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Cheese, Clogs, Dikes, Tulips, Windmills and Weedy Movement.

If anyone is wondering about thread title, it is Dutch.
Translated: Shall Alhambram choose Netherlands or not?

To be honest, soon I saw my choices, it was instant Netherlands for two reasons:

-Firstly I want if possible play with expansion civ and Netherlands was only one given to me.
-Secondly I am dutch, so I play in honor of my country. Japper also comes from Netherlands, so it was 33% chance that Netherlands would land at Dutch player and it fell upon me.

Been busy with job and other things. Thankfully weekend is coming which mean two days playing Rise and Fall Civilization 6.

For now just quick thoughts:

(February 8th, 2018, 09:48)Cornflakes Wrote: With input from 4 players it looks like a majority are in agreement with the method. Therefore:

Player Order:
Chevalier Mal Fet
Emperor K

TheArchduke Rowain Japper Alhambram Chevalier Mal Fet Emperor K
Mongolia Scotland Cree Netherlands Korea Georgia
India(Chandragupta) Zulu Mapuche Poland Khmer Indonesia
Norway Aztec Persia Macedonia Nubia Australia
Arabia Kongo Russia Japan Scythia China
Egypt Sumeria France America India(Ghandi) Rome
Spain Greek(Pericles) Brazil England Germany Greek(Gorgo)

TheArchduke: Before rolling I was hoping that he won't get Mongolia or Zulu which suits his aggressive play the best. Unfortunately he got Temujin as one of choices. In PBEM 6 TheArchduke called Macedonia one trick pony, well comparing with Macedonia, Mongolia is literally one trick PONY! Seriously majority of bonuses are related with cavalry units, also I must make sure that I never welcome delegation from TheArchduke (everyone else should do same), Mongolia get +6 strength per diplomatic visibility compared with +3 per level for everyone else.  
India (Chandragupta) is also a aggressive choice but shares same weakness as Persia: I can deny +2 movement and +5 strength by declaring him war and never sign peace ever.
Other 4 vanilla civs, well I don't think that TheArchduke picks one of them. I would be surprised if he didn't pick Mongolia.

Rowain: Interesting choices, Zulu for aggression or Scotland for builder. Alternative vanilla civs then, Aztec only appeared at PBEM 1 and hasn't been chosen before. It was a hurtful nerf for Aztecs when district costs went down. Kongo is better suited for team-play, Greek (Pericles) got buff in form of support for Hoplite though Gorgo remains better Greek version for multiplayer. Sumeria, interesting if Rowain picks it up, War Cart do hurt, but now with 50% production card for anti-cavalry units, mass producing spearmen for defense is possible now. I really don't know what Rowain shall pick.

Japper: Cree has strongest start potential, but after it there isn't really any special bonus. Okihtcitaw can be nasty if policy card for extra experience is used and max out promotion tree which Ambush promotion is can be picked up (+20 strength, totaling 40 strength), but there isn't production boost policy for scouts if I am not mistaken. Ultimately Cree is depending upon trading and alliances which makes them very vulnerable for backstabs. Mapuche is in my opinion a strong choice, some terrifying abilities especially loyalty penalty for enemy city if enemy units are killed within borders. At promotion video it was -5 loyalty per killed unit which was already nasty, but now I check, what the... -20 per killed unit! yikes Just kill 5 enemy units and enemy city flips from max loyalty to rebellion. It wouldn't surprise me if it is broken ability in combination of Malon Raider who is basically Renaissance version of Cossack! Speaking of Cossack, Japper can also choose Russia. Brazil got new unique district, France got buff thanks new rule of +3 strength per diplomatic level against others. From start +1 diplomatic level more than everyone and France get spy way earlier than others which mean earlier listing mission for spy for even higher diplomatic level earlier. Persia got additional loyalty bonus, that is all. I am afraid that Japper is going pick Mapuche, well then do my best to deny Renaissance GG for Mapuche and crush them before they are able to produce Malon Raiders.

