Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Adventure 5 - Kylearan's report


yeah right, there I am, waiting for the new patch for weeks, then finally a new Adventure starts that ends when the patch will be out. I think, sure, that'll probably take some more weeks, and go on vacation for some days after I had played half the game. And what do I see when I come back Monday evening? It's report day already! eek

So I hurry to finish the game, paying a lot less attention to details than I had wanted to, and make it in time. Space victory in 1882AD.

I will post some kind of report during the next days. I had planned to make an unusual report about this game, but seeing that Epic 2 has started already, I think I will do this for a later Epic/Adventure and do only a brief summary for this one.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider


I've found some time to write a short summary what happened in my game.

Again, I got two techs from tribal villages: The Wheel, and Masonry. Don't know why I'm so lucky in that regard...but I did not pop any resources in this game, so that's fair I guess. wink I built a worker right out of the gate and started with researching Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, to speed up the growth curve of my capital. After the worker, I built warrior-warrior-settler-warrior-settler, then built lots of wonders in Berlin: Pyramids, Parthenon, Oracle, Hanging Gardens, Great Library, ... Inbetween, I chop-rushed a second worker, then sped up the first three wonders by chopping lots of forests.

The two settlers boxed in Saladin, whom I quickly found and did not sign open borders with for some time. One of my two cities built archers, the other settlers, and I quickly filled my eastern half of the landmass with cities. Several great people were generated - I used the prophets to found Christianity and Confucianism, incidentally in the same city (Yay!), and for the two shries, and used the great scientists to construct academies in my science cities. The rest were saved for later.

I wanted Saladin's lands, but had no metal - but I didn't want to wait until grenadiers/riflemen as well. Thanks to RB13 - Collateral Carnage, I know about the power of catapults in large quantities now, so I rushed to Construction and built a stack of those. City Raider catapults against archers are a bloodbath, and I quickly conquered Saladin until he had only one city left, at which time he finally had longbows. That last city was on a hill too, so I had to bring in reinforcements and lost several catapults capturing that one last city, but in the 15th century, Saladin was no more.

After Construction, I made a semi-beeline to Optics to build Caravels to contact the other AIs. Mao and Huayna were slightly ahead of me in tech, but I traded to parity again, and when my cottage-heavy lands bloomed and Wall Street got built in my city with the two shrines, I easily pulled ahead. I had inherited another shrine and an academy from Saladin which did help, too. I was able to run 90% science in the end, producing over 3000 beakers per turn.

Beelined to cheap Universities and whipped them. Discovered Liberalism first, took Astronomy as my free tech, and whipped Observatories. (Actually, I whipped all kinds of buildings in this game, and only switched to Emancipation in the early 19th century). Mao discovered Economics first though, but the free scientist from Physics fell to me again.

I had converted to Christianity in the beginning for happiness, but right when tension started to build up because of this, I switched over to Free Religion and so everybody liked me in the end thanks to some trading and giving in to demands.

I had three golden ages, one with the Taj Mahal, and later two more with great people I had saved up for the end-game (I think I had 12 great people overall, not counting the free ones from techs). I remained in Representation the whole game, in the beginning because of the extra happiness, in the end because of the extra research from the specialists (some of them coming from the Statue of Liberty).

I founded two cities on the northern island. Unfortunately, I started to replace towns with workshops too late (I was in quite a hurry to finish this game!), so in the end my launch date was pushed back because of my lack of production. I managed to research two Future Techs before launching, something that shouldn't happen normally...

Launch date was 1882AD, with the AIs being an age or so behind.

If there's interest, I will upload some pictures of my empire during different stages of the game tomorrow.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Congrats on the early finish - 1882 is pretty quick on Prince with no aluminium. It appears the key was the early conquest of Saladin with catapults.

super impressive! I'd be interested in screens, if you've got any! Once again, you amaze me as a player ~


And here you got the player you were looking for - Kylearan went to Happy Little Wonderland™ like me. And he killed Saladin off quick with Catapults. Seems that would have been the right approach to it...

Come not to me again: but say to Athens,
Timon hath made his everlasting mansion
Upon the beached verge of the salt flood;
Who once a day with his embossed froth
The turbulent surge shall cover: thither come,
And let my grave-stone be your oracle.
Lips, let sour words go by and language end:
What is amiss plague and infection mend!
Graves only be men's works and death their gain!
Sun, hide thy beams! Timon hath done his reign.

(Act V, Scene I)

Too true ~ I KNEW i blew it w/the wonders smile

my fav line:
Quote:So I hurry to finish the game, paying a lot less attention to details than I had wanted to
1882 (i think the best finish time) was Ky NOT paying attention ~ I need lessons ~

Grats, Ky, that date is impressive with no Aluminium. Or coal, for that matter.


Bezhukov Wrote:Grats, Ky, that date is impressive with no Aluminium. Or coal, for that matter.
No coal? Whoops, seems like I did pop a resource after all. As I said, I played the end-game in a hurry and suddenly remembered that I had to wake up my workers to build railroads in the late 18th century, and when I did this, I had coal. Looks like it popped without me noticing the message - I had assumed it had been there all the time. crazyeye

I did not build the iron works though.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Wow - I popped nothing the whole game - even wasted several turns going for fission early thinking I could build nuke plants. rolleye

Ended up just settling for Three Gorges, but couldn't pop an Engineer for the life of me so it only saved a few turns on the ship.

Bezhukov Wrote:Wow - I popped nothing the whole game - even wasted several turns going for fission early thinking I could build nuke plants. rolleye

Heh, I actually built myself a Coal Plant and was queueing up the next couple before I realised! Then of course I proceeded to do the same with a Nuclear Plant! <Sigh>

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