The Necromancer
Callera, Last of the
Vrin-Latti, fingered the tassels hanging from the blade of her spear nervously.
She was no stranger
to battle, as she had in the past few months, joined countless bands of
mercenaries and sell-swords. She saw death
more than the average solider would, and she was proud of her grace under
She could not get
over how quiet it was in these woods. Nothing moved, not a leaf stirred,
as she waited for their
enemy to make its move. Finally, a rustling as something behind the Amazon
entered the clearing she was in. She spun
quickly, and hefted her spear, ready to impale her target.
The Barbarian stood
there, holding his mailed hand up to her in a defensive move.
Nervously, Callera
lowered her spear, but did not let her guard down.
Sha'uri entered the
clearing next, with Tyr right behind her, as obedient as ever, and waved
for Callera to put her
weapon away.
"We are alone, there
is nothing within a good two miles of us right now." Said the snakewoman,
as Tyr nodded
sheepishly, before adding his own comments.
"Likely they heard
the tales of the brutal Amazon haunting these parts, and decided they'd
be better off in the
Callera narrowed her
eyes to slits, and wondered exactly what would happen to her if she drove
her spear through the
young paladin.
Sha'uri then told
the group, "Come, let us rest for the evening. Tomorrow we need to reach
the Tahoe Highlands, and
beyond, the Monastery."
Callera is stationed
as the guard for that night, though she knows The Barbarian is awake even
then. She could not
figure out what he was, as he never seemed to eat, or sleep. He unnerved
the woman in countless ways, just as he
attracted her to him like a magnet.
Suddenly her violet
eyes leapt from the 'slumbering' giant's body, to the woods surrounding
their clearing. Someone
was approaching.
Tyr was out of his
bedroll in seconds, and held his scepter before him like a claymore. "The
dead watch us."
Callera gripped her
spear tightly, and waited for the monsters to make their move. The Barbarian
moved from his
bedroll as well, and held his axe patiently.
Finally a large hand,
roughly the size of Callera's skull, pulled apart the brush surrounding
the clearing, and out came a
humanoid figure of mud and clay. Callera drew her spear back, to impale
the monstrosity, when a second one stepped
into view, and then a third.
Tyr lowered his weapon
slightly, though The Barbarian did not. As soon as the golems stood within
the clearing, several
more humanoid figures exited the brush. One was a skeleton, pure white
bones all around, with only a loincloth and a
light circlet of silver to adorn it's undead body. Magic pulsed from it's
deep eye sockets, and also from the being's
skeletal hands.
The other two were
more human, standing roughly eight handspans each, and each wore a brown
cloak covering most of
their bodies. One stood forward, holding a long object surrounded by rags
and cloth. He tossed this item to Sha'uri who
had just risen from her own sleep.
"You were looking
for that I believe, Sha'uri."
His name was Everett
Call, and he had single-handedly recreated the lost Order of the Horadrim,
using scrolls and
tomes from his mentor, Horshast Saul, and Deckard Cain, both descendants
of the original Horadric Order.
He was also one of
her mother's companions, from her adventures into Tristram decades ago.
The cowl of his cloak
hung heavily over his brow, covering what would surely be the scar that
the mage took to contain
Diablo, the Lord of Terror, in Callera's mother's previous adventures.
His companion's name
was Marius, and he was a monk of the same order as Call. He was the more
silent of the pair
however, as he seemed to be haunted by unseen demons.
Tyr was not welcoming
of the two's presence, or the presence of their companions. Call assured
them that they were
harmless, but Tyr could not so easily be abated. Callera had begun to
wonder if the paladin's awkward mannerisms of
late were not the cause of the golem and skeleton presence, and instead
due to Call's presence.
The two, Paladin and
Necromancer locked eyes quite often, as if in a contest of wills. Sha'uri
luckily hurried to stop any
violence that would erupt. She held the slim package that Call had delivered
to her reverently, and started to unwrap
it's shaft.
It was a long staff,
made of the most purely translucent emerald stone that Callera had ever
imagined. It was adorned
with countless runes and words of power, and it was no surprise to Callera
to find out that it was a staff of wizardry.
"You left that behind,
the last time you visited Sha'uri. I know how much it meant to you, so
I figured I might hunt you
down and deliver it." Call's voice had an edge to it, that sounded dangerous,
as generous as his words might seem.
Callera turned towards
Sha'uri, not quite sure what was going on. "You have been to his Temple
Sha'uri nodded, upset
with the turn of events, "Aye child, I helped him build it. We all did
in fact."
Callera looked around
suspiciously, not sure what to say at this, until Tyr broke his staring
contest with Call, to look
very seriously at Sha'uri. "Sorceress, you overstep your bounds."
Callera's mouth opened
in shock at these words. The normally subservient paladin was never this
serious, and had
never said anything remotely threatening to the more powerful sorceress.
He was likely going to be hit with a bolt of
ice in one second.
The bolt of ice never
came, but instead Sha'uri backed down from Tyr's glare, and slithered
deeper into the camp, away
from Callera and the necromancer's entourage.
"Come now Tyrrynan,
surely you cannot keep the identity of those around you a secret for too
long." Said Call, slyly as
Tyr spun on him in
anger, and seemed ready to strike down the Necromancer. The skeletal mage
behind Call crackled
with energy, and the golems seemed ready to clobber the young paladin.
