Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Civ 6 SP: Adventure One 
Civ 4 MP: PBEM74B [3/4] PBEM74D [3/4]
-Dedlurker: PB34

Guys you know that I actually wanted to change the title and the OP once I came back home ? Now I have to keep them nono

To talk about the game a little, I was planning a liberty (or is it freedom in the english version ?) game into either Oracle or Great Library. It will of course depend on the starting spot.

Now the civs. Polynesia I don't want to play. France is interesting because of the Castel which is a nice improvement if you actually have spots to build it on. Also the Musketman is not useless. But for now I'm leaning Rome. Not as good as my first two preferences (Japan and Russia) but still good.

Here is your starting screenshot. The goodie huts will be reshuffled. Indonesian colors signify nothing.


Thanks Chumchu.

Shit all those dyes are luxury resources, that means I have the possibility for a billion castels. How can I turn them down for a bonus on constructing buildings ?

Also, this is a food poor cap, do I want to move to the PH near the fish if my warrior finds more food there on the first turn ?

Choices everywhere !

I took a better look at the bonuses for Rome and France. Rome gets me a +25% for constructing buildings that I already built in my cap, gets me a small boost to my swordsmen and a nice boost to my catapults, while France gives me a boost to my cap's great works (pretty useless), a boost to my muskets and a nice improvement that I can already build 9 of from what I see in the starting screenshot. The choice is therefore between : better early game military + more infrastructure vs castels + playing as my own country (as Ichabod did last time).

My feeling is that cats and swords are not very important. 25% bonus for buildings I have in my cap is a lot, but it means I can't really build wonders there as I'll be mostly building every possible building. As France it would be the opposite : I'll build wonders like Parthenon, and others with great work slots in Paris. I'll rush the tech for castels and build as many as I can.

Because HAK and Nicolae haven't revealed their civ I'll think about it some more.

Quick question Chumchu : why is that fish 3f instead of 2f ?

Ok I made a test game as Rome and I noticed a few things. First the legion is not as meh as it looked. It can build roads, and comes at a time when your workers want to be doing many different things including connecting all cities. Second the ballista is indeed reasonably good. Third the bonus on buildings is going to help newfound cities immensely. Fourth the pantheon that gives +2 culture per dye is going to be great on this start.
I'm choosing Rome !

3 food means fresh water lake fish.

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