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Worst cluster of planets you have seen?

It is probably just randomness and how the human mind (often poorly) perceives it, but it sure does seem like bad planets appear in clusters in MoO. In a personal game I recently started, I had a nice jungle 80 next to my homeworld of Meklon. Working northward up the western edge of the map (I started in the southwest corner) I found a poor planet, a minimal size 10, another poor planet, and then an ultra-poor.

Yuck! What terrible land! eek I have a pair of no-planet systems plus Orion to my east, so there is nowhere else to expand. frown I will need range 6 at least to cross the empty space to the center of the map, and with all the yellow stars there I am sure at least one AI will be solidly established there before I can tech that far. There is a rich inferno planet in the far northwest, which will be useful someday if I do not get beaten to it by an AI from the northern part of the galaxy.

So, my question: What is the worst cluster of planets you have seen in MoO? It does not have to be around your start, although those may be the ones we remember most lol, but just a group of terrible planets? Bonus points if they are arranged so you have to colonize each one to advance to the next -- no picking only the good (or at least less bad) ones! lol

I just got one!  I rolled a start as the Klackons, small, impossible, 5 opponents.  I was looking to have a fun game, but when I used Alt-GALAXY to look around I found this:
I'm not interested in playing it out at the moment, but it would be an interesting challenge!  Also the red non-poor star to the east is Dead.

That is a really crummy start. eek Four poor planets all around you, plus Orion, plus a deead world...ouch. The bugs suffer a bit less than other rraces would, since poor planets tend to be large in size and their population is more productive. But still pretty terrible.

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