Lut Gholein
Callera walked amongst
the gathered wagons, bidding farewell to several of her companions while
on the trip, and
helping others unload their goods. Warriv was speaking to a handsome man
in fine silks and a turban. They seemed to
be glancing in the Amazon's direction during their conversation.
They were in Lut Gholein,
the 'Jewel of the Desert'. While it could certainly be called a diamond
in the rough, it was
still not flawless. In fact when Callera had been a mercenary in these
parts, she had more to worry from within the city
than from without. Cutthroats, dervishes, and assassins lined every corner.
And Callera had traditionally been hired by
every one of them.
Callera shouldered
her pack, wincing from the pain in her abdomen. She moved on however,
knowing weakness would
be something she couldn't show in this town. Walking towards the center
of town, she moved with a swiftness that
belied her casual nature. She wouldn't be cajoled into standing still
for too long. Urchins slunk about the dilapidated
ruins of the town's structures, waiting for a mark to make a slip.
Finally, she arrived
at the bazaar and she was assaulted by the sounds and sights that perpetually
pervaded the center
of this city. Merchants hawked their wares, while the aforementioned street
rats wove in and out of the crowds, coming
away with other's purses.
In the distance, Callera
saw her destination. A young woman of dusky tan skin stood over an anvil,
pounding out the
dents in a shield.
Callera approached
the blacksmith, knowing the former paladin would recognize the Amazon
long before she greeted
the woman.
And as if upon cue,
the blacksmith said without looking behind her, "Welcome Callera, how
may I help you?"
Fara got Callera a
room at the "Desert Rain Inn", one of the less reputable places in the
city, but also one of the few
that would house Callera on such short notice. It was also one of the
only places to give her a room, considering her
past 'affiliations'.
The city knew about
her. They knew her mother was a monster, both literally and figuratively.
They knew about her
being the last of her Tribe. They knew she had come to Lut Gholein several
months ago, and had been hired as a
powerful mercenary, who would do most anything for money.
They knew about the
incidents that had prompted her to leave Lut Gholein in the first place.
They, well, knew her.
Better than most did. And for that, they feared her.
Fara was a gracious
woman, who had been one of Callera's only friends in this town, and she
had gone to the
crimson-tressed blacksmith on countless occasions. This was how Callera
knew of the 'paladin's' empathic ability. Fara
sensed the intents, and auras of those around her. It was much like the
Waterbearer's ability to see through the 'Mind's
Eye', something Callera had lost the ability to do some time back.
Callera was looking
out over the city, as the sun was setting far to the west. The shadows
of the city's buildings
elongated by the moment, and gave new territory to the night's population.
Sconces were lit about the streets, trying
to push back the inevitable darkness, but to little avail. Still, guards
and merchants alike would huddle about the
lamps, for conversation, or business. And always with a glimpse over their
shoulder for the night's inhabitants.
Callera noticed a
particular light was flickering, and seemed about ready to extinguish
Someone knocked on
the door to Callera's room. Her head spun about, sending her loose hair
flying across her face,
before she realized the sound was not one of impending doom. Evil rarely
Callera put her hair
back into a topknot, before heading towards the door. She glanced behind
her once however, back
down to the street. The light had been put out, nothing but glowing embers
Sliding a dagger into
her wrist guard, Callera opened the door slightly, to see who stood beyond.
There was a guard
from the city, decked in shining metals, and vibrant silks, and behind
him another man, wearing a
"Who goes there?"
Callera asked warily, never taking her eyes from the cloaked stranger.
"A messenger of Lord
Jerhyn milady." Said the guard in bored, monotone tones.
Callera let the door
open some more, allowing the guard and the hooded messenger in, but still,
her eyes never left the
She suspected Marius,
or Everett Call had found her. They had come to slay her once and for
The messenger pulled
back his hood, to reveal the flawless face of Lord Jerhyn. He nodded once
to the guard, who
excused himself from the room, leaving the Sultan and the Amazon alone.
He had a smooth face,
one not lined with wrinkles or scars, and had deep, penetrating eyes.
He was without his turban,
or luxurious silks, and was instead dressed in rags and tattered clothing.
Callera could see his noble upbringing despite
his charade. He was too finely groomed, and handsome to be anyone but
He raised a dark hand
to his even darker, black hair, to slide his fingers through it. Callera
noticed the man's hands had
signs of wear on it. His calluses showed him to be a man who wrung his
hands often. While he was able to keep a
calm, and collected smile, he was a nervous, worrying man.
