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The *Amazon* Subclass (AMZ) -- A Versatile Rogue-Warrior
- with Special thanks to: Whyte Tyger, Moriah, McFrugal, Wanderer, and Derek -

Part 1 -- Background and Items:
Background: The Amazons are a race of female warriors who have finely honed their skills of hunting and combat. They are highly self reliant, bright, and dexterous warriors. There is a strong inherent distrust of men, and special hatred toward wizards. They are highly suspicious of anything unfamiliar to them. Although they are quite skilled in the use of a bow (for hunting), their real delight in combat is meeting the foe in hand-to-hand combat. The Amazon seeks to prove herself proficient wielding both the Axe and Sword & Shield (see 'Weapons' below).

Overview: Hunter's tactics and values are of paramount importance. They thoroughly investigate a phenomenon before accepting it for their own use. They follow the rules of their hierarchy in the strictest sense. They only interact with other female type adventurers (pure rogues and bards, archers, rogue LoL chars, BNRs etc. [*]). Their unique event, the Stealth Hunt, is performed every fifth jubilee after attaining their first dot. Except at certain times, hand-to-hand melee combat is preferred. Vitality and health are very important to them, hence +1 Vitality required each level up, and no items permitted with -Vitality. Character class is restricted to Rogue, and the Bard in Hellfire. The Amazon character is designated with (AMZ) at the end of their name. There is a tiered system for training and titles, described in Part 2[*]

Restrictions on Useable Items:

~~Prefixes: anything making her tougher or able to take more damage, e.g. All resistances, hit points, etc. However, her hatred for male domination do not permit these prefixes: Knight's, Master's, Lord's or King's. Emerald items are reserved for Royalty (Matriarch, Princess, Queen - see 'Training')

~~Suffixes: Magic is something she neither fears nor relies to, although she is suspicious of wizards. She will therefore use +magic objects of the Mind or of Brilliance, but not of Magic, Wizardry or Sorcery. As a huntress, she avoids when possible objects of light, radiance (only allowed on unique items). +mana objects are acceptable if there is also an allowable suffix.

~~Weight and Encumbrance: The Amazon relies on herself and her traditions to bring her strength, and will only equip and item than can be worn with her natural strength + unique items' Str bonus. If an item has a Strength bonus, this may be subtracted from it's stated 'Required Strength' value. [*]

~~Unique items: Several items are just too 'wizardly' to be worn by Amazons -- Mindcry, Wizardspike, Gleamsong, Wizard's Wrap, Naj's Light Plate, Dreamflange. Likewise, the Amazon has too much respect for her body to wear items that decrease vitality -- The Wicked Axe, Bow of the Dead, The Grizzly; also the Constricting Ring. The revered Blackoak Bow and Shield are the exceptions, as Their weakness is more from awe/trepidation than a magical decrease.

Weapons: All swords and axes are allowed. Bows are not permitted except when recovering items[*], for one special level in the dungeon (see 'Training' below), for the 'Stealth Hunt', and vs. witches. Blunt weapons are not permitted, except as described below for dungeon lvl 14, and for the quest to become a 'Champion'. Daggers are used to skin prey, not to kill them.

Staff: The self-reliance and distrust of wizards of the Amazon do not allow the use of spell-casting staves (besides, blunt weapons are not typically used).

Shields: Highly encouraged, although some of the Amazon's career will be spent with an axe (and maybe a maul). The fast block of the Holy Defender or Stormshield should prove helpful.

Helms: All helms are allowed, if prefix/suffix is acceptable. However crowns are reserved for the Amazon Matriarch, Princess and Queen, and the Royal Circlet is reserved for the Queen alone.

Armor: Note the weight restriction above. In addition, an Amazon will not wear armor she has not learned to move silently wearing. The *base* AC of armor (before modifications) must be <= 1/2 of her natural Dexterity. Few Amazons are adept and strong enough to handle plate (see 'Weight and Encumbrance' above, and examples at end). A Matriarch and higher can wear Field Plate or Tower Shield even if they don't meet the str requirement; likewise only a Princess and up can wear Gothic Plate&Shield, without regards to Str; the Queen *alone* can wear Full Plate. Amazons also do not wear Capes or Robes, which are symbols of wizards. Exception: Nightscape, an ideal hunting cape, is acceptable.

