As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Charriu and Zalson are fighting the honorable post count war!

Hi, Hoi, Bonjour, Hallo, Hola and Olá to my humble spoiler thread for this PB40.

If you are a player, I say welcome to you, too. I'm really excited to play against you, but then again why are you reading this. So bid you kindly to leave and come back at the right time.

My password will be


And here my spreadsheet for anyone, who is interested in the small detail.

Anybody who would like to use my spreadsheets for his game planning, feel free to do so and let me know, what you think about it or if you find any errors.

Trait and Civ Selection
Player Ranking
T0: The game starts
T9: First contact (RFS)
T23: Found the next player: Coeurva
T26: Nature strikes back
T32: RFS starts to interfere
T35: The second city is (finally) settled
T43: First overlook map
T43: First dotmap
T45: Thoughts about the map layout
T50: Found my eastern (third) neighbor: Shallow
T51: First contact with Superdeath
T54: Barbs are coming
T61: First detailed RFS attack plan by Cornflakes
T68: Second dotmap
T69: Race for the gold
T71: We've lost the gold
T78: Second detailed RFS attack plan
T85: We've been culture bombed by Coeurva
T87: War against Coeurva (culture bomb)
T91: We've lost the war and sue for peace (sorry Coeurva)
T94: The long awaited attack on RFS
T99: Peace with RFS
T100: Coeurva/OT4E is out for revenge

Some map criticism
T109: I got my own religion
T119: Settling the north
T121: The other empires
T129: Our first golden age
T137: Looking for more trouble
T146: Elkad increased the pressure on our border
T152: Second war against RFS
T160: The Beginning of the End
T174: The end of the dogpile
T182: Taking back what is mine

T187: The capitol has fallen
T199: Entering the city-state phase
T202: Killing Shallow's siege weapons
T210: The end and post-game analysis
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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I already made a post about my writing style back in my PB39 spoiler thread, but not everybody will read it there, so I post it here again to get more feedback:

Quote:As some of you may have noticed, I joined into another Pitboss (PB40). So before I start posting any game reports there, I would kindly ask for your feedback about my writing style. Be open, be harsh, don't hold back. Every criticism can help in developing a better style for you and me.

So far these are the things I considered so far:
  • Post more about the micro management part: I want to give you more detail about my micro management (worker, worked tiles, city production etc.) That way I can get better feedback in the future. This will require a bit more work on my side, but I think it's worth it. The only thing I'm not sure about is in which style. I definitly don't want to do images for every city as I don't want to overboard the thread with images.
  • Daily reports about the demographics: I will try to post a demo screen for every turn. I won't comment about it every time and I will probably do it with an image as this is the most convenient, but I will shrink the image, because of the bandwidth. By the way is there a more convenient way to shrink screenshots? For now I would just make a screenshot via print key, load it up in photoshop or paint and shrink it there.
  • Split the report into a micro and macro part: Linked to my first point, this should improve the readability of the thread for those only interested in one of these parts. Macro will be my overall thinking, diplomacy, dotmaps and other planning etc. Micro will be my new micromanagement section.
  • War reports: During war time I want to do separate sections for my troop movements
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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Naming scheme:

Some may have noticed that the Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta has started again. As every year I am participating again, so what better way then to derive a city naming scheme from there. Unfortunately FF5 has only 16 proper towns and villages and don't want to start naming my cities "Solitary Island Temple". So what do we have plenty of in FF5? Boss enemies! Of course the capitol has to be named Exdeath, but from there I will proceed in order of appearance without optional bosses. I will use the GBA version's names as nowadays I'm more used to them:

  1. Exdeath
  2. Wing Raptor
  3. Karlabos
  4. Siren
  5. Magissa
  6. Forza
  7. Galura
  8. Liquid Flame
  9. Iron Claw
  10. Byblos
  11. Sandworm
  12. Cray Claw
  13. Adamantoise
  14. Soul Cannon
  15. Archeoaevis
  16. Manticore
  17. Purobolos
  18. Gilgamesh
  19. Tyrannosaur
  20. Abductor
  21. Dragon Pod
  22. Enkidu
  23. Atomos
  24. Crystal
  25. Antlion
  26. Gargoyle
  27. Melusine
  28. Calofisteri
  29. Apanda
  30. Catastrophe
  31. Halicarnassus
  32. Twintania
  33. Neo Exdeath

33 unique names should be enough for cities as for workers I will use the name of the summons in that game. Should I need more I will start to fall back on the other magic types. Ifrit and Titan are also boss enemies, so to avoid confusion I did not include them in the city list.

