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[Let's play] RFS-81 doesn't wait for a damn firing solution

Game: 1oom dev build
uiextra enabled
Mods: fixbugs.pbx
AI: Classic+

Race: Mrrshans
Difficulty: Impossible
Map size: Medium
Opponents: 5

With the Mrrshan thread going on, I wanted to see if I can win with them on impossible. Since I tend to play better when I have to tell someone what the hell I'm doing (like in succession games), I figured I'll do a written Let's Play. I'm not great at this game, so don't expect to see any wizardry, but hopefully there will be some amount of suspense for whether I win or lose. I'll also show off some of the UI improvements in 1oom ... and ask some questions about whether some of the stranger things I see are bugs in 1oom or exist in the original game too. (Last time, the first two races I encountered were Erratic Industrialist Sakkras and Meklars. I thought for sure this had to be a bug, but actually, Sakkras can have that personality.)

Everybody reading this probably knows this, but the Mrrshans are one of the weakest races in MOO because they lack any economic bonuses and instead get a +4 on their to-hit rolls. In a sense, that can be seen as a bonus to ship production: You save space and money by leaving out the battle computer! I'll let the Mass Effect humans explain how we're not going to do things:

(this is not a variant though; I may allow my pilots some heavily miniaturized battle computers at some point)

Let's get started with a view of the map:

Fast-teching Psilons, Fast-breeding Sakkras, and the Mrrshan's arch enemies, the birds. What could possibly go wrong? All yellow stars are far enough away to be possible starting locations, so I have some elbow room for a time. Some AIs will start on top of one another. That can be good or bad depending on whether they wear each other down or whether one just eats the other. Lots of red stars with (likely) habitable but poor planets and a few blue stars which are the other way around.

There are only two stars in colony range, one red and one blue. The colony ship goes to the red one because it is the one most likely to have a habitable planet, and I'm sending a scout as cannon fodder in case they meet the Guardian of Orion there. (If that had happened, I'd probably have given up on this game though - I'm not going to play the Meklon gambit with the Mrrshans!)

The other scout goes scouting the blue star, just in case it goes against type. I also open up Planetology research with precisely one point on my first turn and get Terraforming +10 as my only choice. Damn it, Improved Eco Restoration is so great to have in the early game, so research is cancelled again in favor of more factories on the homeworld. Three turns later, I find that I was lucky for a change: In orbit around Obaca is a jungle world with room for 90 pop and it's not mineral poor. The blue star, Selia, has a toxic, mineral-rich planet with room for 15 pop once I have the colonization tech for this planet type. Unfortunately, settling Obaca did not bring any more stars into colony range. Propulsion research is going to be a high priority soon!

I next send out a wave of scout ships. There's a time and place for being stingy with scout ships, but this is not one of them. I find Orion just 4 parsecs from Fierias, among other things.

Gion is fertile but poor. Useful for populating the planets around it, but a bit out of the way unfortunately. Also look who else is snooping around:

I open up Propulsion research in 2309 with Range-5 tech as my only option. I don't know what I'd have picked if I had both options, so thanks for taking that burden from me, I guess!

I pour in seed spending from both colonies for 2 turns and then trickle in more from Obaca. Fierias focuses on industry in preparation for building more colony ships.

I chase off some Sakkra scouts at Capella and Psilons at the newly discovered Rayden, Keeta and Crypto:

Another planet I discover is the barren Talas. The two red stars west of Fierias are desert and arid with 45 and 85 pop capacity. I'm basically walled off from the center of the map with a bunch of hostile planets and have to start settling with my backline.

Around 2317, I produce another round of scouts at Fierias and move them to the frontier in preparation for range-5 fuel cells opening up new star systems for exploration. A pretty nice feature of 1oom's uiextra mode (stolen from Dominus Galaxia I think) is that if you send exactly one ship somewhere, it automatically selects another (single) ship of the same type to send to your next destination.

With propulsion research nearing completion, I start constructing my next colony ship in 2324.

Range-5 pops on the interturn (at 40%) and I get the following choices:

I was hoping for engines...

That's for the first 25 turns. I've played 25 more already, but I'll finish the writeup later.

Life in the MOO forum! dance

Looks like an interesting galaxy, RFS-81. eek Psilons, Meklars, and the arch-enemy Alkari is quite the mix. And with that stretch of toxic, no planet, and Orion systems to your east initial contact is going to be rather delayed. Those barren worlds are going to be critical battlegrounds, I think.

On erratic AIs, I believe that any AI can roll as erratic at Impossible difficulty. Several (all?) of them being erratic industrialists is a bit strange, though.

Good luck! Lead the cats to galactic dominance!

Can you post the galactic map with signs turned on?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

Quote:On erratic AIs, I believe that any AI can roll as erratic at Impossible difficulty. Several (all?) of them being erratic industrialists is a bit strange, though.