Spells: Not wanting to trust in things she does not understand, the Amazon's use of magic grows with time and experience. This progression is covered in 'Training' in the Part 2.

Spells Summary: (learned at any time, but only used as follows)
* Amazon Explorer - fire bolt, heal other

* Amazon Defender - heal, town portal

* Amazon Warrior - inferno, flame wave, charged bolt, lightning

* Amazon Avenger - mana shield, telekinesis,

* Amazon Huntress - phasing, teleport

* Amazon Heroine - Chain Lightning, Fireball, Stone Curse

* Amazon Matriarch/Princess/Queen - Elemental/Guardian/Golem respectively

- vs Black Deaths only - holy bolt
- never: Flash (unless Spellbinder), Bone Spirit, Blood Star

- Hellfire: reflection is ok, berserk is not allowed

- special: fire wall (hellfire:lightning wall) is not to be used in a cowardly fashion to cook immobile creatures. These walls may be laid down in a defensive manner for creatures to pass through, and may not be cast 'on top of' opponents. For this reason the Amazon strongly prefers the up-close flame wave and inferno spells over fire bolt and fire wall.

- vs Witches only - anything goes vs. these mortal enemies (any weapon, any spell, all other restrictions off.. they MUST die)

Scrolls: any, as long as spell is useable. Also, Identify and Resurrect are permissible. After the first dot, nova/apoc. are ok.

Shrines/Cauldrons: The Amazons are NOT friends with the witches of hell (talk about a cat fight) and do not ever use cauldrons. Nor would they use goat shrines or drink from blood fountains. They are cautious toward the use of other shrines, but will use those that are not gloomy, sacred, ornate, fascinating. No fountain of tears. (Hellfire: no glowing or murphy's shrines)

Gifts from others: Amazons accept genuine offers of help from other females (never a warrior or sorceror). They will not accept an item well beyond their means. Other amazons may be sought to learn the spells they have earned (especially flame wave, teleport, and stone curse.)

Cooperative play: Amazons typically prefer to play with other females, and are to maintain a reputation as an honorable and helpful ally. The use of 'Storage' characters is up to the player, but permissible (encouraged for Royal Amazons who probably want to keep an Bow, Axe, Maul, Crown, a spare 'outfit' to wear for special functions and a spare main weapon, in addition to keeping items/books to give give to other Amazons :) The caution against playing with Warriors and and Mages is based on distrust of men. If there is a good reason for doing so, and it fits their persona, exceptions can be made (try to avoid taking gifts), and no help on their 'quest monsters'. There are several Variants that would be especially nice to be able to play with. See Erim_Lera(AMZ)'s stories for excellent examples of adventuring with (and attitudes towards) other characters. Those who love co-op play are encouraged to seek a variant 'mentor' for as many stages as possible, eg: a LOL as Explorer, EXC as a Defender, BAR as Warrior, ARC as a Huntress, BNM as a Heroine, MAG as a Matriach, SNOB as a Queen, etc.

*Note- AMZ's cooping together should share bosses, and both will get credit. If one is >1 title higher than the other needing the boss, she should let the other take the boss alone

Special Event: The Amazon Stealth Hunt (see part 2)

Optional Quests: for those who so chose, it is possible to become a Guardian, a Champion, and/or a Spellbinder (see part 2 for those and many new quests).