Tyr looked over his shoulder, and looked
directly at Callera. "Callera, leave. There is a war brewing, and I will
not have any innocents be lost to it-"
The Necromancer laughed.
"A war? Between you and I? I think not. What chance would I have against
a 'person' like
yourself?" There was a subtle mocking to Call's words, but Callera couldn't
help but wonder if there was truth to it as
To partially answer
her question, Tyr's eyes flared, and the golems all fell to the ground,
now nothing but broken pieces
of dirt and mud. The skeleton flared out of existence, dust on the wind.
Marius shuffled nervously behind his master,
but Everett Call did not move a muscle. Instead the cowl of his robe flittered
off of his temple, and revealed the
pulsing bump on the man's forehead. Veins raised all around the scarred
over gem, and Callera could see the blood
pumping throughout the mage's now glowing arteries.
Call's eyes misted
over with blood, and his mouth opened in a silent howl. Tyr did not move
from his position before
the Devil, though Sha'uri did grab Callera by the arm, and yank her backwards.
"You do not wish to
be part of this battle child, as we will be lucky to survive a mile from
here." The sorceress signaled
for The Barbarian to follow the pair, as they made their way out of the
clearing. Callera looked over her shoulder long
enough to see the clearing erupt in white light, but she could see little
The hairs on the back
of the Amazon's neck started to stand on end, as Sha'uri suddenly stood
erect and looked behind
her in fear. Callera looked around confusedly, starting to head back through
the woodlands towards Tyr, before the
Barbarian grabbed onto her, and forcibly dragged her away. Callera struggled
against the mailed giant however, and
knocked his great helm from his head.
Her head spun around,
to see what visage this man had, that he had to hide it from all of his
companions. For a split
second, Callera saw only a handsome black man, his neck corded with muscles,
and his hair a slicked black color. Then
patches of skin fell off, and the remaining skin grew taut and dried up.
His hair took on a wispy texture, and fell out
from the roots. The Barbarian decomposed before her.
Callera began to scream,
before reaching for her spear, only now realizing it was left back in
the camp. She started to
run back there, to destroy the abomination before her, when Everett Call
stepped in front of her, apparently done with
the battle behind him.
"You do not like my
handiwork? It is amazing he has remained that much composition, seeing
as how he has not been
alive for... how many years has it been now DiStephano?" The Necromancer
turned to The Barbarian, who was
readjusting his helm on top of his plate mail, and waited for an answer
he knew would not come.
"Y- you did that to
him?" Stupefied, Callera asked questions when she knew she should be running.
"I am afraid not child,
your mother struck the killing blow. Though I was there to patch things
up for him, like he once
did for me." A fond smile broke out on the Mage's pale face, as he recalled
past memories.
Callera was not sure
to say, hearing these words, but it did mesh with what the seer had told
her some time back.
About her mother slaying a Barbarian before leaving the Tribe.
Behind her, DiStephano
swung his axe overhead, and directly to the Mage's skull.
Call raised a gloved
hand, and The Barbarian's throat constricted, eliciting a choked gasp
from him. Sha'uri hefted her
emerald staff, and began swinging it at the Necromancer, but one of his
golems suddenly appeared from the
vegetation, and grabbed the woman's staff in it's hands, and neither let
it go, instead staring at one another in
Callera suddenly realized
that all of her companions were now incapacitated except for her. Call
watched her with a
gleam in his eye, a gleam matched for by the large red stone sticking
out of the man's forehead. Callera's gloved fist
shot out, and jabbed into the man's face, before one of her feet shot
up and hit the man in the gut.
Her enemy doubled
over, Callera easily slipped through his grasp, and headed back towards
the camp. Sprinting into
the clearing, Callera was surprised to see Tyr still alive. Indeed the
young man turned to her, and his eyes shone with
the same holy white light that he sometimes shot at their unliving enemies.
He had a gaping wound in his gut, which
seemed to be festering over. He held out a hand to Callera, seeking her
own, and she complied, grabbing the man's
hand to provide some support.
Images assaulted her
mind. None made any sense to her, except for the one image that shone
through it all. Her. She
was being assaulted with memories of her as a child, or memories of someone
who knew her as a child. Standing within
the dusty plains of her homeland, she was a vibrant little whelp, who
was more often running throughout the Tribelands
by herself, and ignoring her mother's orders.
And she was also known
to keep company with a young boy who sometimes frequented the Tribe, a
young tan boy
named Tyr. He was to be a monk of the Horadric Order, the Order her mother's
friend was even then recreating.
Callera's hand shot
back from the young paladin's own, and she looked at it as if on fire.
Hearing a rustling behind her,
Callera dove beyond the Paladin and grabbed for her spear. Landing on
her shoulder, Callera rolled and took her spear
with her, arms in tight to avoid broken bones. One of Call's golems was
trashing the campsite, and was ignoring Tyr
outright. Instead it came for her, determined in it's attack.
Callera's spear shot
out, three times, viciously jabbing the monstrosity in the torso. Being
an unnatural creature, such
pain did not stop the beast, but instead it came on.
Tyr suddenly noticed
the Amazon's peril, and reached for his own blade, which was shattered
on the ground. Instead
the Paladin placed his hand on his chest in a solemn prayer, before a
glistening blade of pure light formed in the man's
mailed hand. He swung the blade at the creature from behind, decapitating
it, and destroying its power source.
