Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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USWest Mules

Mules open to all - Refreshed 10/Sept/2016
Password = rbd

All that I ask is you replace the items when you don't need them anymore, and, don't fill them with junk (that's my job lol).

Not much in the mules yet in terms of high end loots since I have only played a couple of weeks and McTyraelGal was still in Act2 Hell.
There is a RavenClaw or 2, if you know what that is for.
PonyExpress6 account is for higher end stuff

Gem, Rune, Unique, Uni, Jewel, Bling, Charm, ChippyHippy

Zon, Pal, Druid, Sorc, Nec, Baba, Ass, TheWords

SockArmor, WhiteArmor, SockWeap, UniWeap, UniBow, NoReal, UniArmor, UniAromr

Boots, ThrowAways, Gloves, Hats, TShirts, DiceAndSlice, BowMule, ChipRunes

OrphanSaz, NajSanders, AldurHwanin, TrangDisciple, NatHeaven, MavinaGriswold, ImmortalRasha
Complete sets:
Heaven's Brethen
Naj's Ancient Vestige
Wilhelm's Pride

ArcClegDeathTan, ZerkIsenCatHsar, AngelVidaMila, InfArcanaCivIra, Sigon, CrushPMHBleed, SockWeapII

Bluntz(unique mace), TenFootPolez(unique poles), MakeStixFly(unique bow), Henckels(unique swords), GiorgioArmany(unique armor), LouisVuitoon(unique accessories), Tiffani(unique jewelery), SingleWhiteMule (white weapons)


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