With OSG31 having ended in victory for lizard-kind and the XCOM Long War SG finally reaching a successful conclusion, I found myself with some free gaming time. I was in the mood for more MoO, so I decided to look at playing some of the old Imperia and writing shadow reports. (shallow_thought has since sponsored Imperium 45, which looks like a lot of fun, so now I am busy again.
) I went back to the very beginning and Imperium 1, sponsored by Sirian back in April 2004.
'Off to a Flying Start' features the Alkari in a medium galaxy, average difficulty, no special variant rules. Should be a nice, gentle introduction -- I could use a nice, straight-forward game to just relax and enjoy some MoO. Right?
By 2351 I was colonizing my fifth world. The Silicoids have...eleven.
The rocks are going wild, and may beat me to the northeastern portion of the galaxy; they already own the entire north central. And oh yes, all three of our racial enemies (Mrrshan, Sakkra, and Klackons) are present in this galaxy. Plus the Meklar, who as usual have a scary big fleet.
Surely I am not going to lose this game...it is just average. Right?
Would have to crawl into a hole and disappear from shame if that happens. So I better get to work. Shadow report to be posted once I finish playing.

'Off to a Flying Start' features the Alkari in a medium galaxy, average difficulty, no special variant rules. Should be a nice, gentle introduction -- I could use a nice, straight-forward game to just relax and enjoy some MoO. Right?
By 2351 I was colonizing my fifth world. The Silicoids have...eleven.

Surely I am not going to lose this game...it is just average. Right?

Would have to crawl into a hole and disappear from shame if that happens. So I better get to work. Shadow report to be posted once I finish playing.