Emperor Ianus has begun the Psilon expansion throughout the galaxy. Our next task is to continue the spread of our people to more worlds, and to develop the two planets we currently control while researching more technology.
Our biggest issue at the moment is range. There are three habitable worlds at 5 parsecs range, but none at 4 parsecs range.
So we must proceed to range 5 technology as rapidly as possible. No other research projects are as important right now, so our entire focus can be on propulsion. Terraforming+20 would be nice to have, but at this point it is an expensive project and our planets still have room to grow anyway.
As a poor planet, Mora is better suited to grow pop and spend what it can on research; it will carry the research load for now while Mentar industrializes. I order our scout at the planet-less system in the east to head west; there are four systems that will be within extended scout range once we have range 4, and three of them are to the west. It will take time for our warp one ships to position themselves, so might as well start now.
A few years pass quietly, with Mentar building factories and Moro shipping population back to the homeworld to work the new industry. In 2324, research on range 4 completes. We have a nice selection of options:
Right now we just need range 5 so we can reach those three habitable worlds. Better engines, range 6, and the inertial stabilizer will likely get some attention one day, but for now the cheapest option is the one we want. Mentar pauses factory building to seed the new research project. Scouts are dispatched to systems newly in range.
In 2326 Mentar has maxed out, with help from pop sent from Moro. Range 5 is already into the percentages, and we get the first new scout report:
Not a very good world, but it is habitable. Except...wait, what is that? A dome? The Silicoids have already established a presence on this world.
Well, here are the Silicoids right on our doorstep.
Preventing them from grabbing all the hostile worlds around us is going to be a difficult task. And we need to grab the habitable worlds, and get some kind of defensive force in place over them, as rapidly as possible. At least the rocks' point world is poor; that should slow them down a bit.
To avoid damaging relations, I withdraw our scout from Omicron orbit.
With range 5 in the mid-teens, Mentar shifts spending to begin construction of a colony ship, with Moro continuing to fund research. This is a bit of a gamble, but hopefully it will work out.
In 2328, a Silicoid scout arrives in the Rana system (the steppe 60 between us and Omicron). The rocks retreat from our scout for now, but we will need actual force here and soon.
In 2329, scouts report from the Quayal system:
Hmmm, we are not likely to prevent the rocks from grabbing this rich system.
In 2330 another intruder enters the Rana system -- this time a Sakkra scout. Alliance with the rocks for range, maybe? Or are the lizards also close by? Our scouts force them to retreat.
Mentar finishes the colony ship, but range 5 continues to be stubborn.
More funds are put into research to try to force the tech to completion.
Well, my gamble on popping range 5 is officially lost.
In 2333 a scout reports back from the Spica system: a lovely world, but claimed by the Sakkra. The lizards are already terraforming.
I retreat our scout to avoid damaging relations.
Range 5 finally pops (forced), and the waiting colony ship sets out for Rana. I design a standard cheap little laser fighter and have Mentar produce a batch to send to Rana; they will arive one turn after the col ship. Hopefully not an error.
I choose Nuclear Engines as our next proopulstion tech, and after producing one batch of laser fighters Mentar takes a turn to seed the tech. Being able to respond faster will be important with two alien races right on our doorstep.
And that brings my turnset to an end. Not very good, overall.
But we have a colony ship on the way to Rana and some (very) minor force following it. We can start building colony ships for the other habitable worlds which are now in range, or more laser fighters, or whatever the next player feels is best. Mentar is maxed out and Moro has plenty of pop to ship to new worlds if we can grab them before our neighbors do.
Good luck!