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[SPOILERS] Cornflakes Duel Vs. Mr. Cairo

Here we go, duel vs. Mr. Cairo

Me, Cornflakes: Persia
Mr. Cairo: Nubia

More thoughts on the civ picks later. For now, just a quick screenshot.


VERY lucky with city state envoys. In the first 10 turns I was first to meet all 4 city states. I'm trying to decide between early holy site and early campus at the mountains. Holy site synergizes  with the unique tile improvement, but Stockholm gave me an incredibly easy quest (Writing eureka) so I'm leaning towards Campus  and a quick Suzerain to go after Hypatia as the first GScientist.

The settler I'm currently building I'm planning to place to the north. The warrior will circle back now to escort the settler. I haven't seen any barbs yet. More thoughts later.

Given the discussion in various threads recently regarding Nubia and their perceived strength I was pretty sure there was a strong chance Mr. Cairo would pick that. In my duel with TheArchduke I'm already playing as Rome and I didn't want another ancient/classical war oriented civ. I settled upon Persia due to their capacity to generate what appears to be profuse amounts of gold and culture. I have never played them in a game so I'm not sure how that will work out in practice.

I anticipate a game-long storm of ranged units from Mr. Cairo, and will need to balance builder mode with military. Fortunately their UU archer on steroids cannot be boosted by a great general. At first glance my Persian Immortal appears to be rather underwhelming. I'm planning to run a test game to see how they work out in practice. The civilopedia (or Wiki?) touts them as sturdy on defense but with lower strength than both horsemen and swordsman from the same era I'm a bit skeptical. On the other hand, I anticipate Mr. Cairo will emphasize his UU and in that case their melee defensive strength matches the Pitati Archer attack. Stay tuned smile

I would like to get the first Great General, but I'm having a hard time restraining my builder mindset looking at the Holy Sites and Theater districts which give cultural adjacency to my unique improvement the Pairidaeza (which I will henceforth call the PAIR since I can't spell it). I want the GG to boost my Immortals/Horsemen to fend off the anticipated archer rush from Mr. Cairo. Tentatively I plan on building an encampment as 2nd district in the 2nd city, and I'm tentatively planning to run Stratigos after reaching Political Philosophy.


Here is my initial plan for the first couple of cities and districts. The city states will create nice buffer zone around my core. I haven't located Mr. Cairo yet, but the land appears to open up more to the east than the west (see below for overview shot of my current exploration, scout will check out the northeast next). I've completed writing now to the point where the Eureka will immediately complete it (had to over-shoot by a bit), tech was swapped to Mining after taking the screenshot. As soon as I meet Mr. Cairo I will build the Campus at my 2nd city. The capital will get out some military after the current builder until Foreign Trade completes, then knock out a builder or two with Ilkum, then military if needed or Holy Site or Commercial district. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally researched Craftsmanship about 80% before remembering that I should have switched off at 50%. At that point I decided to spend the remaining 2 turns to complete it rather than wait 10-15 turns for the builder to complete and improve 3 tiles. On the plus side I have Agoge slotted in already.

I'm debating whether to even build slingers. Hopefully I can get in a good single player game of Persia today to test out the Immortal. If it turns out to be decent, I could potentially skip an early Animal Husbandry + Archery in favor of a deep beeline to Iron Working. In that case I'll only build warriors now for later upgrade. My archers would get slaughtered by Mr. Cairo's 3-move super-powered archers anyway without even getting a chance to strike back. I really need to get either Horsemen or Immortals on the field ASAP. If Immortals turn out to be garbage in my test game then I will beeline Horseback Riding and put up an encampment in the capital + 2nd city ASAP since I only have 1 source or Horse.

I'm planning to purchase a trader at the 2nd city as soon as I complete foreign trade and have enough gold accumulated. Still haven't seen any barbs so I haven't been able to cash in on any encampments. On the other hand I haven't had to worry about fighting them, so on the whole I'd prefer not seeing them early. At some point I will need to kill 3 for the Bronze Working Eureka though.


Some interesting tidbits from my single player game as Persia:
• Upgrade cost from Warrior > Immortal is 100 gold
• Battlecry promotion gave +7 to the Immortal's ranged attack
• Oligarchy gave +4 to the Immortal's ranged attack
• After researching Iron Working I was still able to build warriors and upgrade them to Immortals as long as I did NOT have iron mined. As soon as I mined the iron, the option to build warriors disappeared.

This map has very imbalanced city state locations. I suggest talking with Mr Cairo about restarting.

PM'ed Mr. Cairo and he wants to play on. Got in a good set of turns yesterday!


