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Poll: Do you think heroes have to much MP in general?
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6 60.00%
Yes, they have too much of it naturally.
1 10.00%
Yes, they gain too much of it from items.
1 10.00%
Yes, they gain too much of it naturally and from items, both.
2 20.00%
Total 10 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Hero MP

See the heroes thread, here :

I voted no because while casting skill, piled together from items and natural, is very powerful, you need rather extreme investment (or luck) to get items that allow both the power AND also keep your caster heroes alive.

To be clear, I don't think casters are overpowered. It's solely in comparison to non caster heroes, for later in the game (most of the discussion is based around champions, even if the problem can occur earlier), that casters are overpowered in comparison to non casters.

Leaving game balance aside, there is such a thing as "too much MP" for other reasons as well, like you have so much you never use it up, or find it unfun that your heroes are more powerful spellcasters than yourself, etc.
In general having excessive amounts of something isn't always gamebreaking, but it does devalue the resource and make the game less interesting and fun to play.

One more concern about the MP : heroes can use it to heal or revive themselves/each other. So more MP directly translates to more effective HP and also more damage absorbing capacity per turn without suffering losses. (at a rate of 5 HP for 15 MP it's not even a weak effect : for 60 MP your hero's overall health roughly doubles! A hero can currently reach even 180 MP, which is 60 HP, more than the most durable very rare creatures, and this is just the "extra" health from a single hero.)
This helps overcome damage spells very effectively : Doom Bolt for 12 a turn against 5 healing means a dead hero, but if the hero also casts healing every turn then it is only losing 2 hp a turn. But the enemy pays 45 for their doom bolt and the hero pays 15 to cancel the effect so with a high MP pool it can keep doing that until the enemy is out of casting skill.)

Only 8 votes still huh. That's nowhere near enough to really make an informed decision, even if I include mine it's only 9.
More importantly the question is I feel too generic. 
My current opinion is the MP on low levels is fine (you need that much to use common spells), but on high levels it gets atrocious on certain heroes and generally overabundant. It also disregards hero tiers almost completely.
So a simple yes/no question will have misleading answers.

This is my proposition for the new hero MPs, it's not the same as the previous posted table but it is very similar  however some heroes have more MP here than in that one as that was the table for the lowest amount possible, this is for what I think is appropriate for their class and tier.

If there are no objections, I will implement this later today and after that upload the newest beta.

I rather not touch the item system as we haven't found a good solution for that, but slightly reducing the amount of skill on predefned items could be and is already done - it was probably by far the most overused item power and it's still very frequent.

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