Alhambram: Netherlands is a good all round builder civ, +2 adjacency if built campus, theater district and industrial zone next river is stronger than it seems, especially in combination with new Government District. It offers more flexibility for district placements and especially it is boost for theater district since they get adjacency bonus mainly from wonders. In promotion video of Netherlands, it showed that De Zeven Provinciën has penalty against other naval units, but now it hasn't any penalties. So with other words this ship basically dominates in 1 vs 1 battles against any other ship types in Renassiance/Industrial age where it can shoot at Ironclads without taking damage. On top of that De Zeven Provinciën get +7 bonus against cities, so placing seaside cities might fatal for other players. Polders are useful to make more tiles worth to work with. Wilhelmina's bonus applies trade routes which give me more culture and loyalty. So overall Dutch is very all rounder, any victory type is possible aside religious victory which Dutch don't get any boost for it. On naval based maps, Dutch is one of best civs to pick.
Poland and Macedonia, well I have seen them enough in PBEM 6. lol Japan got buff, I did explain in other thread: buildings related policy cards requires at least 3 adjacency bonus. Japan can do this easily with 3 districts adjacent towards one district to fulfill this requirement. (And oh speaking of Dutch, the river only itself already offers +2 adjacency bonus, so all Dutch needs is merely 2 districts adjacent towards a district placed next river! Do you start to see that Grote Riveren ability might be stronger than it seem at first glance?). America also got a buff, they got rid of one of most useless ability in vanilla version: half time for legacy bonus. Instead America got wildcard slot in exchange of diplomacy slot, which is a lot more powerful, for example Oligarchy: 1 military, 1 economic, 2 wildcards. So 3 military cards can be used here, America basically has become Greece without diplomatic policy card. England at other hand got a nerf: Royal Navyard not longer gives extra trader, instead just extra loyalty. As mentioned already, I pick Netherlands.

Chevalier Mal Fet: Korea is best science builder of new expansion civs, compared with promotional video, Seowon got toned down from 6 to 4 initial science per turn. But it is still strong, although it get penalty when adjacent with other districts. All other civs has been seen in other PBEM's before except Scythia with its feared double horse spam. Now with 50% production card for anti-cavalry units and Oligarchy bonus for anti-cavalry units and melee naval units as well (a buff for Norway Longships!), we are giving a shot to see whether Scythia can be allowed in expansion. I think that Chevalier shall pick Korea.

Emperor K: He got bad draw regarding expansion civ: Georgia. Unimpressive bonuses, UU a medieval swordsman with same strength of Legion, to unlock it research the dead end tech Military Tactics, ouch! Lucky for him, he got strong draw regarding vanilla civs and Australia. All of them has appeared before and proven already why they are strong choices. Only civilization yet to appear is Indonesia. I think that everyone waits till another naval map similar as in PBEM 4, then Indonesia becomes a good choice. Now with map unknown, bit risky. I think that Emperor K shall choose Australia, it is powerful civ if handled correctly and managing turtle well against enemy attacks.

War carts don't suffer anti-cavalry penalties.  alright

(February 9th, 2018, 19:16)Ichabod Wrote: War carts don't suffer anti-cavalry penalties.  alright

Uh, forgotten about that one. duh Well in case that Rowain picks Sumeria, it means mass building warriors and beeline for Iron Working or Horseback Riding depending presence of strategical resources.
Also fast walls are option since you need battering ram then to break through walls, however in this case War Carts can be used to choke opponent to death.

Just played a test game with Netherlands for 100 turns, I wasn't playing seriously on prince difficulty (same difficulty in multiplayer games till now).
I expected everything going more slowly due some nerfs for example 0.5 science per population, but after 100 turns...
130 science and 72 culture!, uh! oh! well, where went it wrong with supposed slower development?  lol

The key is abuse Governor Magnus's Groundbreaking ability, double yield when chopping and harvesting. So combine with Limes or Maritime Industries to get insanely overflows, a 50% cards as colonization or Agoge also gives absurdly overflows already (notice a lot warriors around Arnhem? that is due abusing 50% Agoge card in combination of Magnus, Limes was used there of course too which resulted in 1 turn Pyramids).
Another reason for high culture and science is combination of presence of culture/science city states nearby and Grote Riveren ability. The worst thing: I hasn't unlocked rationalism yet! lol

But back with foots to earth! This won't happen in multiplayer, because AI is pathetic as ever, best AI is Germany with 17 science and 12 culture.duh AI is unable to abuse Magnus's ability. Therefore I run skeleton army whole time (actually I got highest military count, so AI hesitate to attack me). Well, I shall run another test game at emperor difficulty then to see whether AI is also this pathetic. 

