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On this page you will find descriptions of dual class characters that go well together because of their similaries, or, because of the stark contrast. The latter are not as crazy as they sound, but strive to fit in very well with the attitude of each of the classes involved.


The full rules of the individual classes are not listed, rather the points of differnece from the base classes are discussed. For the Amazon variant, the official rules are also at this site.


Amazon Barbarian (AMZ-BAR)

In general, NO magic. There are a few exceptions listed below...
* Highest regard for vitality requires +2 pts to vit per level, with + 0 magic recommended
* Stealth is somewhat less of an issue, so the dex and strength restrictions on what armor they can wear do not apply
* No crown until both BAR king(queen) and AMZ queen, then *any* crown may be worn
* Spells: none
* Griswold, the tribal craftsman, may repair gear

Clarifying points. Other issues not mentioned follow the rules of both classes, ie:
* no use of bow except for item recovery & the Butcher (anyone), and for those who have attained the title of Amazon Heroine
* shrine restrictions

Bosses: Given a choice of bosses to kill, the AMZ-BAR finds special pleasure in teaching the ranged attackers a lesson, especially the clan archers: Bloodskin Darkbow(5), Blightfire(7), Gorestone(7). AMZ-BAR also have had a history of trouble with drakes, and Viperflame(12) may be counted during Warrior Quest.

Different orders of AMZ-BAR tribes allow one or more of the following:
* Any item of Vim/Vigor/Life, out of high regard for the body Often limited to Warrior-Vanquisher / Avenger-Defiler / Heroine-Ravager
* The use of a personal jeweled hunting knife - dagger or short sword (aka machete). As long as prefix is a jewel or color, suffix may be anything. Usable by those eligible for Stealth Hunt, ie. Matriarach-Lady
* town portal spell, and any scrolls (for literate AMZ-BARs)
* the use of inferno as a primitive flame thrower (for AMZ Warriors)

AMZ-BAR tribes from the Southern Kingdoms are known for their high quality blacksmiths, and may use the following items, at appropriate levels:
Bronze, Sharp - Explorer
Iron, Fine, Jagged - Defender
Steel, Warrior's - Warrior
Silver, Heavy/Massive - Avenger
Gold, Savage - Huntress
Platinum, Knight's - Matriarch
Mithril, Master's - Princess
King's - Queen
Champion's - Champion

The above must be with no prefix, or with Craftsmanship, Quality, Structure or Sturdiness... (except...)
AMZ-BARs may use items of Vitality/Vim/Vigor/Life as long as there is no (or an acceptable) prefix.
Other benevolent adjectives (Awesome, Valiant, etc.) may not be used. In going for Barbarian titles these weapons should be used not at all, or *after* obtaining the title most equivalent to the Amazon title. Note that the Northern ttribes (with the greater emphasis on the BAR half of character) do not allow the prefixes described above. They alone may choose to put more lvl-up points into need STR and DEX, and catch up as soon as possible in vitality. These characters should add the adjective "Hearty" to their title to indicate this path of greater challenge. (eg. Nikona, Hearty Amazon Princess, Barbarian Ravager)

Also, to the BAR (AMZ-BAR at least) there exists weapons that are maligned by Wizards and dubbed Corruption. These gems which protect BARs from the headache of distracting mana are called weapons of purity and are highly prized. They are typically saved for use against their tougher foes, and maybe be repaired at Religious Shrines.

All normal Barbarian and Amazon quests apply. Optional AMZ quests allowed are: Stealth Hunt, Champion, Gauntlet, Raid, Homecoming.


Amazon Elitist (AMZ-SNOB)

The elitist Amazon desires to use only the finest gear available, and has greater interest in spells than other Amazons. Her love for variety in jewelry makes her somewhat less restrictive than her male elitist counterparts.

Full rules of Amazons and SNOBs apply with the following changes/comments:
* +1 Vit and +1 magic required each level up, until maxed
* the full complement of SNOB spells are available at any time to the AMZ-SNOB, with the exception of bloodstar and bone spirit.
* Perfect rings are allowed as well as perfect amulets
* If no suitable unique item is found, a non-unique magical item may be worn *IF* it has a suffix of vim/vigor/life due to the Amazon's extremely high valuation of vitality. (If such an item is also perfect, it may continue to be used instead of a unique)
* the following uniques, typically not available to Amazons, are legal: Mindcry, Wizardspike, Gleamsong, Wizard's Wrap, Naj's Light Plate, Dreamflange, Fool's Crest and Demonspike Coat.
* the following uniques, typically available to SNOBs, are NOT acceptable: Wicked Axe, The Grizzly; also the Constricting Ring.
* Gifts. To be able to carry out the Amazon quests, a full complement of gear must be available. Rather than every 5 lvls, the gifts are received as they attain a new title. Some extras at low lvls. The items should not be 'the ultimate', those listed below are purely examples.
Start of game / Explorer: Bow & a minor sword (ex: Flame Dart, Defender)
Defender: Armor & Axe (example: Leather Aut or Sparkling Mail, Stonecleaver)
Warrior: Sword & Shield (ex: Shadowhawk, BlackOak Shield)
Huntress: Blunt weapon (ex: Baranar's Star)
Avenger & Heroine: free choices (maybe an upgrade like Naj's Plate, Holy Defen)
Matriach: Helm (eg Helm of Sprits, Overlord's Helm, Thinking Cap)
*However* the Amazon is proud and will not accept a gift that is far above her station. This schedule will get her more gifts, so they may not be the ultimate in each category. Therefore no windforce, eaglehorn, mess.reaver, stormshield, blood slayer, gotterdamerung, grandfather, royal circl gift for completing an optional quest after this. Gifts should NOT be accepted except at these special times. Jewelry is not counted against her gifts, but must be something she would be able to find herself.

