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[SPOILERS] Cornflakes vs. TheArchduke

My first duel, and first Civ6 MP game! (One Civ4 PBEM & Pitboss under my belt several years ago) So a little bit on my thoughts for the civ selection this game:

1. I was strongly considering Russia as the civ pick. I think that they are incredibly strong even not considering the cossacks later on. However I expect this game to be decided one way or another before cossacks come into play. ... Since TheArchduke ended up picking Russia it is definitely my goal to end this game before they enter the world stage!
2. I knew that TheArchduke knew that Russia is a strong civ after the showing in PBEM 2, and thus I strongly suspected that he might go for Russia. Thus if I picked Russia we would end up crossing that off and going for 2nd choices. 
3. I didn't really want to play Russia this game, and as I was looking through the options for other civs to counter Russia as TheArchduke's pick I realized that a duel against Russia would be the perfect place to showcase Arabia. I verified that there are indeed 2 religions allowed on a Duel sized map. With TheArchduke picking Russia with the half priced 2X GProphet production Lavra's it's almost certain that he will go for a religion. With Arabia's ability to automatically get the last prophet, I could rely on TheArchduke to build the early Holy Site and thus get a discount on mine, and then once I see the GProphet counter start I know I have X number of turns to build my own HS in time for the free prophet to land. Thus I can go for an earlier district of some other type (probably Campus since Arabia gets science bonuses)

Tech path generally will be targeting Education for the unique building. Civics path will be generally targetting Monarchy for the production card for the UU. Rough victory conditions in mind from T1 are either a Mamluk invasion with goal to storm the capital and ignore most of the rest of the empire, or religious victory. To the end of Religious victory, I probably won't take Jesuit education saving the faith for religious units.

My thoughts on the first 25 or so turns have evolved since my previous posts in the start of Japper007's PBEM4 thread. I still don't think that early builder is the way to go, but now I'm thinking that early Monumant has great value. Here are some of the options:

•  For builder vs. monument comparison, the production cost is the same 60 cogs. The 3 improvements from the builder save a lump sum of 20 culture from the civics boost. So monument first pays back the 20 culture in 10 turns. Half the time, there aren't 3 tiles at the capital where improvements are readily beneficial anyway so a third of the builder is wasted on an unused mine, or the boost is delayed until the 2nd city is planted. Building a monument first speeds along Craftsmanship as much or more than a builder first, which in turn saves cogs on the first builder as well as military through the policy cards which it unlocks. Also with only 1 contienent the Foreign Trade boost will be impossible. Therefore early culture will be even more valuable in jumping out ahead of the competition. Add too this the fact that an early builder REQUIRES earlier military presence to protect improvements from the barbs and possible opponent pillaging.

•  Early settler ... Settler as a 1st build is a no-go (not even possible until the capital reaches size 2). As a 2nd build I think it only makes sense with Warrior as first build to ensure it can be safely escorted. Warrior > Settler used to be my preferred start, however the 2nd city has been rather underwhelming in it's benefits. What does an early 2nd city provide, as compared to growing the capital early? Essentially it provides free yields from the city center, and cheaper food cost to growth (i.e. the cost to grow pop #2 at the 2nd city is much less than the cost to grow pop #4 at the capital). Food however is the red-headed step child of Civ6 yields. It is necessary for grown, but has rapidly diminishing returns as the city growth costs scale exponentially and the housing penalties cut the yields dramatically. I think the food inefficiency is more than made up in cogs saved by waiting until the capital grows to size 6, triggering the boost for the +50% settler production policy card.
•  Early military ... without an early builder or settler to protect, the only value in early military is for exploration. Barbs aren't an issue for the capital, wandering barbs won't be  able to capture an un-defended capital, and by the time the barbs build a full attack force of 2 warriors + 1 slinger I have time to slot in military as 2nd or 3rd builds with the Agoge policy.

•  Early district ... I think that an early Campus has enough value to consider going campus before settler. For one thing there is the lump sum culture from the boost. Considering science, a +2 adjacency campus provides nearly the same yield as a size 3 city at 0.7S/pop.

If there are 3 tiles that can be mined/quaried that will all actually be worked, then moving the builder up probably makes sense as the cog payback time would then be relatively quick. Anyway, this is about all that can be done before seeing the map.

Opening the save I see:


banghead banghead This is actually after moving the warrior ... not exactly what I want to see in a start ... ok who am I kidding, this is a terrible start. Poor food at best, and not even fresh water! And with that desert to the north and desert mountain to the northeast, it doesn't look promising. I'm going to move the settler to the desert tile to hopefully reveal some fresh water and food:


eek This start just got exponentially better! Turns out the desert tile where the settler stands is actually fresh water due to an oasis! Horses in sight and hold on, a natural wonder! Looks like a pretty good one too. Pass the save and now time to decide whether to settle in place? Maybe the horses?

Settling in place gives much better production in the long term, while settling on Horses puts Yosemite tiles 1st and 2nd ring. I think I have to go for the horse settle.

I disagree with you on virtually every one of your early game theorycrafting points, which are largely based around going "Tall" with the capital early in the game. However, for that very reason, I'm extremely interested to see how your start plays out to see if you've discovered some ideas that I've missed. lol Good luck, I'll be reading along on your start with interest.
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(October 27th, 2017, 19:02)Sullla Wrote: I disagree with you on virtually every one of your early game theorycrafting points, which are largely based around going "Tall" with the capital early in the game. However, for that very reason, I'm extremely interested to see how your start plays out to see if you've discovered some ideas that I've missed.  lol Good luck, I'll be reading along on your start with interest.