In multiplayer running skeleton army and high science/culture provokes action from other players, so I need keep in my mind to run decent army to deal with them.

A test game at Emperor difficulty:
7 cities settled, next turn 8th city. There is room for one more and eventual capture of Antioch.

Both Science and Culture are lower compared with Prince test-game, 2 good reasons: this start got roughly 50%-75% fewer forests /rain forests and stone tiles compared with Prince starting position, so less abuse with Magnus.
Also there is lack of science city states at this continent compared with Prince test-game, there was two cultural city states but one of them got captured by Shaka before I could meet with them (it happened around turn 30 already). 
So I hope that forests and rain forests shall be shared evenly for all players, since it make big difference now. 

AI is a bit more threat this game, Pericles got 44 science and 35 culture which makes him no.2 behind me in those categories. Shaka got biggest military and highest empire due capturing city states, I am very slightly behind him in those categories. But in long term I shall out tech both AI's, Shaka is already staying behind in twenties if you look at his science and culture generating. Also I am making myself undesirable target (partly thanks combo of Magnus and 50% Agoge card), Pericles didn't maintain his army well and that provoked attack from Shaka. Now they are at peace but there is bad blood between them (also due religion), so I can expand without worries since gaze of Shaka is fixed at south. So I shall win this game, question is only how.

Well the choices are out!

(February 17th, 2018, 09:36)Cornflakes Wrote: Picks (in turn order to make sure I get this right):

1. TheArchduke - Mongols
2. Rowain - Sumeria
3. Japper - Cree
4. Alhambram - Netherlands
5. Chevalier Mal Fet - Korea
6. Emperor K - Georgia

My first reactions are:
Mongols, well mass build spearman/pikeman!  ipecac
Sumeria, oh no, beeline for horseman/swordsman! ipecac
Cree, well interesting choice, strongest starter and thankfully no Mapuche.
Korea, science explosion can be scary, I should able to keep up somewhat with campuses along rivers.
Georgia, well that is surprise, wondering how this civ holds out in multiplayer environment.

As I did predicted correctly, he picked up Temujin of Mongolia. It is civilization geared towards cavalry-based warfare.
+3 strength for cavalry is useful, ability to capture enemy cavalry units makes others think twice before challenging him with their own cavalry.
Then Mongolia can get extra visibility level when starting trade route to other players, also combat bonus from higher diplomatic level is doubled (+6) instead normal (+3).
Since diplomatic level is going be important with R&F expansion, copy paste it from civilopedia: 
If I understood it right, just only bonus from just having higher level. No sort of cumulative bonuses from having 2 levels higher which translates in +12 strength for Mongolia for example which would be very scary.
With Cavalry bonus, total bonus would be +9 for Mongolian cavalry against opponents with lower diplomatic level. Problem is that it is almost impossible to counter it since all TheArchduke needs is just start trade route.
One of rare solutions: I meet TheArchduke first and DoW him before he can lay trade route to me and never sign peace, denying +6 bonus.
Spy comes with Diplomatic Service civic, also who finishes Printing tech first, gains extra visibility on all players.

Ordu building just gives bonus as description above states, no lower costs or other additions. Suzeraining Valletta city state can allow TheArchduke purchase it with faith. The presence of this unique encampment building likely causes TheArchduke to mass-build encampments and attempt claim so many GG as possible similar as what he did in PBEM 6. He is likely aiming for Classical/Medieval and Medieval/Renaissance GG since it boosts Keshigs.