Spells and Quests. The AMZ-SNOB learns many spells faster than regular AMZs but the restriction that they can read off scrolls only that which they can already cast or are non-castable still holds. Note that offensive spells may still not be used against the boss monsters. Other quest monster notes:
* Regular AMZ's tend to get their 12 bosses for the Defender Quest on lvls 2 and 3. The AMZ-SNOB, trying to be different/ better will be sure to kill at least 4 must reside in the Cats. As a Warrior, they like to kill Witchfire the Unholy with fire.
* Should the AMZ-Snob find a weapon of the kind allowed for AMZ-BARs that is _perfect_, they may use it in addition to their unique weapons, as this will be exceedingly rare.
* For their love of vitality, if an items is _perfect_ of Vim, Vigor, Life, it may be used, if the prefix is perfect, rare, or no prefix.
* The AMZ-SNOB enjoys it when the boss monsters can see their companions drop around them, and may use a barrage of Charged Bolts to bring this about (not so much as to seriously harm or kill the boss, as soon as the first foe drops, no more CB's may be cast!) Flame wave may also be used for this purpose.
* AMZ-SNOBs who particularly enjoy magic may elect to use no items which are -magic. This compensates for their ability to use wizardlike items early on.

All other rules, including restrictions about use of bow, weapons, etc. are still in place.


Barbarian Elitist (BAR-SNOB)

This is the one that sounds the most crazy, but it's actually not. Full BAR rules apply, but this type of BAR appeciates the exquisite craftsmanship and superior materials used for certain rare items. Hence *unidentified* unique items may be used. They still loathe 'evil juju'. The ultimate setup would no doubt include the Demonspike Coat, Gotter, Grandfather (or Talon?), Stormshield, and some fashion jewelry rings (ROE). Note in their unID'd state this will allow for an AC bonus of 100 (up to 200 Max), 10-20 instead of 6-15 dmg, and the same lousy ToHit, so it is by no means overpowering, but may give the BAR-SNOB a somewhat longer lease on life.

* Griswold is an expert in antiques and is *consulted* for a fee in helping the BAR-SNOB make repairs on uniques. Other mods: (although I'm not using the optional ones myself)
* (optional) may use Town Portals and Heal Others from SNOBs
* (optional) they are somewhat less superstitious than pure BARs and may use shrines/etc as they wish
* (optional) the following items may be used until a suitable unique item is found: craftsmanship, structure, fine, sharp, steel, iron, jagged, quality. (not the other 'Woody-optional' like King's, Awesome, etc.) One on the border is Mithril (?), so use your judgement there. 


Amazon Priestess (AMZ-Cleric)

The tribal priestess for the Amazons undergoes the same rigorous training as her people, if she is to earn their fullest respect. The nature of the cleric require some greater modifications to the rules, primarily the weapons, according to rank:

Explorer - Club
Defender - Mace
Warrior - Flail
Avenger - Maul
Huntress - only now may a very special version of the Amazon Hunting Bow be used, against their age old enemies, the Witches.The Priestess Bow has been specially designed with a blunt tip, which either delivers holy fire (Bow of Fire/ Flame/Burning/Thunder only, FlameDart), or a pounding knockback blow (Bow of Bear, Windforce)
Heroine - Hammer
Matriach and up - may use any of the weapons above

Spells: Those spells which are disallowed to either Amazons (Flash), Clerics (Golem) or both (Bone Spirit, Bloodstar) are disallowed for AMZ-Cleric.
Exception - Lightning may be used if the player feels it is in the character's personality. (Scheffer's Hammer would be fun) When can they be used? The AMZ-Cleric will want to prove their combat prowess, and not focus on spells except those that are holy or holy fire (Holy Bolt, Fire Bolt, Fire Ball, Flame Wave). These four may be learned and used at any level, along with Town Portal, Heal and Heal Other, but other spells, including Mana Shield, Teleport, etc., must wait until the AMZ-title are at which they are allowed. Remember Fire Wall is not used to cook the AMZ's opponents (except witches). Note that offensive spells may still not be used against the boss monsters.

