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Alhambram's PBEM 16 Thread

My choices: Hungary, Georgia, Canada, Greece, Korea, Sweden, Ottomans

Soon I did glance over all those choices, I already knew who I shall pick, I pick this guy!
Matthias Corvinus of Hungary!

Hungary relies upon city states, especially when levying them. Upon levying units of city states, they gain 2 movement points and 5 strength, very dangerous for a early rush.
And worse for opponents, Hungary can upgrade them for 75% less and can use professional army to decrease cost (no free since 75% bonus is multiplicatively, so upgrades has to be paid).

The danger is that opponent might attempt to get rid of suzerainity and to counter it, Hungary get 2 free envoy every time they levy a city state army.
This power can be used inifinite, every 30 turns levy ends and then levy that army again for another 2 envoys. So theorically nobody can beat human Hungary if it comes at gaining envoys for city states.
This is why if playing Hungary in singleplayer you can aim for diplomatic victory since Hungary can farm many favors this way.
The best way to counter Hungary is simply raze city states, so I need to prevent this.

Matthias Corvinus brings along his own UU, Black Army. It fits prefectly as puzzle piece in city state levying power of Hungary. It gains +3 strength for every adjacent levied unit.
Need to research castles for it and get free one from start. Need to massproduce horsemen before upgrading them in Black Armies, Horseback Riding tech is on route to Castles which is nice.
If opponents think that threat of early classical age rush with levied units is over, in medevial age they face new threat in form of Black Army.

And for Hungary own UU Huszar, it do upgrade from Black Army, but it power is bit a paradoxical. Huszar gains +3 strength for every alliance. But if you have been wrecking havoc with Black Army, I doubt you have many friends left. Huszar is more meant for peaceful game or if Hungary player screws up its start and is not among favorites to win game, Hungary player can attempt to play kingmaker and ally with one of remaining players to win. Also Huszar is useful for emergences since it sometimes forces a temporary alliance for 30 turns till goal is reached.

Aside those war options, Hungary is also decent builder, 50% production bonus for districts can be powerful as long city is placed correctly across river. Hungary get decent starting bias for rivers, to enable them to start using their bonus right away. Obivious district that gains from it is commerical district which is badly needed since levying city state armies don't come cheap, it is main limitation of Hungary's levying power.

Thermal bath is late game building replacing zoo, need natural history civic to unlock it. But it gives 2 production and 2 amenities for cities in six range, it can become more it entertainment complex is next geothermal fissure (2 another more amenties and 3 tourism).

Due Unique Building, Hungary has light starting bias to start close geothermal fissure. This offers another advantages: geothermal fissure do appear in normal maps (no handmade) along borders of contintents which means that Hungary has good shot to get Foreign Trade boost early. Also along contintent borders tend having many mountains of volcano, which mean Hungary can place early powerful campuses (even better if that spot is across river of city making use of 50% production bonus).
I don't know how it shall spin out in this map since mapmaker might decide otherwise.

My plan: scout and suzerain as many city states as possible, might use Amani more often than I am used to it. Build campuses, commerical hubs and encampments with stables for GG and spamming horsemen/black armies.
Rush close opponent with levied units if possible, otherwise smack them with black armies.

Here is your start....

Edit:Added yields to screenshot

Can I get confirmation that you want Hungary?

(October 2nd, 2019, 16:50)Woden Wrote: Can I get confirmation that you want Hungary?

Yeah, I didn't change my mind, keep Hungary.

Turn 1:

After some thinking and moving warrior NW, I decided to move settler 1W.
In very first ring of orginal starting position, there was no resource tiles, 1Icon_Food3Icon_Production tiles are nice but means slow food start.
1W is upon plain hill which means extra production from start, also in 1st ring nice 2Icon_Food3Icon_Production deer tile. Culture picker shall pick banana tile for faster growth.

Also in 1st ring 3 adjacency campus from start though it don't profit from Danube bonus. But it is better to choose over better adjaceny bonus then faster but just 1 adjaceny bonus campus.
I shall use Danube production bonus for commerical district to gain gold for levying city state units.
And government plaza is probably the best tile for Danube production bonus because government buildings are expensive and don't get much production bonuses, except Liang who gives 30% production bonus.
Stacked with Danube production bonus it becomes 80% cheaper, so Hungary can build government buildings very cheap in additional of halved cost to build government plaza across river.

And finally I sort of already know where 2nd city is going be, wet rice 2nd ring, cotton and stone 1st ring, maybe more in fog, it is strong 2nd city spot.