Keshigs are unlocked with Stirrups, same as knights. 4 movement (5 if built in city with Ordu, that also applies for knights, and 6 if GG is also involved scared ), 30 melee (weak, pikeman and knight destroys Keshigs if they can catch them), 40 ranged attack with 2 range. Keshigs got 2 weaknesses: firstly they must be built and no classical unit can be upgraded into Keshigs, secondly 50% medevial cavalry policy card is positioned at Divine Right, a religious route that may take a while for Mongolia to reach it, unless TheArchduke decides to go for Stonehenge and 2 holy sites. 

Finally TheArchduke as player, I did experience firsthand at PBEM 6 what he can do. He excels in warfare, especially in tactical movement and Mongolia surely need a lot tactics to maximizes their strength. So another civilization that fit TheArchduke perfectly aside Macedonia. As builder he did decently at PBEM 4 and 6, improving over PBEM 1 and 2, but not as substantially as his warfare skills. 

Best way to counter Mongolia is grabbing GG myself, or another Stonehenge move similar what I did in PBEM 6 (now even easier with Magnus which also means that it is easier for everyone else too). Invest in anti cavalry units, spearman/pikeman are also influenced by Oligarchy now, +4 strength for both and there is also Oligarchic legacy card (a wildcard policy card) which can add ANOTHER +4 for melee, anti cavalry and melee naval units. So I can counter Mongolian +9 strength from cavalry bonus and diplomatic visibility with my +8 from double Oligarchy power.

Speaking about Oligarchic legacy card, I think that this need some explanation since legacy concept got a much needed make over in expansion, let start with governments:
A bit clarification due too long sentences, Oligrachy also give Naval Melee units +4 combat bonus. Theocracy 5+ religious strength in Theological combat and 0,5 faith per population in cities with governors.

So compared with Vanilla version: No legacy bonus which was one of most worst aspects of game and made America's bonus halving time of legacy bonus the worst ability of game.
Thankfully they got rid of that old legacy system and gave America one wildcard card to play with at expense of its diplomatic policy card. Now all governments got 2 fixed abilities, upper one can be copied into legacy policy card through a method that I shall explain later, bottom one is only valid when running respective government. 

Classical Republic got one housing extra in addition of already existing amenity in cities with district.
Autocracy got extra yield if government buildings are created (if Government Plaza is created in capital, it can gain +4 yield as maximum when last of three possible government building is completed in Industrial/Modern age).
Oligarchy combat bonus also applies for anti-cavalry units and naval units

Merchant Republic got 2 trade routes and 15% less for gold purchases removed, instead 10% gold in cities with governors and 15% towards districts.
Monarchy got 50% modifier for walls removed, likely due Magnus present in expansion. Influence at other hand got boosted from 20% to 50% when generating points for envoys.
Theocracy got its powerful purchasing units with faith replaced with 0,5 faith per population in cites with governors (faith purchasing power is directed to certain Government building instead).

Last three, well I almost never used them since game is often finished around industrial age/ beginning of modern age.

And now what of government legacy then? There is a new district introduced here: Government Plaza. This district gives 1 additional adjacency bonus, so good idea to make some puzzle so that it is adjacent campuses, theaters, commercial hubs, industrial zones or Holy Sites. Avoid placing it next cities, encampments or tiles where you can't place districts. Important thing: only ONE Government Plaza allowed per empire, so place carefully. You can build three buildings here and this is the list:
Three ancient/classical buildings, three medieval/renaissance buildings and three industrial/modern buildings. You can only build one building per era, so no 3 classical buildings. Also since you only got one Government Plaza, building one building mean 2 other buildings of same era are lost forever. Really need think good before selecting which building to use. Question: when get buildings unlocked, I didn't pay attention but I think that it does when world reaches medieval age for tier 2 buildings and industrial age for tier 3 buildings (not when player reaches that age but when the world reaches that age, it is related with era mechanics introduced in expansion). All powers of buildings are empire-wide and not only centered at city where Government Plaza was built.