Pantheon landed, I took Earth Goddess for the +1 Faith based on Appeal. I'm planning to use my faith to clinch the first GGeneral to aid in fighting off the archers, and later on spread Defender of the Faith, and probably Jesuit Education. I'm thinking Defender of the Faith because I plan on playing defensively for the early game while trying to build up a strong cultural and tech lead. My other though rather than Jesuit Education is tech to Theocracy and faith buy an army. Either way, I want to give Earth Goddess a try paired with Persia's unique tile improvement which grants +2 appeal. I think that I can get about 75% of my tiles to charming at +2 or better, which means about 3/4 of my population will be generating faith.


There's a barb! Time to get the Bronze Working Eureka! Looks like it will be just about in time too, I'm planning to go Bronze Working next, and probably follow that up with Iron Working. I want to make sure that I have more than warriors and archers when Mr. Cairo's archers come calling.


Builder at the capital still completes farm even though barb scout is within range. The scout will prioritize reporting to the camp over capturing the builder.


Finally Mr. Cairo met me ... from the west ... not where I was expecting in the east. I'll have to re-think my encampment location, and probably that city location I have penciled in there to the west. I'll need more defensive fortifications to the west rather than the east where I was previously planning. He's got a lot of early military power, I'm definitely going straight to Iron Working. And as confirmed by the score breakdown he only has 1 civic completed so no Agoge slotted in for that military. I'll knock out a few warriors quick now that I'm in Agoge, bump my power up over 100.


Bought the trader as planned. I considered waiting 3 more turns to buy a builder here instead, but I will have Ilkum slotted soon and knock out a couple of builders with the policy boost. Plus this will save a little more gold for the future Immortal upgrades. All gold from here until I get enough for 3-4 upgrades will be dedicated to Immortal upgrades. In defense of a fortified position I was satisfied with the Immortal's performance in my test game. Offensively they were a bit underwhelming since there attack is the same strength as an archer. With initiative, the archers are cheaper for the same fire-power. When then enemy has the initiative as against Nubia's 3-move archers I think Immortals will turn out decent. I'm not going to make the same mistake this time as I did vs. TheArchduke Round 1 where I got carried away and tried to meet a superior force in the field. I'm going to stay behind those mountains until I get an encampment online west of the mountains. Once I do get an encampment west of the mountains, I'm going to throw down a fortified buffer city there on a hill and get walls up ASAP, probably with Limes slotted, and then throw up an encampment on a hill.


I'm taking up my defensive position behind the mountains, scout out in front to give me some additional warning. Mr. Cairo took God of the Forge pantheon, so next tech next will be to Masonry for walls to ensure I can hold. I'll crank out another settler from the capital for the east site and another warrior out of the 2nd city. Following tech will be Astrology to build that HS in the capital.


Took out the barb camp for some much needed upgrade gold and the Military Tradition eureka. I'll complete MT now to swap in Colonization for the settler, then finish off State Workforce and Political Philosophy. Iron working completed end of turn. I'll upgrade the warrior inside my 2nd city and let Mr. Cairo see the strength increase. Hopefully this causes him to pause and build a couple more units, giving me time to get walls chopped in. Am I being too paranoid? I don't know, I haven't seen Nubia in action but their archers sound scary.

Finished Iron Working, and it ended up obsoleting Warriors unlike my test game. Oh well, gold generation is slow at this point so I probably wouldn't be able to upgrade more that my current 6 warriors anyway (I'm happy now that I built this many early).


Nubia's power spiked up by about 30 since last turn. I didn't notice a gold burn so this may have been a naturally build archer. Mr. Cairo still have just over 100g to burn on upgrades. With the increased cost of his archers I think this will do 2 upgrades in a couple of turns. Also in the screenshot above you can see my updated plan for the fortified border to the west. The idea is to purchase the jungle hill which is 3rd ring to the current city for the encampment before founding the city on the sheep hill. The sheep city will build wall first, then an encampment on the hill to the southwest as indicated. This will create a massive killing field to the west and south of the city.


The scout continued further west and spotted a Nubian slinger. The scout died on the interturn to a Nubian Archer. Since warriors had been obsoleted by Iron Working tech I put a couple turns into an Immortal while waiting for Masonry to complete.


Walls in 8 turns, I can cut at least a turn off with the mines I'm building in the next couple turns. Tech is set now to Astrology. The capital is set to expand to the holy site tile next turn, nicely synced with the completion of Astrology  jive


duh WHY TILE PICKER  cry  After showing steadily locked on the Holy Site tile for the last 10 turns, never wavering as far as I could tell, the forest hill was picked instead. I don't have gold to spare to purchase that tile due to needing the upgrade reserve. Tech set to Currency to build the Commercial Hub while waiting for the holy site tile to get picked up.