Already the golem
was reforming, as behind the camp Call exerted his will to summon as many
companions as he
could. Sha'uri and DiStephano could be heard fighting something deeper
into the brush, but neither Callera nor Tyr could
locate the two. Instead the Paladin grabbed the young woman's hand and
dragged her in the opposite direction.
"Tyr, we cannot! We
need to go back for them!" Callera protested.
"Child, I ensure you
that they will not live for another minute once Diablo has his way!" called
the Paladin while
dragging the woman by her arm.
"Indeed child, I fear
Everett Call did not survive his inner battle! And the world shall pay
the price for it!"
Callera followed obediently
after these words, but not without several glances behind her. The forest
began to burn
then, as Tyr and Callera retreated into the Marshlands before the Tahoe
Highlands. Finally the two stopped running,
surely a mile or two away, and watched the blaze from afar.
Within the Dark Wood,
Marius simply watched his Master work his powers on the warriors before
him. The dark skinned
paladin had frightened him, but now that he was gone, there was little
to fear. And deeper into the forest, where
Sha'uri and DiStephano fought to save their lives (or unlife as it may
be), Diablo grinned in pending triumph.

Tyrrynan was no mortal
man. That was clear to Callera now. While on the surface he appeared to
be nothing more than
your typical young man, he was in fact some kind of... being.
That was the only
explanation she had. She tried to fathom this, just as she recalled memories
of the man as a boy,
growing up with her in the Tribelands. He should've been well into his
third decade of living, but this man didn't look a
day over eighteen. He smiled coyly now, as he always had before, but now
his smile held new meaning to Callera.
Hiding in a small
cavern in the Black Marshlands, Tyr rested against a cavern wall, while
a fire burned before him. The
firelight shone in his eyes, and they seemed to twinkle with energy. Or
Finally, he broke
the silence. "You know who I am now, do you not?"
Callera gave a curt
nod, not sure she was willing to open her mouth. She had so many questions,
but she needed to
keep her composure. She feared that if she started to speak, everything
would come out at once, and she would appear
as a child to this, again she used the term, being.
"I am sorry for the
deception, but as you can likely guess, things would have been...difficult,
to explain."
Despite her reservations,
Callera voiced one question. "I do not understand." Not a question, perhaps,
but a statement.
But a statement that contained many questions.
"If you would sit,
and stop that infernal pacing, perhaps I can explain a bit. That is unless
the Unholy Lord of Terror
finds us. In which case pace away."
Callera did not find
him humorous anymore, but did indeed take a seat by the fire. At the far
side of the paladin.
"I am... Tyrrynan.
Once Tyrryn. Once Tyr. Your mother knew me as a paladin, naive and rife
with faith in the Light. I
aided her in her final battles against Diablo, in Tristram. I then left
her company, siting a 'holy quest' to undertake.
Indeed I returned several years later in the guise of a young man who
was studying to be a monk in the Horadric Order,
that Everett Call was organizing. I appealed to your sense of responsibility,
and tried to discern your true nature."
"My 'true nature'?"
Callera asked, transfixed by the man's tale.
"Allow me to continue?"
He phrased this question in a way that made Callera actually feel as if
she was in control of
the situation.
She nodded curtly.
"I wished to know
you better, to make sure you would follow Vim's Calling, and become a
Watermistress. You would
have been the greatest Watermistress the Vrin-Latti ever knew. They would
praise your name for centuries to come.
Needless to say, that did not happen.
"I left your company
one day, in the knowledge that you would not be seen again for several
years, as the Caverns of
Life were appearing to you, and it was your turn to enter them. I was
proud. I thought I had succeeded in this mission
as well. I had become your lineage's personal 'guardian angel' as it were.
"Then your mother...
something happened to her. Whether it was because of your absence, or
something else, she
snapped. She drove your tribe to its end, and slaughtered countless people
for no apparent reason, including her own
Tribeswomen. She became a feared woman, and brought her Tribe's name with
her. People shivered at the mention of
the Vrin-Latti.
"Then, in a moment
of clarity, she listened to Iranae's appeals, and stepped down as Queen
of the Tribe. She knew
what she had done was wrong, and so she sought to redeem herself among
the lands of Aranoch. That did not last for
long however. Clearly not in hold of her better judgement, she returned,
and attacked Iranae, both verbally and
physically. The Gray General left the Tribe, dishonored by its reputation
now, and was not seen again. Your mother
continued to lead the Tribe as a band of murderers.
"She slew a man some
years back. He was a barbarian, from the Shadow Wolf Tribe, and had known
your mother many
years ago. This man is DiStephano, The Barbarian we have traveled with
these past weeks."
Callera sat, shocked,
but not so shocked as she might once have been. She has heard all of this
before. She had heard
from that woman. That unworldly woman...
Before Callera could
try and figure out what connection Tyr, or Tyrrynan or whatever, had to
this woman, he dropped a
bomb on her. "DiStephano was your father."
The Amazon's mouth
was open wide in shock. The Paladin simply watched her as she digested
this, knowing that she
would retort soon.
And that she did.
"You mean to tell me my mother slew the father of her child?"
