(April 21st, 2015, 09:50)Commodore Wrote: Commodore is Varn Gosam of the Malakim
I don't think he has any EitB changes at all. Spi/Cre(adaptive), lightbringers, worldspell that gives free Priests are the main ones. Desert lions, tower of light,
Sun/Life/something(enchantment?). Hero too late to matter.
The religions have been switched up considerably so you probably want to 'pedia-dive for them. Or look at the v9 changelog.
Quote:HidingKneel is Auric Ulvin of the Illians
He's now Arcane/Charismatic/Agnostic instead of his previous traits.
Ice/Enchantment/Law mana
Ice tiles produce 2 food for the Illians
Temple of the Hand: building, available at Mysticism, converts all tiles within 2 of the city to Ice. Jungles become forests, rivers disappear, resources stay.
Winterborn: All units get +10% Str on ice and tundra tiles
Letum Frigus: if Illians are the first to enter this, they get the Aggressive trait for free.
Priests of Winter: a 268h ritual that gives you three Str. 7 units who start with Ice I/Channelling II, available at Philosophy. Nearly the earliest summoners in the game, also the soonest you can get Str. 7, but only three and never more.
The Deepening: an expensive ritual, deepish in the tree, converts about 2/3 of the world to tundra and ice, wears off very slowly.
Stasis: opponents have no production for the duration (9 turns IIRC), equivalent to being in Anarchy. Illians get a golden age.
Minor stuff includes their hero, high strength champion at iron working, eventual ability to create Str. 21 Dragon, eventual ability to create Str. 50 God. All really cool stuff, but usually the game is over by the time they can get there.
Quote:Kragroth is Ethne the White of the Elohim
Not sure, Elohim have been changed recently and I haven't caught up on what's new.
Quote:Bob is Tasunke of the Hippus
I think the Hippus are unchanged from FFH. Mana is Air/Nature, plus Horses from the palace, Tasunke is Agg/Raiders, all horse units get +1 move/+10% withdrawal, if he builds the Guild of the Nine his mercenaries are Mounted Mercenaries. Worldspell is Warcry, which grants a promotion to all current units that is +1 Str/+1 Move / Blitz, 5% chance to wear off each turn.
Simplest of your opponents. You just have to figure out how to deal with 5-move Str 5 Aggressive Commando horsemen, and you're golden
Quote:Ellimist is Hannah the Irin of the Lanun
Water/Chaos/Air mana
No direct changes to the civ, but indirectly the water buildings have all been buffed.
Water starts at 2 food, up to three with lighthouse
All ships get +1 move
They can build pirate ports on coast tiles, must be three tiles apart minimum. Improvement which starts as +2 commerce, grow up to +2 Food/+2 Hammer/+4 Commerce
Worldspell is 75% damage to all coastal units in the world.
Boarding Party instead of Champion: -1Str, amphibious, can capture boats
Two heroes: Guybrush Threepwood is a boarding party. The Black Wind is a pirate ship. Neither is generally that important.
Quote:Ichabod is Sandalphon of the Sidar
Not sure, I think they've been changed recently.