[*] Use of bows... during recovery, she can continue to clear out the 'zone of immediate danger' but should then switch back to melee; once she has proven herself in melee (has become a Heroine) she is free to choose any weapon she has trained in, *but* by nature prefers to not just kill but best her foes, ie melee vs melee creatures, and bow vs. ranged attackers (spells vs. mage??). She gets good at quick weapon changes while dodging Knights and blood stars this way :)

[*] Strength Restrictions. An example, and an exception. Ex: with 30 Str and the Bonesaw (+10 Str) she may not yet wear Splint Mail (req:45) unless it had a +5 Str bonus (eg. of the Stars, of Giants) Or think of it this way, taking off everything but that item and any unique items, the item in question can be worn only if it doesn't turn red. Exception: if a unique weapon is found that the amazon does not meet str restrictions for, she can still wield it if her str is maxed out (55) (ie Mess.Reaver, Grandfather, Hellslayer)

[*] Training... several of the steps in training and with the defeat of a specific unique, for example, killing the Skeleton King with an an Axe. King Leo... is really tough with an axe, you will likely want to put a fair amount of pts to Strength, get a bit heavier axe, one with a nice damage or swiftness/speed suffix, before facing him. The dozen uniques to kill as a Defender may take a while (Butcher, ten random ones, and Leo), but you'll want some levels to face Leo.


Part 2 - The Quests:
The mind set of the Amazon is to push herself to the limit, to train hard and better herself, and to protect her people through hand-to-hand combat. The Amazon society recognizes several stages in the life of a warrior...

* Amazon Explorer: Although the Amazon begins the game with a simple bow she has strung together her self, she searches the ruins of the church to find a suitable sword and shield, and some armor. No purchases from Griswold or Adria are allowed at this time (Repair, selling, and Healing ARE allowed). They also search out a well crafted two-handed axe, and build up some strength and stamina (magic points should not be raised above 20 yet). She may heal others and cast fire bolts. She remains an Explorer until she is 7th level and has slain the Butcher (see 'Special Opponents' below).

* Amazon Defender: Now begins her first real challenge -- mastery of the Axe. She hunts down and slays at least a dozen Uniques of the Church and Catacombs (there are ~42 total to choose from) with an axe. She may then begin to purchase items from the townsfolk. But, to complete her quest she must slay the Skeleton King with an Axe (caution: this will NOT be easy[*]). When these bosses lie dead at her feet, she becomes an Amazon Warrior. As a defender she may learn to heal herself and slip away quickly back home (town portal).

* Amazon Warrior: Mastery of sword & shield is the next challenge for the Amazon. The caves are the historical training ground of her people. During this period she sharpens her skills, hones her mind, and grows stronger and tougher. The ability to block is essential for the Amazon, even more so as she grows in experience. During this stage she may use the elements to protect herself (inferno and flame wave). Once she sees how Familiars and Red Storms harness lightning, she may do the same (Charged Bolt and Lightning). Her mastery is complete when she has slain six of the following seven uniques of the caves: Breakspine (mud runner, 9), Oozedrool (toad demon, 9), Blackstorm (obsidian lord, 10), Flayer (storm rider, 10), Bluehorn (frost charger, 11), Fangspeir (cave viper, 11), and finally (required!), Plaguewrath (poison spitter, 10). When the bodies of these oppressive beasts and the foul dog lie crumpled beneath her boot, the skillful victor is ready for the next stage.

* Amazon Avenger: As an Avenger, she has earned the right to use two-handed swords and is enabled to understand protective magic including mana shield and telekinesis. Once she has observed the teleportation power of the Mages, she may also learn to move undetected (Phasing and Teleport). With her growing abilities and wide selection of weapons, and help of limited magic, the Amazon turns her sights to the pits of hell itself. Levels 13 and 14 of hell are a proving ground for gaining experience, finding/buying items of resistance, and searching for a special weapon to kill several of her darkest foes -- the team of Deadjudge the Magistrate, Fangskin the Gold Viper, Graywar the Slayer (doom guard), and Steelskull (Steel Lord) (all lvl 14). They together rule the upper region of hell by their inability to be killed except by literal crushing of the skull and destruction of the brain. Other forms of death allow them to regenerate with time (unbeknownst to non-Amazons!). To finalize the stage as Amazon Avenger, these four must be defeated using a Maul, a blunt item of bashing, or a Unique blunt items such as the Protector, Cranium Basher (ideal!), or Civerb's Cudgel. Only during this quest may such weapons be used by the Amazon. (To gain skill with this weapon she should use it throughout lvl 13 and 14 of course) If after several runs one of these four cannot be found, assume that Blackskull or Doomcloud (lvl 13) has prevailed & taken their place (kill them instead).