The timing had even been perfect to chop a forest into the holy site for maximum 50% boosted chop overflow, but 'twas not to be unfortunately. I went ahead and chopped anyway and put the overflow into a ... I can't remember for sure and don't have a screenshot from the end of the turn. I think I put the overflow into a builder, planning to chop the forest hill for the PAIR putting the chop into the commercial hub via +50% overflow off of an Immortal.

And that just about catches us up on reporting for the game to date. Any questions? About 4 turns left on the walls in the north. I haven't yet decided which of the first governments I'm going to adopt when Political Philosophy completes.


I notice on T52 that Mr. Cairo's power spiked upwards, along with a decrease in gold. Looks like he's upgrading into a couple of his archers. My walls may be completed just in time.


City state helpfully chips away some of the barbarian spear health but allows me to capture for 50g smile


I paused the walls with 1T remaining to start the encampment. I'll bring the encampment to within 1T, then finish the walls, then finish the encampment.


rant rant rant  Mr. Cairo moves one of his archers onto my encampment the turn that I complete it. His unit is not kicked off, and since I don't have enough firepower in the area to kill it he is able to pillage my encampment without even having to chip the walls down first  rant rant rant  I got in all of 1 shot before having to repair.

I have a large gap in screenshots since I was playing these turns on my other computer. Most of the turns that Mr. Cairo and I have played were in bursts, with the turns passing back and forth 10 or so times in an evening. So I've been planning on the fly more than planning ahead. I made an attempt to capture the religions city state in the southeast since it had a juicy holy site + shrine, size 5, and relatively decent terrain. Unfortunately I only brought 1 warrior. The CS did some intelligent targeting and took out my warrior so I didn't have a melee to capture. Unfortunately I didn't have another warrior within 5+ turns, and the CS was continuing to chip away at my archers. Since I didn't have enough ZoC to maintain siege after my warrior died I backed off out of range. By the time I could get another warrior in place the CS had upgraded a sword + crossbow  duh so the city remains independent to this day. The crossbow upgrade is probably my fault. I completed Machinery prematurely (still haven't build or upgraded any crossbows 15 turns later). I'm not certain, but I suspect that CS research is tied to major civ research, because the CS upgraded to the Crossbow about 2 turns after I completed Machinery.

What else has happened? Hmmm ... Mr. Cairo and I continue to be in a standoff around my walled city. I again got a little ahead of myself and tried to advance west of the mountains once I purchased the GG. This resulted in an even exchange of about 4 of my Immortals for 4 of his archers. I may have scored one additional kill, but even so the cog exchange was greatly in his favor especially considering his +50 archer production bonus. To balance this out he tried an advance about 2 turns ago and lost 2 archers in the process (I don't think I'll lose anything). I'm now 3 turns away from Mercenaries, stockpiling gold for Crossbow + Knight upgrades. I have a half dozen archers and 3-4 heavy chariots. I again pre-maturely finished Stirrups when I wanted to get a couple more heavy chariots out for upgrade first. With the turns blitzing back-and-forth the science wheel is something that I've been overlooking.

The only other incident of note that I recall is the Suzerainship of Buenos Aires. Mr. C took Suzerain so that they declared war on me. I had an envoy or two stored and immediately made peace. A couple turns later he dumped another envoy in so that it again declared on me. I'm getting an envoy next turn and will again peace out. I'll be getting another through a civic in a couple turn I think which I'll immediately dump here as well. Buenos Aires actually has a very large standing army and could be a dangerous pest in my backside.

On the whole, I can't say I'm doing spectacularly good or spectacularly bad. I have certainly made many mistakes this game. Mr. Cairo has had one more city that me for quote some time thanks to his capture of Stockholm, but tech-wise and culture-wise I'm at parity with Mr. Cairo. My science actually shot way past him about (30/turn to his 20/turn) thanks to the +100% policy card, our culture rates are neck-and-neck. He was slightly ahead so I built 2 monuments and regained a slight lead. But I have been foregoing many of the Culture eurekas so I think Mr. Cairo is at least equal to me in culture. Mr. Cairo also completed the Stonehenge for the free GProphet. He took state property and something else I can't remember, not Defender of the Faith. Long-term I think I'll be overtaken by Mr. Cairo if I don't do something soon.

My current strengths are superior science rate and superior gold generation. My plan is to upgrade into crossbows and knights and brute force may way westward with GG support. I'll begin my offensive immediately upon completion of Mercenaries to make the best use of my current advantage. I honestly don't think that I have any tech advantage, just an advantage in being able to upgrade at 50% cost. Military power we are about equal at present, so if I can first-strike his archers with my crossbows and take out a few with minimal losses I should be in good shape to push to Stockholm. I'll try and do better capturing screenshots of the engagement.

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