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Diplomacy screen for 14 wizards

Admittedly, the most important new feature if I remake the game is having more than 4 wizards in the game but omg this will make the diplomacy screen so crowded.

can't you add pages or scrolling to it?

I could but that's not very playable. You have to see everyone on the screen to know what that war or alliance icon represents, I can't expect players to memorize the player color for 14 wizards, especially not when there are somewhat similar colors which is unavoidable with this many.
I also rather not hide an ongoing Armageddon spell behind a scroll button just because it's wizard#12 who cast it, either.

With more wizards the extra Diplomacy screen makes sense. It looks like up to 28 portraits fit in. But it would be nice to have a leftover space that contains a big window to scroll all the Overland enchantments.

How about a Magic screen that shows “Info – Mirror” instead of the 4 opponents.

Yes, the leftover space is for global enchantments grouped per wizard so it'll be easy to see which belongs to whom. The diplomacy screen will be reachable directly from the main screen, instead the Magic screen will have more information on your magic, research and sp income and spending which was very much missing in the original game. The days when you have to guess how much of your mana is from nodes has to end!
This definitely could use some improvements but it seems playable.

Here's how Civ 4 shows information on different civilisations and relations between them. Might be difficult without having a higher resolution though.

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Yeah you can't display the spells with that.

A try with space for the names of the current spells. Treaties & overland enchantments would fit in as symbols maybe.

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what about smaller pics? or even symbols?

also, maybe you can settle on 8 to 10 wizards, 15 seems overkill

It's 14 wizards because there are 14 different portraits. 13 of those are enemies, 1 is yourself but you have to see your own global enchantments as well so it has to be included.
I think the one I posted should work well if a textbox is added behind the enchantment list. The treaties can be in the empty space between the wizards and the spells. Relation status (neutral, hate etc) will have no room left but I was planning to move that to a dedicated diplomacy advisor who shows it on a graph like historian.

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