and Astronomy next; our rivals apparently were lost in the prison of superstition and mythology as Germany wastes time founding Taoism in 1140. In pursuit of knowledge, the caravel HMS Traveller is launched from York 10 years later on an around the world expedition. Astronomy put us into the Renaissance in 1170. Drama, Divine Right, Music, and Engineering quickly took their place in the Encyclopedia Brittanica over the next 120 years. London lost out on the Sistine Chapel in 1200; undoubtedly the work of spies and saboteurs.

[Losing the Sistine bothered me, but was a big increase in my budget. St John was used to get Divine Right, founding Islam in York in 1210. Had my first CTD then in quite a long time; first since the new patch. First war in the game happens then as well, with Germany declaring on Spain. Barter Peter out of Horseback Riding for Literature and 20g. Both Freddy and Izzy try to get me to join their war, but since I'm at that time expecting to have to take on Izzy myself one day, I decline to help Germany while I'm doing it :-) ]

Our Majesty's Glory was spread further throughout the world with the launching of the Galleon HMS Queen Victoria in 1240. As if Ganesha were showing His approval, HMS Traveller discovered a New and Foreign Land that same year! It would be at the turn of the century that the HMS Queen Victoria would gain the first sightings of barbarian roads and cities in the New World, named Victoriana in honor of our Beloved Monarch, coincidentally circumnavigating the world in the process. Her Royal Majesty's great insight led us to plan for an expedition to the New World, culminating in the founding of Canterbury in 1350; the first civilized city ever in Victoriana, and one that would soon bring English Culture and Breeding to the savages inhabiting the continent.

[Image: adv11350ad-canterburyfoundeda.jpg]
Civilization comes to the New World.

[Canterbury was founded with only an archer in defense; this made me quite nervous but Chinook to the north had only an archer and warrior so I felt a bit better. I'd definitely take along more defenders in a higher level game. Civil Service came up during this period and I revolted to Beaurocracy. The new continent was definitely resource rich and I was determined to grab as much of it as possible before the other civs launched sea worthy craft.]

[Image: adv11350ad-ilikethenewworlda.jpg]
I like the New World...

Canterbury immediately proved its worth as its workers began quarrying marble for the Realm. Expenses unfortunately required dropping research grants to only 90% of their former rate however. In response, London built the Spiral Minaret in 1400 and laid the keel of a new Galleon for the expanding English Armada in celebration. Nationalism and Guilds were discovered, and Constitution as well with the assistance of Harkuf in York. In 1460, the HMS Queen Victoria delivered reinforcements to Canterbury just in time to prove victorious in the Battle of Canterbury Quarry. The HMS Indistinguishable joined the fleet during this time, and both galleons remained quite busy ferrying troops and workers to South Victoriana.

[Image: adv11510ad-thefleetonparadea.jpg]
The English Armada on parade south of Germany.

The HMS Traveller meanwhile reported the sad new of no northern passage around the New World :-( . Lest anyone think that all attention was on Victoriana, the Masjid al-Haram was built in York in 1470 by the London native Mani. This was directly responsible I feel for Cordoba leaving Spain in 1500 to join with our great land.

[Image: adv11500ad-thecoloniesa.jpg]
England and the Colonies.

[Learning just what a difference distance penalties make in this game for colonies, maybe State Property does have a use :-) I'll have to think about it. Banking, Paper, Education, Philosophy all researched. I begin making offensive units and shipping them across to Canterbury. ]

London apparently suffered an invasion of Scotsmen, as they built Sophia's Haggis in 1510. Never could understand how they stomach that stuff. * Shudder * A Russian caravel was spotted off the coast of the newly Hindu Canterbury, meaning that English monopoly of the seas was at an end. Euclid was born in Barcelona and quickly established an academy there. The people of Barcelona celebrate by building the Taj Mahal, and a Golden Age of Prosperity and Fortune settles over our vast Empire in 1535. Since the barbaric savages of South Victoriana refused our generous offers to enlighten and uplift them into modernity, our forces began the Battle of Chinook simultaneously; bombarding the city from a nearby hilltop and pillaging mines and roads in an effort to convince them to convert to the superiority of English Rule. It was most unusual that they did not see the error of their ways quicker, as Our Culture was the wonder of the Old World...