Don't forget to create a suitable hotkey when entering a level! :)

Other minor 'preferences': weapons of the bear, Holy Defender Shield, Other disallowed items: of bat, of vampires, Rod of Onan In some tribes: a light bow of fire is given as a starting gift/loan, since the starting bow is illegal (!) The Amazon Celestial Bow is likewise a special blunt tip weapon that derives its power from divine and ancestral forces. At least one tribe uses the blunt end of the Celestial Axe for the Defender quest(!) Wizard's Wrap, cloaks, capes, robes, staves including Mindcry, are legal for the AMZ-Cleric.

AMZ-Clerics and Quests:
There is a strong shift in difficulty for two monsters for the AMZ-Cleric. The Butcher is trivial and Leoric extremely problematic for the regualar AMZ. For the AMZ-Cleric, the Skeleton king will be easier (Mace, but no Holy Bolt!), while the Butcher will be extremely difficult unless one of the special allowable Bows is found. These seem to offset each other fairly nicely.

Spellbinder. There is one additional title for the AMZ-Cleric. The normal Spellbinder quests will be relatively easy, but two extra levels may be sought by the AMZ-Cleric: Spellbinder Novitiate - full clear of the Catacombs wielding a staff and using that and spells. It may be attempted by any AMZ-Cleric past Explorer.

Righteous Spellbinder - may be sought by the most powerful Amazon Priestess', it requires all spells at least lvl 12 before adders, the wearing of two Dragon's jewels and +40% light radius. A no-town Hell/Hell run must be made and Diablo slain, using only spells which are lvl 20 (with adders). This supreme challenge will require Naj's Plate, an AA Staff, the thinking cap, and a Ring or Amulet of Radiance. Four of the six items worn must have been found/bought by the AMZ-Cleric, but up to two may be borrowed for the quest.

The Quest of Cleansing - should an AMZ-Cleric find an item of corruption it is a sign that she has done something to displease the gods. The must immediately or in very next game perform a streak (naked run starting at church) to dispose of the axe and seek atonement. The depth is determined by her level, and if unsuccessful, the item must be recovered, and the quest repeated. (Note magic and potions are allowed, and probably necessary)
Explorer/Defender - the Butcher must be slain and axe left in his chamber with the door sealed shut.
Warrior - must be deposited on a shrine on lvl 7 of cats Avenger - must be left in a 'pen' and door shut, lvl 10
Huntress - must be thrown in a cauldron on lvl 12 or 13
Heroine - must be laid at the altar of slain Lazarus
Matriarch - must be lost in the maze on 16 at appropriate diff
Champion - Diablo must be slain with the blunt end/side of the weapon on Hell difficulty.
Those who undergo and pass the quest of cleansing may add the descriptor 'Pure' or 'of Purity' to their title

Quest monster notes for the AMZ-Cleric:
Defender - at least 6 of the 12 bosses must be Undead
Warrior - add Lionskull the Bent as one that counts
All - each boss to be killed is hit first with a Holy Bolt so that he knows by whom he shall be slain.

AMZ-Cleric Virtue Quest (replaces the Champion Quest) - repeat a subset of the quests (3 bosses in each rank) using the following or similar unique items (gifts/loans acceptable): Club-Civerb's Cudgel or Gnarled Root, Mace-Baranar's Star, Flail-Celestial Star, Maul-Cranium Basher or Protector, Huntress-Windforce or Flamedart, Diablo-Dreamflange.

Also, the light loving AMZ-Cleric would prefer to do the Quest for Glory over the Stealth Hunt.

Aside: I'm playing an AMZ-Cleric-WWIZ, ie combining this with a Water Elemental Wizard. The latter do not cast fire spells, but may use from scrolls or staves, and also use blunt and defense-oriented spells. The WWIZ armor restrictions are in effect until the AMZ reaches the status of Matriarch, when the AMZ rules for armor take over. 


Amazon-Samurai (AMZ-SAM)

In the lands of the far Orient live a tribe of Amazon Warriors who follow the way of Bushido, the code of the Samurai. The following are guidelines for a dual class character based on the Amazon (by Charis) and Samurai (by ReiRee). "The Samurai ( Rogue Class ) prides herself in the knowledge of weapons and the mind. An all around understanding of chivalrous virtues is essential to the Samurai, for without honor and virtue, there is nothing. One of the finer points of chivalry is self enlightment, and through trials and mastery, self understanding can be achieved."

It would be helpful also to read the Amazon and Samurai rules individually. When not otherwise specified, full Amazon rules apply (including spells). The following are the rule (changes to AMZ) for the Amsam, by rank/level:

Explorer - Initiate of the Kick - Each lvl at least +1 vit, +1 dex Only the feet are used as weapons. When the Amsam has achieved 6th lvl, she may take out her hunting bow one last time to slay the Butcher and finish this phase. By both AMZ and Samurai rules, only light armor will be worn at this time.

Defender - Initiate of the Staff - Each lvl at least +1 vit, +1 dex Mastery of the Staff is learned in the hunting and defeat of Church and Cave bosses during this phase. The final opponent is the Skeleton King Leoric.

Warrior - Initiate of the Blade - Each lvl at least +1 dex, +1 str Sword and shield are used in an effort to master them, and tested by taking on ever stronger bosses in the caves, ending with Plaquewrath.