"Among others. She
was not in control of her senses, so she is technically free of blame,
but yes, she slew DiStephano,
and only then, was she so wrought with guilt that she reclaimed her body,
and left the Vrin-Latti in shame. This time
for good."
Callera sat, staring
at the ground before her, not meeting Tyrrynan's eyes.
"Well, aren't you
going to lash out? Or accuse me of being a fool? For The Light's sake
woman, I am surprised you
haven't driven your spear through me yet." Tyrrynan seemed irrational
in his argument.
Callera raised her
face from the ground, and looked from beneath her sapphire and black locks,
into his eyes. "Once,
yes, I would have called you a liar, and a fraud. I would've stormed out
of here to head back to the Camp to hire myself
out as a mercenary again. Not any longer. If Vim has taught me anything,
it is that I can trust some people. As much
as I hate what you say, and it pains me to hear it, I will listen, and
become the wiser for your knowledge."
The Paladin sat silently
in the cavern, stunned by her logic. He licked his dried lips, and began
to gather his supplies.
"Where are you going?"
She asked of him.
"We should head back
to the Camp. You need to get out of here. This is no place for you girl."
Callera stood before
the Paladin, staring him down, and grabbing him by the shoulder.
"You have not completed
your tale, Tyrryn." There was a dangerous edge in her voice, and the man
knew to listen to
her. He may be all-powerful, but he was not so foolish.
"I have indeed completed
my tale woman, but if you would like me to answer your questions, by all
means ask them."
"Very well. Where
is my mother now?"
Sighing, the Paladin
looked at her for a moment. Noticing her whitening knuckles on the shaft
of her spear, he
answered. "In the Monastery."
"I know that. Where?
Why?" "In the
lowest bowels of it. It's deepest Catacombs. Therein, is a portal open
to Hell that she seeks to close. This
portal is being used by Andariel the Maiden of Anguish to supply Diablo
with an army to destroy the Light. "
Callera nodded. Another
question however. "Who are you?"
"I told you, I am
"Yes, I know this.
And why is it you are so young? I knew you almost three decades ago, and
you don't look a day over
twenty summers. And to top that off, you even said you aided my mother
years before my birth. So who are you? What
are you?"
Again the sigh, before
he looked her dead in the eyes, and said, "You wouldn't believe me if
Just as serious, the
Amazon interrupted him, "Try me."
"My name is Tyrrynan
The Almighty, Tyrrynan the All Powerful, Tyrrynan the Foolish. I am a
warrior of the Light, sent
from the High Heaven's to spy on your mother. And on you subsequently."
"She is- was, in possession
of something very dangerous, and I wanted to make sure she used it properly.
Which is to
say not at all."
Callera looked him
over for a good minute, before breaking the silence with the blunt truth.
"Your an angel then?"
Narrowing his eyes,
the dark young man nodded succinctly.
"Very well. Let us
go." Callera turned about face, and walked to the exit of the cavern,
not mindful of the shocked Angel
behind her.
Tyrrynan grabbed the
rest of his equipment and ran to the front of the cavern, where Callera
was waiting for him. "That
is it?"
"What do you want,
Tyr- whatever your name is, shock? Disgust? Adoration? I know the Heavens
and Hell have brought
its war to our lands, and I am mindful of that. I wish you people would
stop using us like some kind of pawns in a
game, but apparently the only way you will go away is if I aid you. And
I presume this means the destruction of one
Lord of Terror, correct?"
The Paladin stared
at her while she ranted like this, and did not answer before she continued.
"So we will travel
together. You the healing hand of the Light or some such, me its vengeful
wrath. We will find my
mother, help her destroy this portal, and it will be a joyous homecoming.
Now come along."
With that the tall
woman stalked off into the Marshlands, in the direction of the higher
ground to their north.
Somewhere on those plateaus was the Monastery of the Sisters of the Sightless
Several hours later,
as Callera and Tyrrynan laid on the hard ground of their camp, Callera
at last spoke the one
lingering question she had aloud.
"You said your mission
was to watch my mother, and me, since she was in possession of something
very dangerous.
Am I to presume that is why you found me as well?"
A moment of silence
then filled the Marshlands, as Callera waited for the Angel to reply.
"No. You were already
bereft of the... entity when I met you. I believe your mother successfully
contained it in some
"So then why did you
stay around for so long?"
"I guess it was because
I kind of liked you. And it was nice associating with someone on that
level. A personal level
that was neither romantic, nor terribly emotional. You were an actual
'friend', and not a compatriot or lover. I do not
have many of them."
"I see. Ok then, good
"Good night."
Deep within the Monastery
of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye, in it's deepest catacombs, Erim Lera
grabbed her
stomach in terrible agony. She was trying to repress the urges, and the
desires, but she was not going to succeed. And
she knew if she kept getting loose, Erim wouldn't have a world to return
back to.

The trident drove
through the dark one's slight chest, pinning it to it's companion behind
him. Nearby, a shaman could
be heard uttering the words to raise one of the fallen dark ones. Tyrrynan
quickly silenced the shaman with a quick
whack with his scepter.
Not a creature moved
within the courtyard. A fountain in the center of the cloister depicted
three sisters of the Sightless
Eye in preparation of trouble, and water trickled about it, disturbing
the otherwise silent scene of carnage.
