Epic Four: Always War
Sponsor: Sullla
Opening Date: Sunday, July 23rd
Duration: Six Weeks
Map Script: Pangaea
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Emperor
Civilization & Leader: Bismark of Germany
World Size: Small
Opponents: Five
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any
Version: Fourth Patch (including Aztecs)
We return to one of the most famous and challenging variants in Civilization history: Always War. You must declare war immediately with all leaders upon making first contact, and may never sign peace with them for the rest of the game. Until you control all of the earth or are wiped from the earth, there will always be war without end. Note that this includes declaring war upon all city states and staying in conflict with them for the duration as well.
Scoring: None. Your goal is to survive, and all victory conditions are on the table.
Honorable Mentions will be handed out for the following achievements:
* First (among participating players, by turn number) to capture an enemy city.
* Most cities controlled on Turn 200.
* First to eliminate an enemy civilization (city states do not count).
* Unit with the highest experience total at game's end.
The Honorable Mentions are optional, and you may choose or not choose to pursue them at your discretion.
Closing Date: Monday, September 4th. Game results must be posted within 48 hours of the game's closing date. Note that this is an official Epics event, which means NO SPOILERS about your game while playing. Do not post information about your game while it is in play, or afterwards until the finish date. The time to post reports will be on the closing day, where everyone will share the results of their individual games. The Epics are Single Player events, and we take the no spoilers rule seriously. Good luck!
Starting Savegame File
Sponsor: Sullla
Opening Date: Sunday, July 23rd
Duration: Six Weeks
Map Script: Pangaea
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Emperor
Civilization & Leader: Bismark of Germany
World Size: Small
Opponents: Five
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any
Version: Fourth Patch (including Aztecs)
We return to one of the most famous and challenging variants in Civilization history: Always War. You must declare war immediately with all leaders upon making first contact, and may never sign peace with them for the rest of the game. Until you control all of the earth or are wiped from the earth, there will always be war without end. Note that this includes declaring war upon all city states and staying in conflict with them for the duration as well.
Scoring: None. Your goal is to survive, and all victory conditions are on the table.
Honorable Mentions will be handed out for the following achievements:
* First (among participating players, by turn number) to capture an enemy city.
* Most cities controlled on Turn 200.
* First to eliminate an enemy civilization (city states do not count).
* Unit with the highest experience total at game's end.
The Honorable Mentions are optional, and you may choose or not choose to pursue them at your discretion.
Closing Date: Monday, September 4th. Game results must be posted within 48 hours of the game's closing date. Note that this is an official Epics event, which means NO SPOILERS about your game while playing. Do not post information about your game while it is in play, or afterwards until the finish date. The time to post reports will be on the closing day, where everyone will share the results of their individual games. The Epics are Single Player events, and we take the no spoilers rule seriously. Good luck!
Starting Savegame File