Avenger - Initiate of Ratan - Each lvl at least +1 str The Samuari prepares to learn their noblest weapon, the Katana. In preparation, and to slay the upper hell bosses, a large ratan weapon (Maul) is used with two hands.

Huntress - Initiate of the Bow - Each lvl at least +1 str The archenemy Lazarus is faced, along with long standing enemies, the Witches of Hell, in this pivotal quest.

Heroine - Initiate of the Katana - Finally the Amsam takes up the noble great sword and prepares herself mentally and physically to defeat Diablo using this fine blade. With the successful completion of this quest, solo or coop with other AMZ or Samurai, she earns the title Matriarch. Note the AMZ-Samurai may use the Great Sword much earlier than the regular Amazon, but must negotiate the problem of Strength: 75 is required, 55 is max, and non-unique items are not useable as adders for the purpose of determining whether an item may be worn. Samuari's have been known to search for Elixir potions to boost their Strength to be effective with this weapon. *IF* the Amsam has maxed her strength she may use items of the stars, heavens or zodiac to wield her Katana. Otherwise, a Katana must be used which provides it own strength benefit (e.g., of Giants, of Titans, of Heavens, or the Grandfather).

The Initiate -  "Upon reaching the level of 27, the Samurai must discover her purpose. She descends through the levels of hell to the level of 15. As destined by fate, the first enemy to cross her path becomes her mortal foe. No matter what, the Samurai must combat monsters of this genre to no end. The level must be cleared of the hethen, for it is the reason she has come to be. If at any time, the Samurai runs from the level of the foe with no intention to return , the samurai must be cleansed ;) Purification by fire... A Firewall is cast, as the Samurai drops her items, and then walks across. ( If the Samurai has no FireWall, than another person may FireWall for her. ). The Samurai is not to return to her items, and must leave." (direct from the Samurai rules)

Ceremonial Armor - The newly royal Amsam now begins in earnest to put together an Ceremonial Outfit which will be used (as a minimum) for special quests. A coronation gift may be accepted at this time. The Ceremonial Outfit will include items of Jade, Emerald, a Celestial item, a royal Katana (Knight's or better, or Grandfather), and the finest quality armor of its class (ie Splint Mail or Full Plate, preferably blessed or better, or resistance), a Wakizashi (blade or smaller weapon, and a suitable crown. An example (nice!) outfit would be: Awesome Full Plate, Emerald Bow of Heavens, Jade Crown of Harmony, Master's Great Sword of Speed, King's Blade of Perfection, Dragon's Breach Shield, a jewel of Stars or Zodiac, and if possible an oriental Dragon's jewel. (Note that full plate may not be worn until she becomes queen.)

Matriarch - Quest to become Protector and Princess At this stage the Amsam must adopt the codes of chivarly, and help six people in their journeys. The Samurai may use a shield to further help, but may not attack. She can use magic, but deal no damage, only heal, or give. The Amazon title Guardian should also be sought at this time. When completed, Diablo is slain in NM difficulty setting, she has earned the title of Princess.

The Trial: Acceptance of the Stars - To prove a samurai's dedication to the Stars, a Samurai must play a game in which three celestial items are found (Moon, Stars, Heavens, Zodiac, Celestial uniques). The Samurai may not gain any experience during these trials, (so playing in Normal difficulty is advised.)

Princess - Acceptance of the Tribe and the Quest to become Queen Having been accepted by the stars she must now be accepted by her own people. To prove the acceptance of the Samurai's power and prowess, the Samurai must defeat a level with her mortal foe with only a sword in hand. No armor may be used, though magic is allowed. No other monster besides the mortal foe may be hurt, only the foe. When this is completed, Diablo may be sought in Hell difficulty, and slain to become queen. (The Bow and Sword/Shield should be used to kill Diablo for the Princess and Queen titles, but the order is up to the Amsam)

Queen: Protector Supreme - The Amsam must continue to uphold the code of Bushido and be a protector. As a discipline she will take her golem through the four levels of hell and must not let it die. Neither should it be sent off to a corner to lie safe while she clears a swath. This dedication and protection is a symbol of the invisible protection the Amsam receives from the gods. Before her next quest she must help an additional six people in their journeys, to earn the title Protector Supreme.

Champion - when the Amsam has finished the Quest of Protection and attained at least 35th level, she may seek to become master of weapons and champion to her people by undergoing the Amazon Champion Quest. While the kicking part remains the same, instead of staff, blunt weapon, and two-handed sword, the Amsam will use a cursed blunt, a cursed sharp weapon, and a Wakizashi (any one handed sword, no shield). Why a cursed weapon?!! It is written "In the hands of a true master, even a broken stick is a lethal weapon" (hence useless or frailty items are sought for this).

