I've posted an analysis of MOO technologies at My Webpage. Rather than examine each tech one at a time, I sort by field and then by function, which is in my view the best way to think of the technologies.
In most cases, we're looking at a handful of concepts with multiple upgrades, where later versions work the same as earlier versions, but cheaper, faster, or better. My analysis deals with the core concepts in a package I hope players both new and old will find insightful. I also hope this will ease the learning curve for new players making the jump from "learning how to play" into "figuring out strategy", perhaps even give folks enough information to be able to make choices in the first Imperium game with at least some confidence, and a place to refer back to (in addition to the game's manual, which is actually quite helpful) for some guidance.
I've also posted a reference for keyboard commands.
- Sirian
In most cases, we're looking at a handful of concepts with multiple upgrades, where later versions work the same as earlier versions, but cheaper, faster, or better. My analysis deals with the core concepts in a package I hope players both new and old will find insightful. I also hope this will ease the learning curve for new players making the jump from "learning how to play" into "figuring out strategy", perhaps even give folks enough information to be able to make choices in the first Imperium game with at least some confidence, and a place to refer back to (in addition to the game's manual, which is actually quite helpful) for some guidance.
I've also posted a reference for keyboard commands.
- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.