As I preparde for the game I hoped for early Immortals (like many other Players did) and intended to make a rush with them. Since they are good agains archers
I hoped to skip cats.
I settled 1 tile SW from starting position in order to use Ivory sooner.
When I met Toku and Monty I knew I will have to make those militia pronto!
I figured out that I need to take Toku down earlier because
I mixed up Samurai and Jaguar thinking that Samurai come in earlier
2320BC I founded AntiToku - a city in the halfway between me and Tokugawa, grabbing myself 1st gem ...sorry, this is not epic2 anymore
What bothered me was that I could't find HORSES...
... and suddenly I realized
I forgot to research AH !!
It just didn't occured to me that I need it to reveal those stalions :dope:
Soonafter Toku established Tokyo (3rd Japan city) grabbing the horses in the S.
I figured I will have to grab this city as soon as possible.
975BC I founded a city in the W near rice, on the coast
After making 2-3 milit I declared on Toku (775BC) and grabbed Tokyo (horsecity) after about 10 turns of jungle crossing (500BC). Toku used this period to establish another city on the E coast now controling stone and wheat.
Then I started marching for Toku's capital, he made some counterattacks with chariots on the way so I needed to enforce my forces
leaving Tokyo behind with no military -- that was also a misteake.
This put me in an
interesting situation :
- I was standing at the gates of Japan Capital with all my military, leaving Tokyo about 5 turns march behind ...and Toku sends a galley from his capital (where my troops stand) with a single warrior to retake unguarded, size 1 Tokyo

I could do NOTHING to prevent recapturing Tokyo ...

Ow well... since I can do nothing I will carry on with the attack I will have those horses either from tokyo or from Kyoto.
I started to attack Kyoto and after a turn defence fell. In the next Turn Toku was supposed to land in Tokyo and retake it ... BUT INSTEAD HE ASKED FOR PEACE...

I could not belive it... he even proposed a tech ...
I took the treaty (225BC) of course
During this war I erected another city (I razed Toku's city on the stone res.) + conquered a barb city in the NW.
Now Toku is squeezed on the E coast and has 10 turns of peace.
1AD I began with declaring on Monty. :] and captured 3 of his cities till 325AD.
Toku's turn again: sudden death in 475AD.
Untill 800AD Monty was left with only one city - size 1, but well placed, I waited till 1110AD to reach size 2 and took it.
Coming up: 2nd continent with more misteakes to be made - stay tuned.
Every beautiful woman should have a twin sister.