They had been like
this for the past several days. All day long, they would slay any monster
in their path, closing in on
the Monastery, only today having reached its labyrinthine halls. Nothing
yet had given them cause for alarm, with
Callera providing a powerful and quick strike with her new trident, and
Tyrrynan backing her up with his spells. They
were a formidable team.
They had also not
spoken a single word to one another since three nights past, when they
slept within the Black Marsh.
Callera had not quite grasped the revelation of what he had told her,
and he had kindly left her to overcome her anxiety
Callera walked solemnly
to the large that lead deeper into the Monastery, but halted abruptly
when she heard something
moving on the other side of the door. Pulling forth her trident, dubbed
Razortine by its previous owner, a
paladin named KalMirric, she once again approached the door.
The door opened with
a loud creak, and Callera watched in awe at the battle raging behind it.
Spells were being
flung left and right, mostly ice bolts, and large spikes of hail, while
what could only be construed as
two armies met in the midst of another courtyard, to battle. A din that
would raise the dead rang throughout the
roofless courtyard, while metal met metal, and spells crashed against
rock, or flesh.
In hindsight, Callera
realized that instead of two opposing armies, it would appear that two
people were fighting an
army. Corrupted rogues were hacking and slashing at the two individuals
deep within their midst, but the rogues were
dropping left and right despite the odds. Finally a slim hand raised itself
from the center of the courtyard, and all in the
battle stopped in their attacks, to watch in anticipation.
The hands, the first
being joined by it's compatriot, wove and swirled in mesmerizing motions,
and whatever being was
attached to them, seemed ready to cast a mighty spell. A slight electrical
spark jumped across the tattered pieces of
armor of the rogues, before a mighty blue wave swept out amongst them,
freezing some, and utterly disintegrating
Bits of flesh and
guts splattered across the courtyard, as Callera watched in shock at the
pure display of power before
her. Tyrrynan now stepped before her, and walked towards the remaining
With a smirk, Callera
realized she did indeed recall those slight hands.
"What took you two
so long?" asked the sorceress Sha'uri.
They camped that evening,
within the Cathedral in the center of the Monastery of the Sisters of
the Sightless Eye.
"Even before Everett
Call's coming, and Andariel with him, this place was long out of use.
The Sisters long abandoned
the Light, and not a single prayer had been uttered in this place for
many years." Tyrrynan's voice echoed throughout
the hall, while DiStephano, Callera, and Sha'uri followed (or slithered)
after him.
Sha'uri spoke up from
behind him, "That is not true Angel. You know very well that Akara visited
quite often to voice
her prayers. She sensed the growing dissension in the land, but did not
think it would hit so closely to home. She
prayed for their salvation, and look what good it did her. That is why
so many 'turn from the Light' as you so eloquently
put it. Their prayers go unheeded."
Tyrrynan ignored her,
and instead pointed out a spot at the center of the holy place, that was
now desecrated. "Callera,
would you mind helping me to consecrate this place. We cannot do much,
but it hurts me to be here."
Callera simply nodded,
not yet ready to speak to the man. They knocked over a font containing
human blood and let
the liquid spill across the floor, onto some of the pews. Tyrrynan pulled
out a small flask, and poured from it a vile
smelling liquid back into the font, and also across the altar that dominated
the center of the chamber.
The paladin seemed
at ease after doing so little, and Callera wondered if they had even done
anything. The place was
still dark and dreary, and bats nested high above them. And likely agents
of Hell would have no problem walking
throughout these halls, despite its 'consecration'.
Putting the Paladin
out of mind however, Callera turned to the Sorceress, and asked the first
in many questions. "So....
you survived. I am beginning to think he is not the only agent of the
Tyr's ears perked
up at these words, but Sha'uri ignored him. "Call did his best to destroy
us, but once more, we proved
more than worthy for his attention. The Barbarian is more than-"
"I know his name is
DiStephano. You can call him as such. I also know he is my father." Callera
said this without a hint
of emotion, and the Barbarian's helmeted head turned to her, with what
could be construed as pain.
"DiStephano was quite
the adversary, and fought with the most passion I have seen from anyone,
your mother not
included. His axe rose and fell, and despite the Mage's attempts, he could
not keep his minions alive long enough for
them to do us harm. Meanwhile my own powers were not to be put to waste,
as I cast spell after spell at him, and
before long, he was facing both of us by himself. Seeing that the better
part of valor was discretion, he made haste,
and we have not heard from him since then."
Tyrrynan piped up
at the soonest interval however, with perhaps too much enthusiasm. "That
does not mean he will be
an easy foe. Sha'uri is a powerful, powerful woman, and could rival many
of the ancient Horardric Mages in their prime,
and DiStephano is a prime example of his people. Crafty, and powerful
beyond belief. Your mother fought long and hard
to slay Diablo, and-"
"Look what good it
did her." Callera turned on the Paladin, and said her first words to him
in some time.
"Excuse me?" the Paladin
was put off, not sure of Callera's words.
"She slew him, and
tried to return to her life. She did your work, the work of the Light,
and it only caused her pain and
suffering. I am not an idiot. I know the reason you have sought me out
is to kill her. I know she contains the essence
of Diablo still, and I am to kill her, so she cannot harm another.