I shall open with scout next turn, I need to know where city states are and where opponents are, so I can start planning around to use Matthias Corvinus's Raven King's alibity.
And settler before builder, only deer is doable with early builder. Probably a slinger before settler for defense.

Lastly, I am not only one who did move settler: TheArchduke and Cornflakes moved both settlers and still 0 empire points.

Turn 2:

Founded Buda and start scout there, my warrior moves NW and finds far superior site for campus:
I am wondering whether others also have such spot close by, since lastest patch reefs also give 2Icon_Science adjacency bonus, so that spot is worth 8Icon_Science adjacency bonus. yikes

Wow, that is a crazy adjacency for a first district
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(October 4th, 2019, 09:41)pindicator Wrote: Wow, that is a crazy adjacency for a first district

Yeah, I am suprised too with that spot, I have played civ 6 over 1000 hours and I have never seen 8 adjacent tile for first campus before. I did see 7 adjacent campus as Netherlands with 5 mountains and an river.
This is result of reef very recently upgraded to give 2 adjaceny for campus. I don't blame Woden for this, Woden orginally intended to wait till saturday so lurkers could look over map, but others were eager to start.
The result is that we landed in such situation where other players might not happy with my starting situation. But if other players has similar yield in starting area, then nevermind my comment.

Turn 3:

The disadvantage of good 3rd spot is that I need buy that tile, I rather not spend precious gold and save up for levying city state army. But 8 adjaceny campus is too good to pass.
Also I fears that I need buy rice tile when I founded 2nd city and has builder ready to improve tiles. After that I should not spend any penny anymore.
Warrior keep scouting NW till he hit tundra and then east, scout when finished goes to SW and after roughly 5 turns he makes a counterclockwise path around Buda looking for potential city states.

I decided to build warrior after scout, not slinger. Main reason for slinger is to upgrade into archers for boost of Machinery, but I can actually bypass that by levying city states units, if I got 3 archers from city state, I also do get boost for Machinery.
Warrior is also much better against barbs, especially if most nearby camp happens spawn horsemen.

My plan: finish Animal Husbandry for future deer camp and potential horse spots. Then Pottery-50% writing (trigger boost by finding one of my opponents) and build campus asap (but after first settler and builder). Then beeline for iron working, with campus I should reach it fast and if iron ore don't spawn in first 2 cities, grab it with 3rd city. And start stocking up irons, a mine gives 1 iron per turn. Normally you needs 20 iron to upgrade or build swordsmen. But Hungary if it levies warrior, it can upgrade it with merely 5 iron and 20 gold per warrior.
So my plan is sword rush, if possible with oligrachy and if I can manage it, use Twilight Valor policy card which require me in dark age for total of 50 strength and 4 movement points (better than knight actually!).

After iron working, go for currency for commerical hubs to fund levying costs and then beeline for Castles to unlock Black Army.
Culturewise I should try to get oligrachy as early as possible and after that Monarchy to unlock 2nd building for government plaza. Normally most players ignore Forgein Ministry building, but as Hungary, gimme that building! Half levying cost and another +4 strength for levied units, gimme it!

Turn 9:

I am afraid that I regained sloppy scouting from PBEM 2, I started above rainforest zone. So I knew that most things would be south of me, but I couldn't supress my curiosity what is in north and kept warrior ongoing.
Scout completed and he is scouting SW now and after several turns counterclockwise around south. About when I wanted send warrior clockwise, it found red tiles indicating city state and it was Granada.
Next turn tile picker picks banana tile, with extra production from Granada warrior is shall be finished 1 turn faster. After this settler. Warrior scout directly east to check surroundings of 2nd city.
I was last one to reach size 2, hopefully not a bad sign.

Turn 13:

Met Bandar Brunei in west, however I am not first to meet, I sweep area with scout in hope triggering contact and much needed boost for writing.
Bandar Brunei asks for sailing boost, which I am going to do with new settler when he plant 2nd city at desired spot. How more early gold, the better.

Seems that area above Buda is backline for me and building 2nd city hopefully seals access over land, so I can expand there without worry.
Which means that after 2nd city, I should push south, SW and SE cities, need explore more to find decent spots.
Warrior at north go to east to scout more, to make sure that land don't continue in east and it is indeed backline.

Finishing Animal Husbandry revealed a horse close Buda, unfortunately that means I need buy tile adjacent the desired campus spot.
Now pottery and then writing (hopefully contact by that point already).

International news: Scooter already finished 1st civic, he was also 1st to reach size 2 and finished tech first. He has little advantage over 3 others now.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I already found other contintent in SW, so boost for Foreign Trade.

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