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Starting location

Starting location pretty much has two possible ways to affect.

1. By limiting what the game considers acceptable when picking locations for the capitals. We have limited options here because the game freezes and fails the map generation if the map does not have enough good spots to fill all requirements at once for every wizard.
In particular, we can have the "max pop" and the "distance from other wizards" appear here and nothing else (the rest are obviously needed restrictions such as "must be on land").
With the newest - not yet released - update, the system changes so that the game drops the food and wizard distance requirements simultaneously if a higher requirement cannot be fulfilled in a certain amount of tries. (30000)
We need to discuss what the lowest acceptable amount for these two (enemy distance and food) is.
We also need to discuss how the correlation between the two should work - for example for each 2 lower food we drop distance by 1, or for each 1 food, or the other way around, we drop 1 food for 2 distance, etc.
And finally we need to discuss what the starting amounts should be, the amount where the game doesn't even try a higher because we don't expect it to happen or we don't care about it. For example we can say "We don't care to try for 18 food, and are fine with at least 12".
Based on a few experiments, a distance of 16+ is unlikely to happen and I usually get maps with the lowest distances being around 12 on normal and larger maps. On Tiny, even a distance of 6 is not unheard of.

Do note that if placing the cities fails for the lowest amount the game will now move lairs (which don't allow cities next to them for AI reasons) and tries again. So even if the map would end up a successful "6 wizard distance", if we set the minimal distance at 10 it might work, but would take longer to generate until lairs end up in a position where it works out. However, as Nodes and Towers are unmovable, it's also possible that repeated attempts fail as well and the game freezes. I don't know what the highest safe "minimal value" for each stat is. I think food should be safe up to ~10, but distance might not be. If we do want high minimal amounts, we'll need to do some extensive testing to see if it works or not. Also note that the minimal amount, maximal amount and the correlation aren't independent, if we decide on any two, the last one will have to be calculated from that.

2. As discussed in the starting mineral thread, it's in theory possible to make the game check tiles and add or remove minerals after the city was already placed. I believe it's also possible to change terrain itself, as at that time the tiles are still "raw" and not connected which means only the 10-15 basic tile types are used, not the 600+ various subtypes. So if we want any sort of restriction on production, minerals, etc, we need that to apply here. However, this a questionable, as it artificially changes the availability of good or bad starts and would take a huge amount of time for marginal gain. Honestly, as good as it sounds in theory, aside from early rush tactics, nothing else cares about the starting city to this level of detail. Sure, the starting city might not have adamantium, but the first hamlet next to it does, if you plan to strike on turn 90 it makes zero difference. Yes, the starting city matters a bit more, but still I rather start on a pop 4 swamp tundra that has pop 25 half a screen away with 3-4 ores than on something perfectly average. I also think it'll be close to impossible to agree on anything here as some people will ask for a maximal others for a minimal quality in the same or different resources, so I am tempted to just go with "I rather not open this can of worms". More importantly I now see the "[Starting Location] - Unable to improve this due to the order of steps in map generation." entry in the current tasks list which doesn't sound promising. I remember we had some sort of a discussion about it this spring which didn't go very well and concluded on "can't be done", but I don't remember the details. It might have been for some different goal but now I think it probably was the same. So I strongly believe we are better off staying away from trying to add this feature, game balance or not.

Going to get this out of the way since its where our discussion was in the main thread. My guess is 'it can't work due to work/space required' but we'll have it written.

The biggest (and for me only) factor that causes unbalanced starts and therefore compleye restarts is production.

The main problem here is not that I care about getting a production 60 start, its that the difference between a production 60 and production 20 start is huge. (Note I'm talking about starts. Later cities its nice but never nearly as important as the capital. One huge reason is that pop is super low on high prod tiles, which means it takes forever to grow into a hamlet. But starts ignore that balancing factor.)

What this primarily comes down to is the difference between a capital on a shoreline, and a capital in or near a mountain range, and not in sight of a shoreline, let alone an ocean.

Somewhat unrelated, AI (or humans!) without an ocean start can (albeit super rarely) get stuck on an island with no way off.

Is it reasonable to put a starting requiremeng of 'must be on a shoreline' into the starting capitals?

This will generally make capitals worse, in terms of production (which will make all capitals more similar), won't do a huge amount to food (yes they will be a little worse) but will ensure no one can ever get stuck.

(Ideally I'd want no more than 2 ocean tiles per land size as well - 2 on huge, up to 10 on tiny. But that's not super imottant.)

(November 22nd, 2017, 15:59)Nelphine Wrote: Somewhat unrelated, AI (or humans!) without an ocean start can (albeit super rarely) get stuck on an island with no way off.

Is it reasonable to put a starting requiremeng of 'must be on a shoreline' into the starting capitals?

