I've been playing with generating the Building Tree.
Just now I've contributed and became the proud owner of Caster of Magic 6.0!
And I wholeheartedly appreciate Seravy's effort in it.
Also to be able to see what its Building Tree will look like after my tinkering with the Tweaker.
So anyway, here's a sneak preview:
EDIT: Oops, accidentally picked a MoM 1.31 tree. Let me redo that. Stay tuned...
Just now I've contributed and became the proud owner of Caster of Magic 6.0!
And I wholeheartedly appreciate Seravy's effort in it.
Also to be able to see what its Building Tree will look like after my tinkering with the Tweaker.
So anyway, here's a sneak preview:
EDIT: Oops, accidentally picked a MoM 1.31 tree. Let me redo that. Stay tuned...
--I like ILSe