"Welcome Callera of
the Vrin-Latti. I was eagerly awaiting your return to my fair city." His
voice was soft and
welcoming. He was a diplomat, no doubt about that.
"Thank you Lord Jerhyn.
It is a pleasure to finally meet you."
Jerhyn smiled briefly,
flattered, but not about to be caught up in comments he heard quite often,
no doubt.
"I trust your wound
heals quickly?"
Callera only now recalled
that she wore little more than a pair of breeches, and a undershirt, and
she quickly turned
about, to find a spare robe. Jerhyn nobly turned his eyes from her while
she dressed herself further. She answered
during this exchange however.
"Indeed, better by
the minute. Apparently Warriv could not, in fact, keep his word about-"
Jerhyn turned to face
the still naked Amazon, unashamed of her state of dress. "Nay milady,
he spoke no ill word
against you. All the town knows of your exploits, if not of who you are.
The Slayer of The Maiden of Anguish. Andariel's
Bane. The Wounded Soul... You are the stuff of legends. My people admire
you greatly."
"They did not seem
so admiring this morrow, when I walked amongst them." She replied curtly,
intrigued by this new
"They... do not know
you. They would stone you if you said you were Callera. They believe her
to be ten handspans tall,
with blazing unkept hair, and finely toned muscles-.... perhaps they are
simply blind?" Jerhyn smiled to himself while
admiring the Amazon's body, realizing that these 'outrageous' claims were
in fact quite accurate.
Callera was sick of
this idle chatter. "Lord Jerhyn, why do you come here this night?"
Jerhyn's smile quickly
fell, as his mind turned to the situation at hand. "Recently, a wanderer
passed this way, with his
manservant. Many tell me it was the Horadric Mage, Everett Call, and one
of his students, but whomever it was, he was
no human. And he visited my palace..."
Callera was alarmed
at this turn of events. Call had already been this way. She was too late
"...I had previously
asked some of the... harem, guilds to join me in the palace. I thought
the women might be more at
ease in the palace, and well... I don't suppose I need to further explain?"
The young man was clearly ill at ease on the
subject, but Callera would not let him off so easily.
"What do these two
events have to do with one another? Or me for that matter?"
"While this Wanderer
passed through, a mage, calling himself the Great Mage Horazon, came to
me, telling me of how
he had left a portal to his Arcane Sanctuary in the basement of the palace.
Thinking my city and myself honored by the
presence of these great mages, I let him in.
"Everyone in the harem
has been slaughtered. Half of the city's guards are dead. Servants, maids,
everyone in the
palace that night was slain. Except for me."
There was a great
amount of guilt, and sorrow on the Sultan's shoulder's, but the Amazon
was still not certain what
this was about. His answer proved hard to swallow however.
"Among the harem girls,
one was missing: Scheherazade, my... personal favorite. I know it is trite
of me to request
this, but I was wondering if you could enter the Sanctuary, and find this
Callera was already
pushing the man from her room.
"Milady Callera, if
you would only allow me to explain further-"
"Lord, I am on an
important quest. The sake of our world may be at stake, and I need to
reach Kurast as soon as
possible. I cannot be off searching for lost trollops."
Jerhyn exhibited some
strength Callera had not sensed however, and stopped her from pushing
him any further. Her
hands found corded muscles, and a tightened grip on her. She could not
remove his hands from her arms.
"You need a boat to
go East. Meshif has the only running ship at the moment, all others have
been lost at sea. I have
informed him he may not leave until I say so. He is under my jurisdiction,
and would not risk my ire, by setting sail."
"So this is blackmail
"It is... a business
negotiation. You find this girl for me, preferably alive, and I will tell
Meshif to set sail for Kurast as
quickly as he can, with you aboard."
Callera stood still
for a moment, no longer struggling from this man's grip, and contemplated
his words. He could have
that guard kill her in seconds. She had committed atrocious crimes in
this town before, and it was not out of his power
to exact justice upon her. And he was willing to aid her in her journey,
if she would only do this small favor for him.
Callera's eyes narrowed
as she nodded curtly in answer to his request. The friendly and warm smile
returned to Jerhyn's
face immediately, but it did not reach his eyes, which were still calculating
and full of sorrow.
"Great, now let me
tell you what this girl looks like..."

Bile rose in the Amazon's
throat as she examined the entrance to the Harem. A large blockade of
bodies, and body
parts attempted to prevent anyone from pushing further into the palace,
though Callera could see at least one path
that made way for a passing adventurer. She was not the only one to come
this way recently.