I'm interested to see how it works out too! I've only played through the first 40 or so turns of a start and it looked good at that point, but I don't know how it will compare long term vs. getting out an early 2nd city.

I ended up settling on the horse:


It's ugly but I think long term it'll be good. Does anyone know if an oasis can be farmed? I've got a couple of hills to the southwest for production, looks like long term that wheat is a good candidate for harvesting and replacing with an industrial zone. That citrus will be an amazing tile once the border pops! I think I can squeeze enough food out to grow this to size 10 for the eureka. The first GScientist is XXX for 3 random classical/medieval eurekas, so not that great.

This start is also an ideal example to go without an early builder. I suspect the two Citrus will be the first tiles acquired by border pops, and those require irrigation. And then where would I put the 3rd improvement for the eureka? Mine the hill which probably won't be worked early game? Hold it for the 2nd city and thus delay the eureka a bit? The only reason I would want the Citrus is for the amenity to alleviate the yield malus in a larger city.

One big downside to this start is that there isn't a good campus adjacency location frown which means I need to decide whether I really want to spend those early hammers on a campus. The only other early district option is Holy Site. If I plant a holy site adjacent to the natural wonder, can I still get the +1 science yield from assigning a citizen to a Shrine? Early holy site is not nearly as useful for me since I get the free prophet anyway. I may need to re-think going for an early district.

(October 28th, 2017, 08:52)Cornflakes Wrote: Early holy site is not nearly as useful for me since I get the free prophet anyway. I may need to re-think going for an early district.

Early encampment ?

The Holy Site would not provide a science yield...all tile yields are removed when a district is placed.

(October 29th, 2017, 03:13)AdrienIer Wrote: Early encampment ?

That is another option, however the eureka for that requires killing 3 barbs which I doubt will happen before I get a couple of units out. What I actually meant by "early" is "VERY early" as in maybe a 3rd build before any additional military. In about 10 more turns I will have enough gold to buy an emergency unit, and since TheArchduke went Scout first as evidenced by his military score I'm safe from an early rush.


Met Buenos Aires early, which for my planned tall early building / later military is nice. TheArchduke appeared out of the east last turn, and started moving counter clockwise around my capital this turn. This is good news as far as first-to-city-states since his warrior will be out of position along coastline for some turns now.

The tile my warrior is standing on looks good for a tentative 2nd city site. I'll need to decide next turn whether I'm going to proceed with early Holy Site or go Warrior > Settler after the Monument completes. Right now my tentative build order after Monument is Granary (necessary for early growth to size 6) > Holy Site > Warrior (maybe buy the builder on the turn the warrior completes).

No early barb troubles, the one scout shown appeared by Buenos Aires and spotted them, and I can't see the camp so I should be safe from them for a while. I'm thinking E > NE for next scout movements.


Working max food to grow ASAP. TheArchduke has 2 faith per turn, indicating a religious city state. Culture and science are still as expected from base yields. I didn't check his gpt. Military score as shown is 30, indicating Scout start.

He declared war and fortified on the Citrus. Unlike Civ4 however, citizens are still allowed to work tiles that are occupied in Civ6. I decided to bring the warrior home rather than continuing exploration abroad. The monument completed and I continued with the Granary as next build. Shows 9T, but I’ll get a couple extra production once the city grows and whenever Code of Laws completes. No need for more military at this point, there’s nothing TheArchduke can do to hurt me at present with his warrior.

Once Agoge is in, I’ll build Slinger first, use my warrior to trap his warrior with zone of control, and get the Archery eureka by killing his warrior.

Turn 17:


TheArchduke continued exploring rather than sit around, so I sent my warrior off to the east towards where he came from. Off in the east you can see city on the radar. I think timing will be about right to investigate and then return to the capital in time to sit on the Holy Site when it completes to protect it from pillaging. Barb scout visible in west. I can see the camp in the fog. Good source for the 3 barb kills and barb camp eurekas. TheArchduke is still at 30 MilStrength. Based on score he is also size 3 with 1 tech complete.


Granary finished in 2. I marked the holy site location. The growth counter lies, I adjusted a citizen so now working max food with the three +3 tiles and factoring in the Granary I should grow in 4 turns. I haven't worked the holy site tile much, thus I decided it was worth it to give up that tile for the HS. Craftsmanship in 7. I think the timing will work out pretty good for the HS. Might have Agoge in place 1-2 turns before it is needed depending on how long it takes to complete the HS.

I'm planning to swap to Agoge + keep Urban planning. I'll build military for 10 turns until Foreign Trade completes, I should be able to knock out 1 warrior + 2 Slingers. Then 2 builders with Ilkum + Discipline, and by the time the builders complete I should have Early Empire in place for the settler card. Growth looks to be on pace to hit size 6 in time for the needed eureka.

Wait, in looking at the screenshot again I just noticed the crab is red in the southeast ... and is it covered in culture?! That might be TheArchduke, and if so he is VERY close indeed! I didn't see this unfortunately until after playing the nest turn, so my warrior is a bit out of position now. I moved it NE to the marsh, mis-reading the faint-green coastal overlay and thinking I saw a small freshwater lake there.

Why does that crab have culture, but the desert hill and grassland to the N/NW not colored RED on settler lens? All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ring tiles around a city get RED, therefore the crab must be 3rd ring ... but why would TheArchduke buy a 3rd ring crabs???

On another note if that is indeed TheArchduke it looks like he has a poor spawn indeed down on the far south sandwiched between coast and a freshwater lake
EDIT this is false. Upon loading the next turn I verified that there is in fact no culture on those Crabs. What I was actually seeing in the screenshot is an artifact of the settler overlay combined with the break between fogged and un-fogged tiles.

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