This will generally make capitals worse, in terms of production (which will make all capitals more similar), won't do a huge amount to food (yes they will be a little worse) but will ensure no one can ever get stuck.

(Ideally I'd want no more than 2 ocean tiles per land size as well - 2 on huge, up to 10 on tiny. But that's not super imottant.)

Good idea, but it would be quite a nerf if we don't boost at least shores. Seravy doesn't like the idea of changing terrain but shores providing as little as they do now makes no sense either in reality terms or in comparison with any other 3/4/5x game. 

Related idea. Would it be possible to add ocean resources? Like the super nice civ whale? Too much work?

Quote:Is it reasonable to put a starting requiremeng of 'must be on a shoreline' into the starting capitals?

I'd say no it's not. Shorelines, except for a very few tiles on the map, have poor max population and even production bonuses because half (or more) tiles are shore/ocean. It's like asking for a good starting position that's also adjacent to a large swamp/desert area.

I'm not saying such spots do not exist, but 5 of them that also aren't next to nodes and towers (and at least in 2-3 rerolls to lairs), on the same map, far enough from each other, no, I don't think so. Not even on normal land, let alone dry.

To put this into perspective, here is an imaginary "average" continent, with the suitable areas marked red.

Anything else on the shoreline would have significant water coverage(6-10 tiles), thus bad population and production simultaneously unless most of the land tiles are very high quality such as rivers and sorcery nodes. For simplicity I assume all land tiles are equal. Obviously in reality some other tiles with many rivers would be good and some marked tiles with only deserts would be bad but it's roughly this amount.

Compared to checking for "at least 12 food" which is about half the continent, this is like, 5 times as restrictive as a rough guess. (note that even the marked spots have 3 adjacent water tiles.)

I still don't want shores and oceans to get better. Not even through special resources. I think we had like, the possibility of one more resource but we concluded there is no need for any, pretty much every important resource (gold, power, production, military) is covered by the existing ones so we didn't add more for land tiles.

North pole still prevents shores or oceans from being good. Its not that it'd be impossible, its that units on those tundra tiles cause all kind of wierd bugs, so we have to ensure the human never has a reason to go there.

Can't add new special terrain like a whale - orahilicron used the last slot I think.

Seravy I think you underestimate how many starting spots are on that continent.

Remember, we constantly (even on huge) get starts on islands that are 6x6 squares, often on a coast. On tiny that's about as good as you get.

That means almost every single coast on that continent is a valid starting based on the starts we get today. The only exceptions would be wherever the tundra is. (Heck look at the start location you had in the draconian game you shared. That was terrible, yet still valid.)

Well, if you have the time, feel free to roll a huge map and count how many spots you can find that aren't adjacent to a node, lair, tower, but have a shoreline with a max pop of, let's say, 12 or more? Then do the same on Fair (I think we can ignore Tiny, it has plenty of actually do include Tiny. The land is so limited even losing 2-3 good tiles hurts there. There probably are like 3-7 total on a map even without the shore limitation.)

Then again, I don't really see why "shore" is a better suggestion than "forest", or any other particular important resource. And we definitely can't have more than one, but I suspect even one is far too much to ask for. I mean, we've had generation crash on the "can't be next to a lair" restriction alone ignoring anything else, and we still have that, we can only ask for a reroll of different lair positions a few times - too many is as slow as if the game was we still need something that finds a correct location on at least, 50% of the maps without moving lairs to minimize the chance of having to reroll a lot consecutively.

btw people generally disliked the idea of preventing good starts I believe and shore starts do exactly that indirectly. (or at least, vastly reduce the chance of one. Water tiles can't have ores, don't produce food, and don't have production.)

Agreed. I certainly don't like it, but I don't see a simple way to avoid the 'AI with 6 mountains explodes ahead" issue, which is the same as 'restart game if under 30% production' issue.

At least not without modifying terrain.

Is there anyone else who restarts for below 30% production? I never do that, it's what, a free miner's guild? Find 300 more gold in treasure and you're ahead, it's a minor detail...(well, assuming you do summon things to get treasure. If you don't and rely on city troops, that's a different story. Then it can matter a little but even a gold ore is worth more. 8 gold is as good as 4 hammers while 30% is...well, depends on population but I'd say about 3 hammers for the first turns where it really matters. That actually makes the gold way better as it can be spent anywhere.)
...besides it's not even that you lose the whole 30%, even bad spots tend to have at least 9-18%...

Note the AI that exploded ahead also had several high pop gold/mithril locations right next to it, which probably contributes as much or more to their expansion. So it kinda also proves my point that the capital by itself is only a small (even if significant) fraction of the whole and we can't fix the whole obviously.

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