* Amazon Huntress: The mortal enemies of the Amazons are found on level 15 of hell. These enemies, led by Archbishop Lazarus, Blackjade and Red Vex, have been in continual skirmishes with the Amazons, and have always attacked in gutless fashion. The traditional response has involved the use of their tremendous hunting skills in the form of carefully crafted bows. [Besides item recovery and the Stealth Hunt, lvl 15 is the *only* time a bow is used] There are two important restrictions on the bow -- first it must be found by the Amazon herself, not bought or received as a gift. Second, it must be a Hunter's bow (preferred), War Bow, or Battle Bow. The unique Blackoak Bow is the most honorable Amazon weapon around, although the battle bows Eaglehorn and Windforce may be used if found. When the Amazon has cleared the level for the first time, she earns the coveted title 'Amazon Heroine'.

* Amazon Heroine: There is, of course, no fiercer enemy, or better test of skill than the Dark One himself. Any weapon may be used against Diablo himself (in fact, a special delight is felt if the three dots are gained with sword, axe, and bow, in any order). The HF Bard may now begin to use two weapons simultaneously. From the Halls of Lararus the Heroine learns the secrets of Stone Curse, Fireball and Chain Lightning, and may now cast nova and apocalypse from scrolls.

* Amazon Matriarch, Princess, and Queen: Defeating Diablo in mortal combat earns the title 'Amazon Matriarch', the second dot on Nightmare difficulty earns the 'Amazon Princess' title; after this the mightiest warrior killing Diablo on Hell (3rd dot) becomes the 'Amazon Queen'. When (and only when) this title is attained is the restriction against the use of the King's weapons abolished (although the KSOH in her hands is known as the Queen's Sword of Haste). The Matriach has the privelege of wearing crowns, Field Plate, Tower Shield, and Two-handed swords without regards to Str restrictions; use of the Elemental spell; she may also use weapons with the prefix Knight's (Dutchess'). The Princess has the privelege of wearing the Thinking cap, Gothic Plate & Shield, and Great Swords (regardless of Strength); use of the Guardian spell; use of Lord's (Lady's) weapons. The Queen alone has the privelege of wearing Full Plate and the Royal Circlet; the use of the Golem spell as her servant, and King's (Queen's) weapons.

Special opponents:
* Lazarus, Red Vex, Black Jade -- see the Amazonian Huntress, above

* Witches -- the bitter resentment hell for these despicable excuses for women allows their destruction in extra painful ways -- fireball, fire wall and guardians are permitted against these creatures alone.

* The Butcher - at the time when she has learned her way around the dungeon, and found the items to take on more dangerous foes, there is a rite of passage for the Amazon warrior. She may choose to pause just shy of 7th level, and don her bow one last time for a mortal duel with the Butcher (the maimer of children). Although her surpasses her in raw might, the skills of the huntress should allow her to set a trap for this dull-witted foe. If it weren't for the fact that unique monsters give no experience, the felling arrow would give her the level-up to 7. (25,712 exp needed; hopefully a bug-fix coming)

* Black Deaths - these hideous, foul creatures are the only enemy she will not contact. Legends tell of these beasts destroying an Amazon village long ago with plague. These creatures must be killed by fire of any type -- natural or holy (ie firebolt, inferno, holy bolt).