Ancient/Classical buildings:
-Ancestral Hall, I always used it in my play-tests for obvious reason: 50% for settlers can be stacked up with 50% of colonization and it basically becomes another 100% chop/harvest similar as Limes or Maritime Industries policy cards. And moreover when settling new cities it get free 3 charge builder! And to make it more fun: running serfdom policy card gives me free 5 charge builder when founding new city, more if you built Pyramids or is playing as China.
-Audience Chamber, 1+ amenity and 4+ housing in cities with governor, -2 loyalty in cities without governor. It is fairly underwhelming compared with almost insanely Ancestral Hall.
-Warlord's Throne, 20% production in all cities for 5 turns when enemy city is captured, I never used it against AI, but in multiplayer it can be powerful in wartime (I somewhat already am seeing TheArchduke sitting at Warlord's Throne lol).

Medieval/Renaissance buildings:
-Foreign Ministry, Leveraging units cost half gold and levy units get +4 strength, not really appealing.
-Intelligence Agency, free spy and higher succession rate of missions, this can be useful for countering diplomatic visibility of TheArchduke and higher succession rate mean better chance to steal Great Works.
-Grand Master's Chapel, can purchase land units with faith, pillaging also yield extra faith in addition of normal pillaging yields. This is where faith purchasing from Vanilla Theocracy Government went, it is easier for everyone since they don't need research Reformed Church to able purchase land units with faith.

Industrial/Modern buildings:
-National History Museum, 4 free Great Works slots, for cultural victory.
-War Department, unit heals 20 health when killing enemy unit (basically a must in multiplayer warfare).
-Royal Society, builders can use charge to give it to district project, suitable for science victory since builders can be used to rush space projects (wonder whether nuke projects can also be rushed mischief)

Now question: how to get legacy policy card, answer: finish a Government building while running certain government. 
So if I am running Autocracy while government building is finished, I get Autocratic legacy card and I can stack it up by placing it in wild card spot of Autocracy government, result: 4+ yield in capital if I did build Government Plaza there. Alternatively if I am running Oligarchy while I finish a government building, I get Oligarchic legacy card and I can stack it up with already running Oligarchy government to give all of my melee, anti-cavalry and melee naval units +8 bonus. I do wonder if it is possible to get 2 classical legacy cards, one by finishing ancient/classical government building and other by finishing medieval/renaissance government building, I haven't tested that out yet.

Sumeria always got banned till now, main cause: War-cart, two of those stupid things if used rightly can eliminate human neighbor around turn 25 already without ever able defend against War-cart.
30 strength, no anti-cav penalty (thanks Ichabod, was forgotten about this little detail), 4 movement if starting at open terrain, can be built from start.
So we are taking big risk here, adding Sumeria among available choices, Scythia would be more easy to deal with since anti-cav units got boost in expansion in form of Oligarchy and Agoge which both also applies to anti-cav units now.

The leader's ability seems lackluster at first view, but now with alliance system reworked, it might be interesting to give it a try. Capturing barb camp for hut rewards might cause Rowain use War-carts to hunt for camps instead eliminating neighbors, but I shouldn't be optimistic about that. Ziggurat can be used for early science and culture boost, in later era with natural philosophy and rationalism policy cards, it becomes less good.

Rowain himself only played in PBEM 3 from civ 6 PBEM's, he showed that he don't back from preforming aggressive actions. So rush with War-carts might be very possible in this PBEM. 

Best way to counter War-carts? Mass building warriors, they are cheaper and might make Rowain think twice attacking my capital due not worth to lose War-carts at this early already. 
Then spearman, it is with 25 strength stronger than warrior and when powered by double Oligarchy it  got 33 strength, 3 stronger than War-cart and possible +10 promotion against cavalry (War-cart is immune against penalties against anti-cav units, but not promotion I think). 
But it takes a while to reach Political Philosophy and build a Government Plaza and building to get Oligarchic legacy wildcard. 

With other words I might be forced to open with mining-bronze working (at least both do unlock chopping forest and rain forest respectively for Magnus). Also I might open with warrior instead usual builder/scout or slinger. It is going be depend upon which three improvements I can build to unlock Craftsmanship and its much needed Agoge policy card. Heh, it is surely troublesome situation! crazyeye

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