Stealth Hunt - the Amsam may carry out traditional Amazon higher level quests. For the Stealth hunt, she may wear up to Splint Mail, if it is of high enough quality to be Ceremonial (ie Jade, Stars, Harmony, or something like Saintly). For a weapon, she may use the bow, a hunting dagger/short sword, her Ceremonial Wakizashi, or any cursed/semi-cursed weapon (that keeps in mind the idea behind the Champion quest). The Amsam may also wish to become and Initiate of Magic with the Spellbinder quest... ReiRee's setup is quite close to an ideal Ceremonial Outfit (needs only jade/emerald):

The Grandfather ( awesome looking samurai sword ).
Royal Circlet ( matter of convenience ).
Split Saintly Mail of Giants ( got the look going... ).
Holy Defender ( my time to be a protector... ).
Obsidian ring of Perfection ( my first good find ).
Cobalt Ring of Zodiac ( my second good find ).
Drakes Amulet of Stars ( routine laz run goods ).

Miscellaneous: as they are far from the Black Oak Forest, these items hold no import for Amsams. Rather, the following items are particularly valued: Grandfather, Celestial Bow, Dragon's Breach; jade, emerald, harmony and 'celestial' items. Also the Demonspike Armor for them represents a talisman to ward off Demons (rather than demonic in origin or power) and is a desired item. The Grizzly is NEVER
allowed as a weapon, as it is a mangling artless sword rather than a weapon of precision. Unlike regular Amazons the Amsam will not wield an axe. Other fine distinctions - the Amsam would prefer the Wakizashi Wizardspike over the blunt as Dreamflange, and would prefer the symbolic somber DSC over the glittery Sparkling Mail. The Amsam may also wear stealth items in regular play, but almost never would want to be in total darkness or confused with a Ninja (their enemies, considered brutal assassins).


Amazon Living Off the Land (AMZ-LoL)

The following thoughts come from Moriah, player of the first and greatest AMZ-LoL, Latona.

* For AMZ-LoL the restriction of playing only with other LoL's is removed (In general, play with a LoL's 2nd class is fine -- Charis)
* Otherwise, full LOL rules apply - no use of gold and no restarts in town.
* Repairs can be made by any Warrior rather than a strict LOL-Warrior
* Resurrect can be done by any playing partner, but out of respect for the LOL, please use a scroll of Resurrect that has been found, not  bought. Quite often the LOL-char will pass on the scrolls themselves at the start of the game just in case of their demise later on.
* IDing items, if any items found during gameplay and some look suitable to the LOL-char, please use a scroll to ID them, or a Glimmering Shrine. Else take the unIDed item with you into the next game and have it IDed there with a scroll or shrine.
* LOL-chars start lots of games in the Church just to fill up on pots and use some found items as their regular fighting gear, just to preserve their good gear. Only when a Religious Shrine is found will they use their regular (and usually better) gear.
* All the Amazon rules apply to an AMZ-LOL, no exceptions. Bows are not needed for item recovery, only for the Stealth Hunt and Witches (+ Butch).
* Latona got past Leoric with an axe when she was lvl 13, so playing a LOL need not be the huge handicap some people believe it is. OTOH, Latona's regular fighting gear includes a Sabre of the Ages and a Small Shield of the Ages, even at lvl 33.



Well, as we await the final rules from Saxywoo, for his Ninja variant, intrepid Diabloists have taken on the added Challenge of the NINJA-SNOB. Here are some points to consider, and some tips from the first to dot the NINSNOB, Shank (Koga). The following is from a post by Shank --

"Instead of wearing all uniques and a perfect magical amulet, the ninja elitist wears unique equipment with perfect magical jewelry. this jewelry however has to contain one of a certain prefix or suffix, but it does not have to have both the prefix and suffix from the required list, just one. Originally, the required pref/suffixes by Saxywoo were of the dark, night, moon,stars, zodiac. But since these may not be all that easy to obtain (especially in perfect form, ie. max stat possible), I broadened the spectrum a bit to:

Prefixes: Raven's,Snake's,Serpent's,Drake's,Dragon's (Charis: Obsidian?)

Suffixes: Moon,Stars,Zodiac,Night,Dark,Mind,Skill

Note that these are the ONLY allowed prefixes/suffixes. The ninja-elitist uses them because they represent either the night and darkness or because they represent positive traits in a ninja such as cunning,stealth,intelligence, and efficiency.

"As for the other equipment, the ninja-elitist may only use certain uniques, for their magical properties.

Weapons: The ninja-elitist has great skill with swords and they are his main form of attack.

Gibous Moon: this mystical sword said to have been crafted from a piece of moon stone absorbs light around its holder converting it into mana

Shadowhawk: the sword of a dark knight of long ago, this evil blade feeds on the souls of its victims. It absorbs some damage from magical attacks.

Executioner's Blade: this wicked looking sword was used to execute countless people. When using it one may hear the cries of the victims of the blade which will slightly decrease his constitution. this blade has some stealth properties and may hide the user in dim light.

The Grandfather: This sword was supposed to have been crafted by an ancient clan of samurai famous for their magical weaponry. Unfortunately this clan had been overrun by the minions of hell in the Sin War and were forced to create weapons for the legions of hell. It was supposed that not only such swords as these were taken by the minions of hell, but also the legendary Angelic Rune Sword Azulewrath, carried by Izual.