Special Event - the Amazon Stealth Hunt
"This is to be the Amazon's equivalent to the BNM Streak" - Moriah

A cherished trial for the Amazon who has sucessfully slain Diablo occurs every fifth jubilee after attaining their first dot (or every level once she makes clvl 40). She empties her inventory and unequips all items. All weapons to be equipped she must have found herself; any jewels, armor, helms and shields may come from others. She equips, in order of preference, a the Blackoak Bow, a Deadly Hunter, any Hunter's Bow, any other allowable bow, any bow she finds next (HF Bards may use 2 separate 1h weapons for this). She equips all -Light Radius items upto -80% or the best she's got. She equips any slots left *after* -80% LR is attained, if she gets only -70% LR or less, then no other items are allowed to be brought down (but she may equip what she finds, keeping in stealth mode). For this Hunt she must be extra quiet and so Plate armor of any type is not allowed. The hunt for Diablo begins when she steps into the Church entrance and does not cease until Diablo (or she) lies dead. She may not carry down any infravision scrolls (but may read any she finds while on the Stealth Hunt. She may use all allowable scrolls, potions, shrines and elixers (including HF items like oils and runes). Should she die, the items must be recovered with normal equipment. Killing D on Normal difficulty will give her the title Hunt Priestess, on NM will earn the title Hunt High Priestess, on Hell difficulty it will be Hunt Goddess. Note: These hunts can be viewed as an Ironman game with a head start, but no resurfacing on dlvls 5, 9 or 13. It is meant as a special event with more honor than 3 dots (same as BNM streaking). If a Stealth Hunt is abandoned for whatever reason, it cannot be continued. A Nightmare Stealth Hunt can be started in the next gaming session after a successful Normal Stealth Hunt. A Hell Stealth Hunt is the next gaming session after a successful NM Stealth Hunt. Note that she need not kill any creature except Diablo (and her arch-enemies on dlvl 15), so avoidance of lesser 'game' is quite acceptable. The Stealth Hunt may also be attempted using a dagger or short sword, or -l.r. unique blade. This mode may not be attempted with less than -70% l.r., and if the Blackoak Shield has been found by the Amazon, it should be used. Minimum difficulty level for dagger mode: NM.

OPTIONAL Quests - for high level Amazons wishing further challenges

- Guardian: must adventure with another Amazon and help her in a significant (but appropriate) way (ex.: accompany on a quest, helping kill companions, but leaving a series of Uniques for the Amazon to face by herself). Prereq: none.

- Spellbinder: - once royal, with the experience to know how to use magic as a tool without _relying_ on it, an Amazon may do a hell run using no weapon but spells (Holy Bolt allowed on Diablo for this quest)
* to embark on this quest, her Magic must first be maxed out (70); for Matriarachs, Princess and Queen.

* as a reward for this mastery: may now use otherwise forbidden mage- like items, ie. Naj's Plate, Mindcry, 'of Sorcery/Magic' items... She could now use flash, but never blood-star or bone spirit (-hp). Titles: Spellbinder: normal difficulty. Spellbinder Elite: Nightmare, with all spell levels at least seven, using two of the following items: Naj's Light Plate, Wizard Wrap, Dreamflange, Mind Cry, Aquinara's Hatchet, Wizardspike, Thinking Cap, Royal Circlet, and +10% light radius. Spellbinder Supreme: all spell levels at least twelve, using three items of the items listed above, one Dragon's piece of jewelry, and +30% light radius.

- Regal Spellbinder of Naj - There exist special editions of items forged in the Wizard Kingdom of Aquinara by Naj. If such an item is found by a Spellbinder Amazon, she may hunt for matching items to honor the allied nation of Naj, who in ancient days taught the Amazons some of the mysteries of magic as thanks for saving them from a surprise attack of a hundred Soul Burners.
* Naj's Regal Plate - a special regal edition with AC 48 or better

* The Regal Sceptre of Dreams - a special Dreamflange guarded by one of the witch bosses on lvl 15

* Naj's Regal Puzzler - a Staff whose mysteries elude those who are not themselves royal, guarded by the Mage bosses of Hell.

* Aguinara's Hatchet - a rare small axe which has been lost to the Knights and Drakes of Hell

* Naj's Thinking Cap - worn by the designer of the Thinking Cap himself, this regal headgear has somehow made it down to the church, and is guarded by King Leoric or the Butcher. Should a set of three of these special items be found and worn, the Spellbinder may make a commemorative strike against the minions of darkness on Hell difficulty, slaying any and all Soul Burners and any bosses found amongst the enemies of Naj (Butcher, Leo, Knights, Drakes, Witches, Mages, and Diablo). Her only weapon during this quest shall be magic (and vs. triple immunes, golem and the Naj weapon she wields).