It was not all of them, just the first two. I fixed a few display bugs a while ago and when I saw the same personality on the first two reports, I was sure this had to be another one. I don't know that any AI can be erratic, but if we can believe the strategy guide, Sakkras are erratic 20% of the time, industrialist 10% and Meklars are erratic 60% and industrialist 50%, for a combined probability of 0.6%. That's unexpected but certainly not impossible. If I ever see it again, I'm going to take notice, though.

Quote:Can you post the galactic map with signs turned on?

I can post a screenshot for turn 50 as a preview:


Interesting teaser shot. nod

I remember reading somewhere (maybe Sirian's old warp core pages on MOO?) that at Impossible difficulty the normal personality distributions get over-ridden and any AI can show up as erratic. It is part of the difficulty effects for impossible, creating more chaos and making it harder to maintain peace.

Continuing with the next 25 turns...

My scouts stumble on several Sakkra colonies, and one of them is "defended" only by scouts, so I can explore it.

There's no formal contact yet because they're for now only in the extended fuel range. I also discovered the Psilon homeworld, but no other colonies so far.

Some more scouting reveals a bunch of arid and desert planets to the west while on the other side, the string of hostile worlds continues. It's probably better to just refer back to the map than spam screenshots here. On 2330, the next colship finishes and is sent to Gion to settle the poor but fertile planet. My thinking is that it can supply this corner of the map with colonists. In the meantime, I plan to use it mostly for research until I can drop the price of factories somewhat. A factory on a poor planet takes 40 turns to pay for itself. Meanwhile, Sakkra scouts are probing at the ocean world Toranor in the south and the hated Alkaris show up with scouts at Lyae north-east of Gion.

The news droid ranks empire production with me predictably in the last place:
  1. Sakkra
  2. Alkari
  3. Bulrathi
  4. Meklar
  5. Psilon
  6. Mrrshan

The colony ship arrives at Gion in 2334, on the same turn that I finish Terraforming +10. My next choices are Tundra Colony Base, Terraforming +20 and Death Spores. With the string of barren planets on the map, this isn't even a competition! I wait with researching it though since there are more planets to settle and the money is better spent on more colony ships... delaying too long to settle towards the center might turn out to be a bad choice though.

I send 36 pop from Fierias to Gion. It's more than I would normally send to a size-80 planet. However, the next colony ship is nearly finished and will establish a colony at Lyae north-east of Gion in 2343, so some of those colonists will move on soon.

My scout is finally chased away from Toranor by the Sakkras which promptly establish a colony. I amass some fighters at Xendalla in the hope that the Mrrshan combat advantage is enough to hold them off there. Spoiler: It was not enough. I think it would have been doable, but I just didn't invest enough.

Anyway, the Sakkras establish a colony at Xendalla in 2343, which, as the news droid helpfully informs me, is their sixth one. This finally establishes diplomatic contact. This time, Sakkra emperor Sauron rolled an Aggressive Expansionist personality, not the strange Erratic Industrialist personality from my last game. It's interesting though that the AI leaders "typical" personalities only appear 30% of the time. They're typical only in the sense that every other personality type is even less likely. I hit him up for a trade deal of 25 BC to improve relations from their uneasy starting point.

Around 2340, I opened up research in construction and computers, hoping for IIT9 and Deep Space Scanners, but the RNG hates me and gives me Reduced Waste 80% (a complete dud) and Battle Computers 2 as my only choices. I put both fields on very slow trickle spending.

In 2347, I spot the Alkari homeworld Altair:

Fierias kept pumping out colony ships in the meantime, with one heading to Drakka (which will be colonized in 2348) and the other one to Vox. Except that Vox won't be in range until Drakka is settled, so it uses the blue star system as a rest stop.

The Alkari establish contact in 2348, probably due to a fuel cell discovery on their part since I didn't see any colony pop up. They've rolled an Honorable Ecologist personality and agree to trade 25 BC. Of course, starting relations are bad.

Here's the map overview again, with Mentar marked by hand. I forgot to make a screenshot of the bar graphs, but they're as depressing as you would imagine at the start of an Impossible game.

What now? I should research Tundra Colony Base quickly. With the Alkaris having an Ecologist agenda, they're likely to focus on Planetology tech. The barren planets on this map are fairly large for their type, and they're going to make a big difference. Once they're colonized, we're going to see some conflict... and I haven't even opened up weapon tech yet... scared

This is my first post at RB after reading practically all of the threads... 

I'm really happy to see a "live-action" MOO game!!

I'll be following with great interest!   lol lol

That is a nice grouping of habitable worlds to your west. nod If you can colonize all of them, you should have sufficient worlds to compete with any non-runaway AI.

Hmmm, lizards and brains and birds encountered/generally located so far. Bears and cyborgs somewhere in the galaxy. Should be interesting.

I'm enjoying the thread, RFS-81! Thanks for posting it!

(June 10th, 2019, 16:14)SpaceOWL Wrote: This is my first post at RB after reading practically all of the threads...

Welcome, SpaceOWL! It's good to see another MoO enthusiast around!

Thanks for the thread! Always excited to see MOO content!
Quote:Get the heck out of here, you nerd!


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