The Doombringer: Of similar craftsmanship to the Grandfather, the Doombringer was forged by the same clan after their subjugation by the forces of hell. Yet this sword saps the strength of the body to deal massive blows, instead of strengthening the user like the Grandfather. It was supposed that the Doombringer was the standard issued weaponry of the warriors of hell during the Sin War.

Shields: The ninja-elitist uses only certain shields due to their stealth properties

The Blackoak Shield: crafted from fine oak wood, this shield has petrified over the ages. It's strange properties originate from the magical qualities of the wood. It saps the user's constitution to seemingly enlarge, to be able to block more efficiently. A bow is also said to exist.

The Splitskull Shield: These shields were made recently, within the last 30 years. They bare the emblem of a grinning skull with a crack running down to the eyes. These were made in the forges of hell in preparation for the events of Tristram not but a couple years ago. They are standard issue to theknights of hell, the former retainers of Leoric.

Armors: The Ninja-Elitist uses only armor which will hide him from the enemy. In addition, once he has possession of the Gotterdammerung and wears it, he may outfit him in the Demonspike coat, as he will have need for this protective armor later on.

Nightscape: this stealthy hunting cape allows the ninja to move undetected through the labyrinth. it's protective lining absorbs some of enemy blows.

Demonspike Coat: this plate crafted from thick demon hide is craved by many, but only atained by few. It has only wearable when Gotterdammerung is equipped and only in Nightmare or Hell/hell.

Naj's Light Plate: said to have been worn at one time long ago by Naj himself. Is made of an extremely lightweight yet durable material. provides significant protection yet allows great freedom of movement as opposed to the bulky demonspike coat. It increases upon his tolerance of magic attacks and increases the effectiveness of the thinking cap. May only be worn when thinking cap is equipped.

Helmets: The ninja uses only helms with special magical properties:

The Gotterdammerung: the ultimate ninja's helmet. shrouds him from the sight of his enemies and boosts his physical and mental abilities. however it drains his tolerance for magical attacks. Allows the equipment of the Demonspike Coat.

The Helm of Spirits: allows the ninja to drain the life from his foes with his blade. This rare relic is also prized by ninjas.

Thinking Cap: this special cap clears the fog from the brain of the ninja and enables him to act more quickly. It also heightens his magical aptitude and increaes his tolerance of magical attacks. Enables him to equip Naj's Light Plate.

Spells: "As for spells....i am not quite sure what to do... limiting the ninja to the unique sp-ells might pose a problem as he will probably have need of spells such as fire wall,bolt, ball, lightning and chain lightning.

Here are some followup comments by Charis:

As far as spells, the Ninja rules allow: Apoc, Healing, Heal Other, Mana Shield, Teleport, Telekinetesis, Flash, Bone Spirit, Stone Curse and Phasing.

They disallow: Infravision, Firebolt, Holy Bolt, Charged Bolt, Inferno, Firewall, Lightning, Elemental,
Fireball, Firewall, Chain Lightning, Guardian, and Blood Star.

With town portal being used for immediate town access only. And golem on non witch lvls.

Now the question is: how would an Elitist Ninja be different from a regular ninja, and how would he be the same. He would dislike unfair tactics and bright spells, and so would probably continue to not use infravision and fireball and chain lightning. But there's gotta be SOME kinds of spells that Mr.Snob thinks he can handle that regular ninjas do not use. Seems like Elemental and Guardian and Blood Star would fit the bill, as long as they are used on targets IN SIGHT, and not used to wake up a slew of undisturbed monsters (random waking up not being the ninja way). Seems like on bosses in particular he would see their light and unleash a torrent of elite spells that might slay the foe before he even knows what his him (MUHAHAH!)

Koga's Tips:

Early lvls are quite similar to a regular SNOB, with a decent gift something like the Blackoak Shield or Shadowhawk. Would recommend NOT giving a Gotter before around level 20, as it totally wipes out the difficulty of the low level SNOB 

By the Cats you should be in partial Stealth mode, and focusing on Dex. Wandering around in full stealth is totally different from partial. With an LR of only 20%, you cannot map out walls to the s, se and e corners. (assuming north is to the upper right). You *need* to cling to the walls in order to find your way and to map out pat of the floor. if you DON'T do this, you will become horribly disoriented, especially in the caves. 

Stealth vs. ac and resistance. Of these three, the order of concern would be #1 stealth, #2 ac, and #3 resistance. One of the reasons for this is that while in hell,the ONLY problems for you regarding resistance will be mages and lightning demons.(witches will be discussed next) AC, is not as important because with a high dex you will block the incoming shots. Also, as long as you deal at least 30 damage a swing, you can stun at least 95% of all monsters on normal difficulty. 

What of those annoying witches? Well, once i took my ninja elitist into hell, it become increibly obvious that their behavior was dependent on your light radius. The witches normally just walk to the edge of it, come back to a few squares away from you and fire. But what happens if your LR is only 20%? The witches walk back and forth from the space right outside of your LR to the space in front of you. so just hold down the shift key and start swinging. 