- Champion: for the Amazon who wants to master all forms of melee, in addition to the traditional Amazon Axe/Sword/Bow, will undertake four hell runs (enter on lvl 13, no resurfacing) with the following goals: i) find and kill Vizier and companions with a Staff; ii) kill Lazarus and clear all lvl 15 with blunt 1H (w/shield) iii) kill Gorash with her bare feet (normal) or shield bash (NM/Hell), iv) kill Diablo with a 2H sword. No stone curse on these.
* three options for difficulty: a) Normal, with the Church as the starting point, using ONLY Unique items. b) Nightmare, starting at the entrance to Hell, using no weapons of haste. c) Hell difficulty, any weapons allowed. Titles are (respectively): Champion, Champion Elite, Champion of Hell. Note: if Vizier is not found on first try but the level is cleared, just enter hell and go after him very next game (whether Normal, NM, Hell).

* before starting this quest, vitality must be maxed (80); for Matriarchs and higher only.

* during this quest the Champion must master the art of the telekill, demonstrated on two dozen witches.

* Note: the *ultimate* Amazon trio would consist of three Queens who are a Spellbinder Supreme, a Champion of Hell, and a Hunt Goddess :-)
* For those who don't use mules, for this and other quests, you may return to town before killing Diablo, without restocking.

- Destiny Quest: often the advancing Amazon will realize there is a special destiny for her, and her alone -- some recurring element, some theme in her head. When she feels that call she should design a speicifc and unique quest, just for her. Then do it! (If so inclined, be sure to post the story on the Nude Beach.) The title might include a word that is a prefix on a crown, e.g. Amazon 'Garnet' Queen, Mowamba(AMZ), Lvl 40 (Spellbinder, Guardian) You are encouraged (but not required) to seek/wear a crown that matches this title. (BTW the title can be longer than just this word...)


- Amazon Raid
A lightning fast raid on the forces of evil by a squadron of Amazon Raiders. With four of differing levels, one is assigned Church, one Caves, one Cats, one Hell. Any and all bosses sighted must be killed, with Butcher, Leo, Laz & witches, Gorash and Diablo required. Levels need not be cleared, just bosses killed. If one Amazon finishes her section early, she should mop up and kill as many of the creatures in her section as possible. After a time cap of 30mins, dotted Amazons should assemble on 16 and wipe out the entire room in which Diablo is stationed. (If instead four high level AMZs want to Raid, they should pick a more difficult setting and go through together, each teleporting/running off in a different direction (eg, 2, 5, 8, 11 o'clock) to blitz each level. Try for no more than 2 mins per level, don't get bogged down) If the characters are strong enough (and can carry enough blue pots) to do this without any trips to town, so much the better! What are they raiding for? Not only to take out the bosses, but to recover the artifacts these beasts have stolen. Final score: (# bosses killed - # trips to town) * # of artifacts recovered (note: one trip to town before going after Diablo is allowed as a freebie) If four Amazons not available, trustworthy characters based on other variants are certainly allowed.

- Homecoming Quest
A time for Amazon leaders to remember their roots. On achieving 40th lvl, the Amazon Queen will enter the Church wielding her finest armor and crown, and a set of weapons not unlike what she began her earlier quests with. The goal is to seek out and destroy whatever foes caused her the most trouble in her training, using the same type of weapon originally used. At a minimum this will include Leoric (with Axe), a troublesome catacomb boss and cave boss (but this time with a two-handed sword), one of the Rulers of upper hell (blunt weapon), Lazarus and his witches (MUST be a hunter's bow, base 2-5, or the Blackoak Bow), Gorash and 50 blood knights (this time with spells), and Diablo (with the weapon type FIRST used to kill him). Unique weapons should be used when available, to remember the roots of their people as well. Should the Amazon attain 45th and/or 50th level, or retire, this quest should be repeated.

