(January 7th, 2017, 15:16)RefSteel Wrote:(January 7th, 2017, 03:56)Jeff Graw Wrote: Keep in mind that I'm a devil's advocate by nature, so when someone proposes a rule I'm compelled to try and poke holes in it
Now, who does that remind me of? It's on the tip of my tongue, probably someone who yammers on and on about all the things that might go wrong with crit mechanics or something, dunno, I'll think of it eventually...
I enjoyed your comments on overcrowding and non-sentinent wildlife. Here are some others. Poke away.
Cross Ladder Research
Cross-ladder research: Some techs could appear in multiple tech areas depending on race. The conditions would be:
1) The tech would have been generated in its original tech ladder already, and then have x% chance to appear in the alternate. Maybe 50%?
2) If a player researches the tech in the alternate field, it does not increase the (max) tech level of the original or alternate field, even if it is the highest device in that field so far. It does increase the original tech field level by 1.
3) The tech level (and rungs) are not changed when completing research on an alt-tech. If the alt-tech was the only option in the original ladder rung, a new rung is displayed in the original field (but tech level not changed until the original field completes its OWN project).
For example, Sakkra could find "Improved robotic controls K" showing up in their planetology ladder. The (rough) logic being that the species needs to adapt as much as the factory does for controlling multiple factories.
Meklar could discover terraforming technology in their computer field.
Alkari could discover ship deflector shield technology in their propulsion ladder.
Mrrshan could discover armor technology in their weapons field (hey, you gotta shoot those test weapons at something!).
I love the random tech ladders of MoO1. This toggelable mod would add some more variety to some races. These are buffs for the most part as their is no drawback to having an alt-tech showing up in a ladder. You can just ignore it and research it in its original field. Because of the requirement that the tech must be present in the original ladder, we are not adding more tech options--just 2 different ways to get a tech that would have been there anyways.
The ability to see future rungs in a field's tech ladder. You cannot actually research those options yet but you know what will be available later in the game. This can be given as a racial attribute and vary by depth of future rungs or even preset rungs. Mrrshan can always see 3 weapon rungs into the future perhaps. Maybe Meklar start by knowing what their final 5 rungs of Computers will be. Maybe Psilons start knowing the first 2 rungs of every field (but still must research the first rung first).
This effect could also be attached to discovering an artifacts-type planet or some sort of galaxy-wide GNN event.
I think some races could have bonuses/penalties implemented through how they interact with planetary sliders.
Psilons, due to peaceful nature, do not want a planet's sole purpose to be building ships. Therefore, ship building can only make up 80% of a planet's output. The rest must be spent on research/industry/defense/terraforming. (This is nerf to ultra rich's for sure. Psilon war machine will have to get more individual planets involve in ship making).
Alkari: Learn by doing. 15% of resources spent on ships slider is added to research slider for that planet. The alkari are obsessed with ships and they even get to push scientific progress forward by building them.
Mrrshan: Military Industrial Complex. 75% of defense slider (missiles and shields) is added to industry slider. If factories are maxed this results in 'free tax payer money' by Industry funneling straight to planetary reserves.
Meklar: Economy of Scale. Industry slider cannot go below 10%. However, any allocation to Industry sees an additional 20% return. For example, a slider at 50% would receive an additional (50)*.2 = 10% towards industry. This makes Meklar the most efficient factory builders but hurts them slightly when factory construction is finished. (The 10% required would then feed into planetary resources--but would arguably be better spent on ships/research).
Less Risk/Reward spying
Either darlok specific or more general. I've thought the binary reward system from spying meant the penalties were also harsh. Unfortunately this is less of a mod and changes how spying works at a lower level.
Failed attempts at spying may result in adding that particular tech to your ladder (stealing blueprints) so that your scientists can research it later. Less failed attempts may add RP towards that particular tech, after 3-4 partial attempts you may accumulate enough RP on it through espionage to complete it.
Some racial traits, perhaps customizable (ei moo2)
Bulrathi ground combat bonus gets swamped by tech later on. This approach would cap the enemy's tech ground combat bonus to whatever the Bulrathi TECH bonus is. This does not include the bulrathi racial bonus or defender bonus. In other words, no matter the tech situation, Bulrathi would always have the upper hand. Essentially, Bulrathi are able to completely ignore ground combat tech and rely on brute strength.
Mrrshan spies use their WEAPON tech level for spying rolls instead of Computer tech level. Mrrshan piss everyone off anyways. Might as well give them a spying bonus to use while fighting.
Sakkra get overcrowded planets (mentioned in other thread).