In Hell, or difficult areas, be *very* careful when advancing. By "checking" before moving in a diagonal direction (by shift-clicking) you can avoid getting swarmed, and kill monsters before they see you.  Laz is the tough one, Diblo is easy. Funny part is, when he dies, you die. (Kill 'D' with a Ninja and see what I mean)

-- Koga(NIN-SNOB) lvl 21 ninja elitist (aka Shank) 



Picture a mage who at high levels can not cast fireball, chain lightning, fire wall or many other good spells, is stunned with every hit, has no resistances, and as less mana than many rogues. Who says wearing unique items has to HELP you ?!

The elitist BNM sees himself as a cut about your 'average' BNM. He will wear only what others would call the 'finest' items, but those that will cause him to have the most challenge. He may wear any cursed jewelry to help increase his challenge. Some would interpret the BNM rules to allow these anyway, but to avoid all argument, he considers himself a BNM-SNOB. In addition, of course, he limits his spell selection to elitist spells... none of this prosaic firewall, chain lightning, and the like. If it would hurt him more, he may also wear PERFECT cursed items, ie Trouble -10, Pit -5... if a good unique item is not available or appropriate for his lvl. He will NOT use enchanted shrines, BUT will use readers, as he insists on learning his own spells. To avoid too strong a spell, he resticts himself voluntarily so slvl <= clvl/2. To be like other SNOBs, the Amulet that the BNM-SNOB wears must be perfect. Another nice feature is that his gear is repairable by Gris.

Optional Rule: BNM-SNOBs who hate the waste associated with draining staffs (Conservatives) see no problem in emptying out elitist staffs (Elemental, Guardian, etc.) into the bodies of their foes. They still never recharge them.

Starting out: Note, no castable spell for elitist at the start
* The best way to start a BNM-SNOB is in someone else's game where a Sacred Shrine has been found. The new character should take this shrine to give himself a lvl 2 charged bolt, at the cost of a mere 5 (permanent) mana points. Such mage can be proud that he truly stands out from other BNMs.
* Conservatives have the option of emptying out their initial charged bolt staff into enemies.
* Taking a single spell book of an elitist spell as a starting gift should also be acceptable (not golem or high lvl one!)

Uniques which might be allowed, depending on lvl:
Lvl  Item  Description 
Gladiator’s Bane  Studded leather armor, AC 25, -3 all, -2 dfe 
Leather of Aut Leather, AC 15, +5 str/dex, -5 mag, indestructible
Bloodslayer -5 all, +100%/200% damage, -1 spell level 
Hellslayer Battle axe, +8 str/vit, +25 life, -25 mana, +100% damage
Sharp Beak Large axe, -10 magic, +20 life, -10 mana 
Cranium Basher  Maul, +15 str, -150 mana, +20 dmg, +5% resist all, indest
Fool’s Crest Helm -4 all, +100 life, +1-6 dfe, 1-3 dmg to att.
Overlord’s Helm Helm +20 str, -20 mag, +15 dex, +5 vit
Constricting Ring  Ring +75% resist all, causes continuous damage
Dragon’s Breach Kite shield AC 20, +5 str, -5 mag, +25% res fire, indestr
Bonesaw  Claymore +10 str, -5 mag/dex, +10 life, -10 mana, +10 dmg
Doombringer Bastard sword -5 all, -25 life, +25% to hit, +250% dmg, -20% l.r.
L Executioner’s Blade  Falchion -10 life, +150% damage, -10% light
L Gryphons Claw  Falchion -2 magic, -5 dexterity, +100% damage
L Staff of Shadows Long staff -10 magic, +10% tohit, +60% dmg, -20% l.r., quick
M Storm Spire  War staff +10 str, -10 mag, +50% res lning, 2-8 lning dmg
L Deadly Hunter  Composite bow -5 magic, +20% to hit

Darkness objects might also be useless in some circumstances (Blackoak Shield, Bow, SSS...)

The good features, if any, of such items, may NOT be used, ie.
Don't swing the Bloodslayer. Burn the charges off staffs.
Don't wear the Constricting ring if *any* magic attackers around

In other cases, there are very strong pluses and minus, which should only be used when not beneficial. Cranium Basher's delightful -150 mana should not be used on magic lvls where the 5% resist would be too nice. Schaefer’s Hammer might even be used, as long as *NO* lightning attack creatures are present, for a high lvl BNM-SNOB (+50 life, +10% light)

Sample Outfits and Gifts:

Low lvl mage (10th lvl) in the cats
Staff of Shadows, Leather of Aut, Overlord's Helm for -35 magic, -20% lr, and enough strength to wear the helm.
Ring of Vulture, Ring of the Fool, Amu of Dyslexia. and to equip: Ring of Giants

Medium lvl mage (25th lvl) going for first dot:
Bloodslayer or Cranium Basher, Gladiator's Bane, Overlord's Helm,
Ring of Titans, Hyena's Ring of Pain, Hyena's Ring of the Fool Minus spell lvl or mana, at least -23 magic, enough strength to wield his gear, and a bonus -50 to -200 mana.