"I know this, and
I will do it. I am not so bitter and resentful that I wish the Lord of
Terror on the world, but I wonder,
what good will it do me to slay Him, if I too will be slain? And what
will stop them from killing me then and there, to
prevent his return in my own shell?" Callera was in a rage, something
not many people saw. The events of the last few
days have taken their toll on her psyche, and she was now aiming her anger
at the Angel.
However, it was Sha'uri
who stepped to his defense. "No child, I am afraid that is not entirely
right. If you would come
with me, back into the courtyard for some privacy, I will explain all
in detail to you."
Sha'uri place a arm
around the girl's shoulders, needing to stand on two feet more of tail
to reach her, and lead the girl
The two women sat
outside, after closing the door to the Cathedral behind them. Callera
avoided the snakewoman's
eyes, and looked to the grass around her.
"Your mother is not
possessed by Diablo."
Callera's head shot
up, a gleam in her eye that Sha'uri was afraid to crush. But she decided
to do it quickly, and as
soon as she could.
"She is possessed
by Andariel."
Just as soon as it
had come, the glimmer of hope was gone, and Sha'uri suspected it would
not return ever again.
"Your mother... no,
your grandfather, Soc, was a powerful being, not unlike myself. He lived
for aeons, and grew in
power. But it was an impotent power, one he could not wield against the
world of man. Instead, he used his powers in
countless other ways. He fathered hundreds of children, girl's all, over
the course of two milleniums, one of which was
your mother, Erim, and also your aunt Nimue. He also fathered a daughter
to the Queen of Westmarch, Shellandra.
"You already know
why your mother headed to Tristram, but you should also know that Shellandra,
Princess and
Rightful Heir to the Throne of Westmarch, also headed there, with her
companions Everett Call, and DiStephano.
Everett was a proud and vain young mage, who was in love with his queen,
and wished to please her in any fashion.
DiStephano gave the woman his grudging respect, and in time, they were
lovers. This displeased Call, and placed the
first seeds of his future possession.
"Your mother met Shellandra,
her half-sister, for only a brief period of time, before she was slain.
This part is... difficult
to explain. Somehow, your mother's mind, her soul, ended up in Shellandra's
body. They debated over which should
control the body, and in a move none can quite fathom, the rightful owner,
bestowed this 'power' upon her sister. Your
mother, now in a brand new body, that was not terribly unlike her own
before, was unaware at the time that
DiStephano and Shellandra had been lovers, and in fact Shellandra was
pregnant with his child."
New found knowledge
was dawning on Callera, as she had already guessed some of the tale by
"So my 'mother' is
not even my real mother, is she?"
"No, though Erim Lera
loved you more than anything else in this world. However, what she also
didn't know was that
Shellandra's quest in Tristram was not to slay Diablo, or even to enter
Hell if she could help it. Instead she sought a
mighty blade, Shadowfang, once wielded by a vile demon to slay the Angel
Izual. During the battle when Shadowfang
was lost, Andariel, Maiden of Anguish, and a young angel in the fray of
battle, consummated in a way no scholar has
yet been able to fathom. Andariel had a fresh newborn incubus at her disposal,
which she named-"
"Soc." The girl interrupted.
"You are an incredibly
bright girl. Vim was smart in choosing you."
The young woman smiled
slightly. She needed to hear the rest of the tale.
"So Soc, demonchild
of Andariel, was your grandfather. Both your true birth mother's, and
Erim Lera's, father. And he
sought one thing in his whole life. The Shadowfang blade. Knowing he would
likely never find it by himself, he chose to
bear countless children, to whom he might return to if they should come
in contact with it.
"Your mother, Erim
Lera that is, did briefly come into contact with the blade. He returned
to her, and in the process,
brought the attentions of Andariel upon her. Drawing upon some foresight,
the Demoness relinquished her hold on her
Hellish legions, and decided to travel here, to possess your mother's
body. She held it off for years, until you departed
from her. Something about your leaving, allowed Andariel to take control.
"Now Andariel, once
your mother, is here, among these halls, waiting for you. You can slay
her, or leave her, but know
she is evil, and no longer your mother. However, your mother's spirit
will never rest in Starlet's court until Andariel is
slain. Also, Tyrrynan has decided you would be a fitting subject to continue
Shellandra's old quest."
Callera did not turn
around then, already knowing who stood behind her.
Tyrrynan meekly than
stated, "I would like for you to find the Shadowfang."
As the four began
to enter the Catacombs of the Monastery, Tyrrynan walked over to Callera,
and handed her a wrapped
up bundle. She looked to him quizzically.
His answer: "This,
is the Runeblade Azurewrath, once wielded by Izual the Fallen against
the Hellforge to destroy the
Shadowfang. It will be needed to destroy the blade, when you find it.
Callera unwrapped
the parcel, which revealed a crystalline blade of the highest quality.
The dimensions were
otherworldly, and would not have been possible, if it were not Heaven
crated. When her fingers brushed the hilt, it
flared to life, with an inner light rivaling any bonfire.
This drew Sha'uri's
attention. "The Azurewrath? But that was said to be lost, for countless
"Only said to have
been lost. Tyrael has been holding onto it for some time, in anticipation
of whomever might be able
to wield it against Shadowfang. He hadn't ever found anyone worthy. I
The compliment was
not lost on Callera, who could not stop looking deeply into the eldritch
light coming from the
Behind her, Sha'uri
asked another question. "Tyrael let you take that?"