Pushing aside an eviscerated
limb, she headed deeper into the chamber, noticing that some of the bodies
were partly
eaten as well as torn limb from limb. Something down here ate people,
just as often as they stockpiled them..
She quickly located
the stairwell to the second basement level of the palace, and before she
descended them, she
readied her equipment. Her wound was tender against the chain mail covering
her body, but she was going to swallow
her pain long before her pride. Her brow was adorned by a simple helm
that forced her to wear her hair long, hanging
down her back.
Holding Razortine
before her like a walking stick, she moved further down the stairwell.
An explosion of movement
caught her attention as several decayed and rotting bodies came careening
towards her,
their hands and eyes aglow with the eldritch light of magic. Bolts of
magical energy flew by Callera's head, whizzing by
mere inches from her helmet, before dissipating into the walls around
Shoving out the butt
end of her trident, Callera smashed through several of the bone mages
in quick succession,
sending them to the ground as nothing more than dust and bone chips. A
flame bolt smashed into her back, heating her
chain mail immensely, but not directly harming her.
Spinning Razortine
before her, she could shield herself from their attacks with the trident,
all the while sending it out
for the occasional jab to destroy one or more of the mages. In scant seconds,
the mages did not move any longer.
Knowing this place
would likely be riddled with enemies, and if she remained in one place
that she would be overwhelmed,
Callera began running through the hallways. Her trident was always before
her, spearing anything in her
way, and she moved with a fluidity that came with years of training among
the Tribelands. Soon, Callera was no longer
truly conscious. She was entering a state of being that allowed her to
move autonomously, the perfect warrior who was
unable to make mistakes in the heat of combat.
Unfortunately, this
state of being made it hard to fight alongside companions, as they became
just as likely targets as
friends. Luckily for Callera, she had no such diversions at the moment.
Watching as if from
afar, Callera was enraptured by the sight of her body stopping in the
middle of a lush chamber
filled with bone mages and invaders. Her trident flew all about, a whirlwind
of movement and flying death. Following
with some of the tactics that she had learned from DiStephano, Callera
leapt about the room, jamming her weapon into
some of the hardier monsters, and felling them in one swoop.
She was the perfect
killing machine. And her perfect enemy loomed ahead.
It was now some time
into the palace, and Callera suspected she was no longer actually in the
Harem itself, but rather
the Palace's Basement. Her foe stood before her in a room otherwise devoid
of life. Lightning laced about the creature,
up and down it's arms, and across it's multitude of legs. It seemed to
be waiting for Callera to move.
She did. Leaping up
with a yell, she thrust Razortine out before her, planning on impaling
the creature.
Instead the lightning
leapt up from the ground, and sent Callera rocketing into the wall to
her left. She fell to the
ground with a pained grunt, but she brought herself to her feet once more.
The creature continued
waiting for her movement, lightning coursing along its limbs.
Callera darted to
the creature's flank, planning on running circles around it. Her trident
was before her once more, and
being thrust forward. Lightning snaked it's way up from the ground to
strike the trident, and searing the Amazon's
hands. Her trident was sent across the room, smoke rising from it's tarnished
Callera watched this
in slow-motion, her unconscious being starting to unravel, before another
lightning bolt arced into
her, sending her to her feet.
Callera was ripped
from her 'out of body' state-of-being outright, to a crushing reality.
Wounds she had accrued but not
felt now stung as if someone was rubbing sea salt into them, and she knew
several of her bones were broken.
Looking through her
misty eyes, she noticed her many-limbed opponent was in fact a young woman,
with dark skin and
auburn hair. Her body was lean, and toned, and there was little doubt
in Callera's mind that the woman was in fact
once a harem inhabitant. She had emerald green lip and eye make up, plus
some robes of the same shade that did
little to hide her full body. These robes hung about her legs in tatters,
lending the vision of a many-legged foe.
Callera pushed herself
up with her arms, but made no move for her lost weapon. The woman before
her still had
lightning flaring about her, and it was now reaching her pained eyes.
She was injured.
Callera's eyes scanned
the woman's body, until she saw the three bleeding wounds in the woman's
side. Her robes
were stuck to the wound, and seemed damp with her lifeblood. They were
perfectly distanced from one another, and
Callera soon realized that the wound came from a trident. Her trident.
"I am sorry." She
said to the woman, ashamed at having let herself go into that frenzy.
A blast of lightning
lit the room, and Callera was once again slammed into the wall behind
her. She was not so quick to
get up this time.
Above her, she could
hear the woman approaching. In a dialect that was not common to the Aranoch
Desert, she spoke.
"So am I." Lightning flared up all around her, and Callera screamed.