High lvl mage (35th lvl) going for third dot:
Fool's Crest, Bonesaw, Perfect Buckler of the Pit, Perfect Leather Armor of Trouble-10
Hyena's Ring of Radiance, Clumsy Ring of Power, Perfect Ring of Pain
The +100 hp of the fool's crest is useless, less damage than one swing, BUT it will ensure that he is STUNNED by hits (muhahaha). A Ring of Power might be needed to wear some of the other equipment, and Radiance might be a bigger obstacle to health than minus a few attributes.
On melee lvls, he might swap in the Constricting Ring, or the Cranium Basher

Lvl Sample gifts (note jewels or cursed gear can come ANY time)
1 Exec Blade, Gryphon's Claw, Deadly Hunter
5 Staff of Shadows, Storm Spire, Sharp Beak
10 Leather of Aut, Overlord's Helm
15 Bloodslayer, Hellslayer, Gladiator's Bane
20 Constricting Ring, Doombringer, Bonesaw
25 Cranium Basher, Dragon's Breach
30 Fool's Crest

Elitist Spell Summary of Allowed Spells:
Fire: Inferno, Flame Wave, Elemental, Guardian
Lightning: Charged Bolt, Nova
Magic: Flash, Bloodstar, Bone Spirit, Golem
Utility: Heal, Heal Other, Mana Shield, Stone Curse, Teleport, Telekinesis
Town Portal. Also: Identify, Infravision, Res, Nova, Apoc scrolls
They may also learn but NOT use firebolt, for their Guardian spell.


Other Dual Classes with Amazons

What other ones would fit with Amazons? With some mods, seems like MAR, BNR, Viking, POW, Hybrid, ARA. If these are non-obvious, or if others have ideas, I will post more...


The Valkyrie are Virgin Warriors dedicated to Odin who wield spears and are dedicated to the battle of Gotterdamerung, and who seek the helm of that name. Their armor and weapons are very light, and natural stats very low until they are transformed by the blessing of the Gotter. Valkyries who live amonst
Norse Amazons (AMZ-VK) seek to earn favor and skill by undergoing the Amazon training. Full rules of both apply with these necessary exceptions:

- Overall - the Valkyrie is not one to rely on her own strength, and so may use +str items to be able to equip weapons and armor, unlike regular Amazons, who benefit only from +str uniques.
- Explorer - She may use the Bow during explorer phase but must seek out Shrines to increase Dex and Str by at least 4 each. She does not receive the title of Defender until she has found a weapon she can actually wield for the quest (although, once 6th lvl the AMZ-VK can start buying items from Griswold).
- Defender - the pole spear (War Staff, 30 Str) must be used for the defender quest
- Warrior - a one handed spear (Claymore, 35 Str) and buckler must be used
- Avenger - a sharpened wooden spear (Maul) is used for this phase
- Huntress - the Bow is used, as normal
- Heroine - finally the two handed spear (2H Sword, 65 Str) may be used
* The AMZ-VK will remain a Heroine until Gotterdanke Should Gotterdamerung be found ealier (eg as a Warrior), she has two choices:
i) ID the Helm and proceed as normal with rest of AMZ quests
ii) immediately don the unidentified Great Helm and march down to the lair of Diablo all bosses present along the way must be slain, with appropriate weapons. (trips to town are allowed) If she makes it down alone and succeeds in killing Diablo, she immediately gains the Matriarch title of Gottermatter.
- AMZ-VK may opt to add +1 vit per level up in early stages
- Stealth Hunt would be done with a bow or spear, the final title sought would likely be Golden Queen of Ragnarok, Guardian, Spellbinder, Hunt Priestess.

Miscellaneous Notes on Dual Classes

Notes on Barbarian Classes

Titles are the same as regular rules, with names changes:
Barbarian Lord -> Lady; Barbarian King -> Queen

A 'house rule' I use with Barbarians: resurrect scrolls bought from pippin are allowed ("Pippin good Medicine Man/Witch Doctor! He no use evil juju, he use special Herbs make Sparta feel better. Like smelling salts!")

I would also use the (tentative/proposed) coop rules:
For multiplayer achievements with other BARS *ONLY* (including FBAR, BNW, AMZ-BAR, SNOB-BAR and others equally similar) the following ADJECTIVE is added to the barbarian title --

Valiant - coop single dot
Glorious - all BARS enter hell *completely* naked and live off
the land for the quest to kill Diablo
Mighty - total clear of lvl 13 of NM/Hell, BARS only
Awesome - 2nd dot (coop with BARs)
Supreme - 3rd dot (coop with BARs)


My thanks to fdx`BAR and Animal(BAR) for their encouragment/thoughts on the AMZ-BAR and SNOB-BAR, as well as for their stellar companionship with Sparta`BAR. Also to Niriel`SNOB for his demonstration that SNOBs can be quite fun to play! And to a number of brave souls who have taken on the challenge of the Amazon and prevailed...

Feedback on these and other dual classes is welcome!


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