Tyrrynan shouldered
his pack, and headed into the catacombs, before answering with a grin.
"Who says he knows?"

Behind Callera, the
swirling blue energies of the town portal created the only light in the
room. Using this light, the
amazon placed one foot before the other, and cautiously approached the
darkness before her. And from the darkness,
something approached the amazon. The eldritch blue light revealed several
pointed appendages, and cloven hooves.
Callera's eyes scanned upward from the feet of her nemesis, to the bare
beasts, and snarling visage of the Demon
Queen, Andariel. And as if to capture the image of this nightmare come
to life more perfectly, a shimmering blue horn
was suddenly visible at the center of the she-thing's forehead.
Callera's jaw tightened
in anger, and emotional pain, before she gave the signal.
The room erupted in
light. Sconces scattered about the catacomb burst aflame, as The Sorceress's
spells compelled
them to do. Behind Andariel, The Barbarian crouched low with his heavy
axe held firmly in both hands. The Paladin's
brow was knit with concentrated effort, while his morning star glowed
with a magical aura. The demon
possessed-Amazon now looked about her, unaware of the enemies who had
surrounded her. In an unexpected move,
her hands flew together, in a rhythmic clapping. She was applauding Callera.
In a voice that sounded
like fingernails on blackstone, she spoke, "Wellll done, chilllld. Not
only did you best my
minions, but you alllso managed to sneak your littllle war party around
me. I am impressed. Not so impressed that I
would go willllinglly mind you…"
Suddenly the demoness
was gone, as her powerful legs shot her into the air, and she grasped
onto a pillar of chains
and stone. The chains rattled, and a powerful cold blast struck the spot
where the demoness was. Again proving too
quick, she had already leapt from the pillar, horizontally darting across
the room to another pillar, high above the
group. This pillar however, was not powerful enough to handle the blast
of the demoness's weight, as it crumbled
beneath her. DiStephano ran to where Andariel would be landing, but found
her missing from the dusty rubble.
Sha'uri gasped, before
being slammed by the demoness's wicked talons. Colliding with the wall
behind her, Sha'uri did
not get up. Tyrrynan, who had been trying to keep up with DiStephano in
his pursuit of the demoness, now stopped,
and returned to where Sha'uri lay, to administer healing.
As quickly as it had
come, the room was silent. DiStephano looked about him, trying to ascertain
where in the dark
room the demoness was hiding. Tyrrynan was rousing a now conscious Sha'uri
to her 'feet'. And Callera was missing.
Tyrrynan ground his
teeth in anger. "I knew it. The second we gave the girl a modicum of trust,
she runs off. Stupid
Tyrrynan said no more.
From above him, Andariel landed on the young paladin, crushing his spine.
Standing on all fours,
the demoness bounded off, DiStephano once more in hot pursuit.
Sha'uri, still a bit
woozy from her crash, started the motions for a spell. Out of the looming
darkness, Andariel bolted
for the sorceress, DiStephano no where in sight. Suddenly Andariel froze
in place, as magical forces surrounded her. She
started to move once again, albeit at a much slower rate, as Sha'uri tried
to find another spell to cast on the
With a large booming
yell, DiStephano appeared out of the darkness, leaping high in he air,
in a trajectory that would
surely put him in line to send his axe through the demoness's skull.
And from the other
end of the room, a javelin sped through the air, stabbing through the
Barbarian, and stopping his
leap in midair. He fell to the ground with a clutter, his plate mail banging
against the stone beneath it. Sha'uri looked
quickly to where Callera stood, javelin in one hand, shield in the other.
"This is my fight.
Sorceress, take the Paladin and the Barbarian though the portal, and be
gone. If I succeed, I will find
you." There was a commanding tone in her voice, and for some reason, Sha'uri
listened to her. Andariel let her go, and
instead turned to her 'daughter. Behind them, the portal closed, blinking
out of existence, and taking it's blue glow with
Andariel grinned,
and the sconces all extinguished themselves. Callera was engulfed in complete
darkness. Standing
perfectly still, the amazon listened to the sounds around her. She knew
that Andariel had not yet moved.
"Killing me will solve
nothing you realize?" The demoness's voice echoed throughout the stagnant
chamber. Callera
knew that she had still not moved yet.
"It will stop you
from opening a portal to Hell, for your master." Callera closed her eyes,
knowing they would do her
little good in the dark. She needed to drop her javelin and shield, in
favor of her trident. But she didn't dare make the
first move.
"Child, you are mistaken.
I have no power to open a portal to Hell. I barely was able to find the
portal to this land. In
fact, Diablo will likely head to find his brothers, Baal and Mephisto,
to open the portal for him."
Callera was not going
to believe the demoness's lies, but she needed to keep her talking. She
had just about managed
to get the shield to the ground without making a sound, but getting her
trident would be more difficult. "Then what is it
you are looking for then? What are you doing in this land, where you do
not belong."
"I am doing what any
concerned mother would do; looking for her child."
This struck a chord
with Callera, and she momentarily abandoned her attempts at freeing her
trident, constrained as it
was alongside her backpack. "I am no longer your child."
"Fool, it is not you
I speak of. I search for my lost succubi, and most importantly, my son."
"You know of him?"
"I heard my mother
killed him."
