Only 8 votes still huh. That's nowhere near enough to really make an informed decision, even if I include mine it's only 9.
More importantly the question is I feel too generic.
My current opinion is the MP on low levels is fine (you need that much to use common spells), but on high levels it gets atrocious on certain heroes and generally overabundant. It also disregards hero tiers almost completely.
So a simple yes/no question will have misleading answers.
This is my proposition for the new hero MPs, it's not the same as the previous posted table but it is very similar however some heroes have more MP here than in that one as that was the table for the lowest amount possible, this is for what I think is appropriate for their class and tier.
If there are no objections, I will implement this later today and after that upload the newest beta.
I rather not touch the item system as we haven't found a good solution for that, but slightly reducing the amount of skill on predefned items could be and is already done - it was probably by far the most overused item power and it's still very frequent.