- Streak for Glory
Now it's time to show Diablo that Amazons are proud of themselves, their bodies, and their abilities, and several have a desire to show that to the world. Items: +60% l.r. required, a crown, a shield, and no weapon. The Streak is to be done naked, or with 'Glorious' armor less than mail (ie same graphic as naked). The goal would be to clear, or kill one boss monster (whichever comes first) on each level, down to Diablo. Spells, kicks, and shield bashes are allowed. Difficulty setting -- Normal is fine; this isn't supposed to be as challenging as the Stealth Hunt, but more of a celebratory quest for a Queen to do.

- The Gauntlet
This optional quest may be attempted by any Amazon at the level of Heroine or above. Three other 'helpers' are needed -- at least one must be AMZ, but the others can be BNM, BAR, CGW, SNOB, or any other variant. They will don stealth items and hide in the dungeon, one in cats, one in caves, on in hell, and will hide to wait in lurk for the Amazon questor. There should probably be a level cap on those who make up the Gauntlet. They can NOT be within one screen of the arrival stairs, and can not go stealing items with an MK. The toughest helper would be in hell, etc. The successful Gauntlet runner would survive the three levels on which they are stalked, and would kill Diablo. There is no case in the history of the Amazons in which a Heroine has attained the level of Matriarch by running the Gauntlet, but it *IS* possible!?

  - Elemental Archer Quest
To prove her skills in hunting, teamwork, and mastery of the forces of nature, a team of three or four Amazons descend into the dungeon with naught but a belt full of potions and a bow or two. The quest is open to any with the rank of Heroine (who can freely use the bow), and should be played at the maximum possible difficulty setting of the lowest clvl player. The goal is to defeat those who would warp the forces of nature for their own evil goal, ie advocates. Enter church, no trips to town, restart in town is ok but no restocking or healing. The secondary goal is to recover all stolen bows with the dungeon to restock the armory of the Amazon tribes. (ie all magic bows found must be picked up and brought back to town.) The four realms of nature, spells, and equipment are:

I. Lightning. Bows of Shock, Lightning, Thunder. All lightning based spells, plus heal, mana shield, phasing and teleport.

II. Fire. Bows of Fire, Flame, Burning; Flamedart. All fire based spells, plus heal, and mana shield.

III. Magical Force. Bow of Bear; Windforce, Fleshstinger. Heal, Mana Shield, Flash, Telekinesis, Golem, Stone Curse.

IV. Time. Bows of Swiftness; Needler, Bow of the Ancestors (Dead). Heal, Heal Other, Mana Shield.

- Combat Preparedness & Readiness (CPR Quest)
The mortal enemies of the Amazons have crossed the line yet again! Blackjade, Red Vex and Bloodlust have stolen two treasured items from a nearby Amazon tribe, have sealed the secondary entrances to the dungeon, and populated its depth with guardians. For this they must not escape unpunished! A squadron of four (or three) veteran Amazons must enter the church and be prepared to live off the land, for all supply lines have been cut off -- in fact restart in town is not allowed, so consider ress. scrolls. The squadron will use the traditional anti-witch weapon for this quest, the bow, and will fully clear the dungeon of these succubi minions. As these are combat operations against witches and those who would protect them, any Amazon is allowed (since all may use bow against witches). While they may find it more efficient to split up in the early levels, by hell (if not earlier) they will assume a formation with these roles: (heal, ms, tp, sc ok for all)

I. Scout. May not have a positive light radius, takes point and performs recon. Windforce is recommended, or Bow of the Bear, since once contact is made she will drop back. Spells: teleport, phase, guardian, golem.
II. Tank. Very high AC recommended. Bow of Thunder preferred, other lightning bows are ok too. stone curse, flash.