[Image: adv11510ad-russiansstare.jpg]
The Russian proletariat stare longingly at the wonder that is England.

[Had to retreat back to Canterbury after a few turns as longbowmen from Chinook actually take out forces on the hill; I will return with overwhelming forces soon. My biggest handicap on battles so far is figuring out how much to attack with, right now I'm thinking 3-4 times the number of defenders sounds about right :-) Liberalism researched after Philosophy, got my Economics for free. Refuse several offers of world map trades, don't want to encourage furriners from moving into my new lands. Went into a period of bank and monastery building to shore up finances and research. ]

In 1575, England revolts to adopt the Free Market as York builds Versailles. The turn of the century has always bode well for England, and 1600 proved no different with the discovery of Gunpowder and the building of Notre Dame in London, in addition the HMS Indistinguishable dropped off Hannon in Madras on a 1300gold trading mission; ending problems with the Bank of England for a long time. Over the next century England would add the knowledge of the Printing Press, Replaceable Parts, Democracy, and Chemistry to its abilities. Many Universities and other instituions of learning were established in our cities, and the city of Coventry is founded in Central Victoriana. The founding of the second English city in the New World proved the superiority of English Mind and Brawn, leading our Great Leader to grant Emancipation upon our peoples in 1670. In honor of Her Great Benevolence, York begins the Statue of Liberty in Her honor in 1685 bearing the Royal Likeness itself upon the Statue's face.

[Image: adv11670ad-theempirea.jpg]
The Colonies expand with the founding of Coventry.

1700 saw the bombardment that would mark the beginning of the Second Battle of Chinook. This rather leisurely war would last until the fall of the city to English forces in 1816.

[Image: adv11816ad-chinooktakena.jpg]
Chinook is brought the Blessings of British Rule.

[Spent a long time conquering this city, didn't realize how long until was writing it up just now. I began the battle with muskets, pikes, and catapults and was building machinegunners and cannon in my cities by the end of it :-) Being built on a hill didn't help the attacking forces. Researched Chemisty, Steam Power, Steel, Railroads, Corporations, Combustion, and Scientific Method during the 116 years. More weed as I discover London doesn't have a lighthouse in 1725 :-) Determined to grab all the new world for myself, I have Thespis drop a culture bomb on Coventry in 1790. ]

[Image: adv11790ad-newworldinfluencea.jpg]
Post culture bomb.

The 19th Century was as Glorious for our people as the proceeding 58 had been. English scientists made great advances in Biology, Physics, Assembly Lines, Rifling, and culminating in Flight bringing England into the Modern Age in 1888. We would round out the century with Electricity. York completed the Statue of Liberty in 1822 in a dedication ceremony attended by the model, Her Royal Majesty Herself. London completes the Heroic Epic in 1830, inspiring English forces to begin moving up the Coventry Isthmus that same year in a quest to extend English Benevolence into North Victoriana. The first inhabitants we encountered were the Ligurians, who had built Yet Another City on a Hill. (I must discuss this strategy with my military advisors one day.) Bombardment and pillaging began on the city in 1850 and would last only a few years this time, falling to the inevitable English Victory in 1870. (Perhaps it was news reaching them of the launching of the first two English Frigates, HMS Spare the Rod and HMS Spoil the Child that persuaded them to capitulate.) York would complete Wall Street 8 years earlier.

[Image: adv11870ad-Liguriancaptureda.jpg]
The Ligurian see the Error of their Ways.