  1. Chocobo
  2. Sylph
  3. Remora
  4. Shiva
  5. Ramuh
  6. Ifrit
  7. Titan
  8. Golem
  9. Shoat
  10. Carbuncle
  11. Syldra
  12. Odin
  13. Phoenix
  14. Leviathan
  15. Bahamut

This leaves me with the other units. Back in PB39 it started to annoy me to rename every unit, but I think it is necessary to rename them for my war reports. The goal for the unit names should be:

  1. Instantely recognize the unit type
  2. Unique name
So I've come up with this system.

Common abbreviation of the unit type + common english name

With I get things like these:

Axe Albert
Sword Sophie
Tank Tania
Cross Charlie

So here are the abbreviations I've come up with:
  • Airship = Air
  • Anti-Tank = Anti
  • Archer = Arch
  • Artillery = Art
  • Attack Submarine = AttSub
  • Axeman = Axe
  • Battleship = Bat
  • Bomber = Bom
  • Cannon = Can
  • Caravel = Cara
  • Carrier = Carr
  • Catapult = Cat
  • Cavalry = Cav
  • Chariot = Cha
  • Crossbowman = Cross
  • Cuirassier = Cui
  • Destroyer = Des
  • Fighter = Fig
  • Frigate = Frig
  • Galleon = Gal
  • Galley = Gal
  • Grenadier = Gre
  • Gunship = Gun
  • Horse Archer = Horse
  • Infantry = Inf
  • Ironclad = Iron
  • Jet Fighter = Jet
  • Knight = Kni
  • Longbowman = Long
  • Maceman = Mace
  • Machine Gun = Mach
  • Marine = Mar
  • Mechanized Infantry = Mech
  • Missile Cruiser = Miss
  • Mobile Artillery = Mob
  • Modern Armor = Mod
  • Musketman = Musket
  • Paratrooper = Para
  • Pikeman = Pike
  • Privateer = Private
  • Rifleman = Rifle
  • SAM Infantry = SAM
  • Scout = Scout
  • Ship of the Line = Line
  • Spearman = Spear
  • Stealth Bomber = StealthBom
  • Stealth Destroyer = StealthDes
  • Submarine = Sub
  • Swordsman = Sword
  • Tank = Tank
  • Transport = Trans
  • Trebuchet = Treb
  • Trireme = Tri
  • War Elephant = Ele
  • Warrior = War
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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My post template


Here comes the demo screen, just before I end the turn


What happened last turn: Here I summarize important things from the last turn
Diplomacy: Any offers I made or received to/from anybody
Tech: Only if I have to change or choose anything. You will see my current tech and tech rate in the demo screen
War: My war report
What will I do this turn and why: Here I summarize what I will do next.


  • Worker 1: What he will do

City name:
Worked Tiles: Which tiles the city is working
Current Production: Settler (Turns left to finish)
Current Growth: Current Pop (Turns left to next)

Anything else noteworthy
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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This is going to be a joy to dedlurk. I think you'll find that your play will improve a lot with you justifying the actions you take to yourself. I'm looking forward to helping out.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

I'll also take a look at PB39. I'm spoiled there but I can help review your micro over there.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Hey thanks. Help and tips are always appreciated. If you look at PB39 you will find that I did a lot of mistakes. I don't intend to do them again.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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(June 24th, 2018, 16:27)Charriu Wrote: Hey thanks. Help and tips are always appreciated. If you look at PB39 you will find that I did a lot of mistakes. I don't intend to do them again.

You'll make different ones! smile
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Here's your start. Don't trust the fog.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Thanks Commodore.

Interesting, interesting. Looking at this my first thought is to trust Commodore and settle in place. As for starting techs Fishing, Hunting, Agriculture are the most important for me, followed by The Wheel and Mining. I will do a quick simming session tonight to decide on my first build order. I will look into the following:

  1. Worker, Workboat, Warrior, Settler
  2. Workboat, Worker, Warrior, Settler
  3. Worker, Warrior, Settler
Having a financial leader seems interesting with the crab, so I will look into that, too.

Other than that I will need to decide if I should choose civ first or leader first. Last time in PB39 almost all players chose their civ first.

As for my playstyle and what I want to do with this game. I want to train more on a normal start. So I'm not looking into anything fancy like, rushing really early, going for religion or early wonders. Just a plain, good and stable beginning. I'm still willing to wage war at around construction with catapults and swordman.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

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