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Game report: Troll Sorcerer

Setup: Impossible, Max Power, Huge land
Wizard: 6x Sorcery (Resist Magic, Floating Island, Guardian Wind, Phantom Warriors, Focus Magic) + Myrran + Warlord + Specialist + Sage Master

1) Build my economy steadily.
2) Locate a good adamantium or mithril site for producing a doom stack as soon as possible.
3) Go to war with all AIs more or less immediately upon meeting them, but without going for fortress strikes. Instead, I'll be going for their outposts and trying to hamper their expansion while boosting my own.
4) Push heavily for settlers at all times, especially in contested regions. City development will have lower priority.

10 pop, +91% production, 2x Quork, 1x Gold, 1x Mithril, 1x Orihalcon! Also, I'm already seeing a neutral city to the north west of me.

Okay, I actually managed to get my ass whooped early in this one smile I overexpanded against a nearby AI and he pulled the trigger on turn 25, taking out an outpost and a neutral city I'd taken. I'm going to start over on this one and accept miserable defeat, I'll be more cautious against nearby AIs next game. It's difficult to get used to not having an overpowered start!

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