[Between Wall Street and Coventry completing the Forbidden Palace in 1870, my finances looked much better and I could once again bump research to 100%. Flight would prove essentially useless for most of the rest of the game due to lack of access to oil; it would be 1994 before I built my first air unit! I do like that you can build and use airports without actually being able to build planes :-) ]

Warwick was founded on the east coast of North Victoriana in 1878, giving me 2 cities on that continent. Just in time I might add, as an Indian colony was spotted then in the islands between Victoriana and the Old World. In 1886, I would send Wang Xishi to create a Great Work in Warwick, essentially reserving the northern continent for England.

[Image: adv11878ad-newworldseesomeindiacolonya.jpg]
Warwick founded, revealing pesky Indian incursions.

[Image: adv11886ad-culturebombwarwicka.jpg]
Wang Xishi Wang Chungs Warwick, ensuring English rule. Note the pesky oil just outside of English control.

Once again, the turn of the century brings great portent, as Radio is discovered. We were very busy spreading Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism to all cities of the empire for many years, and constructing temples, airports, factories, etc. Then, in a traitorous and underhanded blow, India builds Jaipur on a tiny plot of land between Coventry and Ligurian in 1902! Such treachery could not be rewarded, and English Culture would keep the city miniscule throughout the century.

[I'd thought about wiping out the (eventually) two Indian cities on the continent, but they remained of little influence and I eventually became distracted by the Space Race.]

The Pentagon was completed in London in 1910. Nottingham, the little city that could, expanded it's borders and influence in 1921! (It is unknown if a certain theatre's actress's rumored affair with an important Member of Parliament had anything to do with that. But London building Broadway in 1925 raises questions...) York continued to demonstrate the definition of powerhouse with the completion of the Ironworks in 1929. Not to be outdone, Barcelona and London followed with Rock and Roll and the UN respectively within a decade of York's accomplishment. It was obvious that Our Beloved Queen would be elected Secretary General by any intelligent person; the voting was a mere formality. News of this was spread to the world with the construction of the Eiffel Tower in York the following year, 1941. Our Illustrious and Most Wise Leader would bestow Free Religion and Speech upon Her People 6 years later, an event commemorated by the first movie to come out of Hollywood in York in 1949.

[Had a couple of cities have problems with starvation during this time as pop growth overwhelmed the ability to provide food for them. Also had to turn up the culture a bit as my eastern border with Russia began losing a few squares here and there to Peter. Always the gentleman, he didn't complain when I took them back :-) Despite high culture, never did get the Indian cities in the new world to flip to me. ]

The second most important event in English history, after of course the birth of Our Royal Majesty, was the completion of the Apollo Project in London in 1954, establishing London's legendary status the very next year.

[My first legendary city :-) Would loved to have went for my first cultural victory ever, but got started down that road too late this game, perhaps the next. Must spread religions faster]

Following the advice of the Queen, I began shifting city production in both England and the Colonies to to space craft parts over the next 60 years. Asoka completes his own Apollo Project in 1970, encouraging me to use Brunel to hurry the Space Elevator, completed in Chinook in 1983. Ironic, as we finally get access to our first oil reserves in 1980 and would not actually construct an airplane until 1995. A few more Wonders would be constructed about the Empire over the next decade until the Greatest Wonder of All was completed in 2011, Her Majesty's Star Ship Unity, ensuring that England would go forth into the future forever.

In honor of Our Queen, Her Royal Majesty Victoria, this report is filed by Your Most Humble Servant, Prince Albert.

[Very fun game, think I'm ready to graduate to the next difficulty level :-) I managed to get all techs and start on Future Tech in 2006, although I never finished it before launching. Tried several times to get a Diplomatic Victory, but Peter kept abstaining :-( Got Scotland Yard and the Internet in the last decade, just filling in time while the ship parts came in. Thanks for a very fun game, and now the difficult decision which adventure to work on next with my limited free time...]

[Image: adv12011ad-oldworlda.jpg]
England and the Old World at the end of the game. England's control extends nearly to the edges of the illuminated area.

[Image: adv12011ad-newworlda.jpg]
Victoriana Colonies at end game. As seen on the mini map, the foreign cities' influence in the New World was minimal.

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