III. Machine Gun. Swiftness bow/needler. Charged bolt, chain lightning, lightning.

IV. Howitzer. The artillery Amazon. Bow of Fire-type. Fireball, firebolt, elemental.

Note - due to restrictions in supply no belt, no potions may be taken into dungeon, and only ONE bow may be brought down. They may use whatever potions/scrolls/etc they find, and may use a different found bow early on, leaving the good one for hell levels. Also, due to combat nature of quest, war or battle bows are highly suggested (almost required, but suffix comes first).

- Prisoner of War (not to be confused with Patron of Wirt!)
Scandalous! They actually thought they could subjugate the tribes by capturing key leaders! What they didn't expect was just how sharp Amazon nails can be, as the bloodied guard corpse can testify. This quest can be solo, or coop, the character(s) must totally unequip, simulating capture conditions. They must sprint to the church and make their way to the Pentagram, the only means of escape from the prison camp. Empty your blue globe when you arrive on lvl 1 (you're cold, tired, and weak). Strict LoL, no restarts in town. If someone dies they must hope a res scroll is (has been) found, or leave the game. Any AMZ may try this; I've not tested, but are any set of Amazons strong enough to do this in Nightmare?!?! If so, they receive the Amazon Medal of Honor. On Normal difficulty, they receive the Purple Heart.

- Amazon Ambassadors
To foster relations with other friendly nations, Amazons occasionally exchange Ambassadors with other tribes. To become an ambassador they should do the main quest(s) of the other nation keeping as many restrictions as possible. Examples (feedback from other variants requested!): BNM ambassador - must don cursed gear and go through the entire dungeon to kill Diablo. (They should accumulate at least -30 magic / -20 all) BAR - a Diablo from the church run, wielding ONLY non-magic equipment and red potions. ARC - take up the bow and light armor, and use these only to kill Diablo.

Others wishing to become Amazon Ambassadors should:

Go through a reduced training/boss monster challenge similar to the Amazon training program, but where these rules and their own are in conflict, go by your own native rules. If some flexibility could be shown for at least the quest, that would be great (eg a BAR buying some armor/weapon of craftmanship, or valiant, to wear just for the testing...)

The ideals of close range combat, honor, and respect for the body should be respected as far as possible. Any lvl-up pts during the quest should be assigned to Vitality (if not maxed). A dozen boss monsters (incl Diablo) must be killed in a thru-the-whole dungeon run:

-- Sorcerors[magic users] use Inferno and Flame Wave instead of Fball/Fwall, if you are able, preferably no chain lightning, and avoid use of Blood Star/Flash/Bone Spirit. Suggested spell use: dlvls 1-2 fire bolt, dlvl 3-8 with charged bolt/lightning, dlvl 9-12 with inferno and flame wave, dlvl 13-15 with fireball and chain lightning, and dlvl 16 with elemental and guardian.

-- Warriors[melee types] Show respect for the hunt by doing lvl 15 with a Bow. If it doesn't make the quest impossible, use AC with base less than 1/2 dex and avoid +l.r. objects. More specifically, dlvls 1-2 should be with shield bash, dlvl 3-8 with axe, 9-12 with sword and shield, 13-14 with blunt weapon, dlvl 15 with bow, dlvl 16 any.

-- Other rogues[bow wielders] this testing is somewhat different. The Amazons already respect the Archer's choice of a bow, but seek to test their hunting prowess. A hunter's bow is to be used by the rogue for the entire time, and no return to town is allowed. They are to refrain from Fire Wall, 'magic' based spells, and stone curse during the quest.

* note: the difficulty level should be appropriate to the level of the Ambassador. The dozen bosses is easier than it sounds, as eight show up in every game, so look for four of the 'variable' ones.

For Dual class variants involving Amazons, be sure to check the Dual Classes Page
These include AMZ-BAR, AMZ-SNOB, AMZ-Cleric, and AMZ-Samurai, AMZ-Valkyrie.

A special salute to early Amazons, who contributed greatly to this variant and demonstrated their prowess by achieving at least Heroine status: Erim Lera(AMZ) [Whyte Tyger], Athena(AMZ) and Latona(AMZ-LoL) [Moriah], Serali(AMZ) [Wanderer], and Charisena(AMZ) [Charis]



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