There was a silence
through the chamber, and for a moment, Callera was no longer sure where
Andariel was. Her whole
being was assaulted by nothingness. No smells. No sounds. No sights. No
feelings. No taste.
"Then it would be
quite fitting that I slew your mother then, yes?"
"It would. Except
that it simply proved how inferior you are. You needed the body of a mighty
Amazon queen to
empower you. Atleast Diablo took on the body of a young boy."
Andariel barked a
laugh that made Callera cover her ears in pain. Her trident fell loose
of its one remaining holster, and
fell to the ground with a clang. Andariel didn't seem to notice above
the sound of her own glee. "Yes, about that. I
don't suppose the historians of the world of man have yet mentioned… who
Albrecht's mother was, have they?"
"Your meaning is not
lost on my vile demoness, but what is your point." Callera knelt slowly,
reaching her hand out to
feel along the ground. One finger brushed her discarded buckler, but she
could not locate the trident in the dark.
"My point is that
Diablo was able to enter Albrecht's body, because the boy had the spirit
of Hell within him. My own
succubi were his cousins, he my grandchild in fact. Just as your mother
is. And in a sense, you as well. Which is why I
chose this body. Your mother was my favorite grandchild. As shall you
become as soon as you slay her."
Callera let the woman
vent her anger, and her foolish plans, for she had located the trident.
It was about a foot away
from her hand, and she needed to crawl ever so slightly to reach it. She
used one hand to balance herself, and the
other to reach for the trident, but found it to heavy for one hand. Shuffling
her feet forward, she placed both hands on
the weapon.
"I will not die if
you should kill this body. I will simply need to find a new host. And
you will do just wonderfully. Not
that it matters. For the reason you cannot lift that trident is…"
Callera's eyes flared
in panic, as she realized something was weighing her weapon down.
"….because I am standing
on it."
Suddenly a green light
pervaded the room, and Callera saw that Andariel was about a foot away
from her face. Their
eyes met, with Callera's hands wrapped tightly around her weapon. Andariel
lunged, and Callera rolled to the side,
escaping her talons, but getting a hoof in the side. Her breath left her,
but she kept moving, just barely avoiding
another attack. She scrambled to her feet, and darted across the room,
behind one of the pillars.
Andariel could be
heard to stomp across the room, searching for the girl. Callera peeked
out from behind her pillar,
before making a run for it.
The girl dove, and
landed on the ground rolling. Behind her, noxious gases melted part of
her boot, and tried to reach
her. She rolled across her fallen trident, and brought it with her. Climbing
to her feet, the Amazon turned around quickly
enough to see her enemy looming ever closer. Andariel was charging at
her full speed now, and Callera had only time
enough to raise Razortine, her Trident in front of her. Andariel tried
to stop, but her weight already carried her forward,
into Callera, driving both of them to the ground.. Callera's trident drove
through the demoness, spewing guts and bile
all across their bodies. Andariel did not struggle for long. The infernal
light left her eyes, and she seemed at peace, if
such a thing was possible.
Callaera however,
had sustained a mighty wound. A horn was driven into her abdomen, poking
her ribs slightly. She
feared moving, knowing it might cause her more pain. In hindsight, she
somewhat wished she had not been so proud
as to send Tyrrynan away. If he was even still alive. Callera's eyes were
misting over, an she looked down, to her
stomach where her intestines were slightly visible. And the horn that
skewered her. It was blue and ringed with silver
lining. Callera reached her hands down, around the base of the horn, right
along Andariel's forehead, and tore at it with
all of her might. Muscles groaned in her weakened body, as she started
to pull the horn from the dead beast's head.
Tendons ripped, and flesh tore away, but the horn came out, still inside
Callera's body. She kicked the disintegrating
demoness off of her, and lightly worked the horn out of her.
With a pained gasp,
the horn came free, and Callera placed pressure on her wound. She walked
to her pack, wherein
she gathered a scroll that would bring forth a portal back to the Rogue
Encampment. Callera was losing blood at a quick
rate, but she managed to read aloud the incantation inscribed on the scroll.
Just as the portal began to open, she fell
towards it.
Warriv was a good
companion on their trip to the East. He knew much about the desert Aranoch,
and was able to make
their trip as quick as possible.
He also made it quite
comfortable for the Amazon, who was still recovering from her wound. Callera
sat on several
pillows inside one of the wagons Warriv's caravan contained, while dressing
her wound again. The last few bandages
had not had much blood on them, so she suspected the wound would begin
to scar over pretty soon. Akara had applied
her curatives and remedies then, but the magical nature of the wound,
caused by Bluehorn's inherent energies, made it
impossible to heal magically.
She looked to her
stomach, lithe and full of toned muscle, the white scarring that had already
occurred. It contrasted
heavily to her dark skin, but would be just another scar to prove her
worth as a Warrior. Many had mocked her for being
too beautiful, and without deformation before, so now she would be able
to laugh in the faces of the other women
warriors she once associated with.
Finishing the dressing,
Callera did not bother to place her breastplate back on, knowing the caravan
was full of powerful
warriors, and mages, all who had been waiting for the passages East to
open once more. She climbed to the front of
the wagon, and looked out past the curtains blocking the sun from her
resting place. Before her, about an hour away,
stood the Jewel of the Desert, Lut Gholein.
She would continue
then, travelling East. Always to the East.
