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Strike Team - by Sirian
* If a smaller team is desired, the paladin and/or the amazons can be removed from the team. If one amazon plays, though, then they both must be played. So a seven-player team would drop the paladin, while a six player team would drop the two amazons. The barbarian can be dropped to get down to four players, which is the minimum. (Note: this is for original team design only, and does not apply to "no-shows" for the both-amazons rule). * All characters to be played "pure" -- no gifts, no twinks, no trades outside the closed group. Gambling is allowed but should be approached from a group strategy, and item sharing and gold sharing should be handled in a "community property" sort of way, ensuring everyone gets what they need, and items go where they are most needed. Characters play together, and are not to be played without the whole group present. (Later on, this might be able to be relaxed, when one or two session's worth of play behind won't put someone out of the game.) * If a player DOES miss a session, he can solo to make up lost experience, and catch up with lowest clvl in the party. Soloing is to occur ONLY to make up experience if you miss a session, and is not to be abused. Soloing can occur between multiple members of the team if more than one is behind, but all make-up play, solo or otherwise, is to take place in closed passworded games with no characters present from outside the team. * Team games to be played twice a week. Players will make new Bnet accounts for their character and make the password known to the team leader so that the role can be adopted by someone else if a player bows out of the team. (This rule optional -- team leaders: arrange things to suit your own team best). * Whether or not substitutions are allowed on the fly, for one or two gaming sessions, or whether some roles will be "shared" with more than one player playing the same character at different times, is up to the team leader and team members to decide. * Character naming conventions should be decided by the team as a group. Anything the team wants is viable. * All Quests are to be completed. * Finding waypoints, exploring optional dungeons/tombs, and whether or not to full-clear areas, are optional and should be decided within each team. * Whether or not to replay through areas of the game for items, experience, and cash, is optional. The team may opt for a straight-through approach, without repeating areas, or may repeat any areas they like as often as they wish. The team should discuss its policy ahead of time, so that all players will be on the same page here, having agreed to whatever the terms will be. * The Strike Team is intended to stay together. This does not mean every player jammed together like sardines into tight spaces. If there are six or more players present in the game at the time, it's feasible to split into two groups, along whatever lines the players see fit. It's recommended that both parties stay near each other, though, to call on players and skills they may need in crisis situations. Help should never be too far away! A good rule of thumb seems to be keeping everyone visible on the automap. How close to stick together may vary by situation and personal preferences. * Running off to solo is prohibited. Use common sense with this rule, folks. Obviously there will be times when retreat isolates players, or allies have fled or perished, leaving someone alone -- and certainly when fighting LEBs, it may be wise to let one or two players attack instead of everyone getting one another killed with TOO MUCH attacking. Also, some very short-range scouting, luring, or lag-trap clearing may be of benefit. This rule is meant to help the team and keep everyone focused. Running ahead to solo is a clear violation, but what about falling behind as allies rush ahead, bypassing enemies? This too is discouraged. If players disagree on what pace to play, and whether or not to skip fights or even whole levels, this should be ironed out to everyone's satisfaction in advance, preferably, rather than disintegrating the team during play. * There WILL be times when not everyone shows up. You need more than half the team present for a viable game session, though. So that's the rule: more than half the team. If half or less are present, play should stop or not begin. This does not include make-up play, for players who have fallen behind (due to absence or frequent death and exp loss). They are allowed to play to catch up to the lowest clvl in the main party. The Team Leader should determine what clvl that is, informing players who have fallen behind how far they may catch up. If someone comes late to a session, they should join right in wherever the group is at, and go back later, solo if necessary, in a new game if required, to catch up on whatever was missed. * If Quests are missed, players are allowed to solo these. However, this may not always be wise. Any character with any restrictions can finish Normal Act 1 quests solo, but what about quests later in the game or on later difficulties? The team should certainly consider going back to redo quests with someone to catch them up, as appropriate. The players will have to decide for each situation. * Handling items and
cash is, of course, a team responsibility. However, if it turns out some
players die less frequently, perhaps these should be given the duties
of holding on to savings (money). Sharing items can be done efficiently
by dropping them in the center of town for anyone to look over; however,
be careful, in that a server-side crash can wipe out all items left on
the ground. If this approach is taken, be careful to sell off surplus
on a regular basis. Alternatively, all items could be identified in a
group way, with the entire team gathering in town to look it all over
and decide how best to use it. This takes more time but offers the best
optimization of item use. Finally, there is the independent (and perhaps
easiest, though perhaps NOT most efficient) method of leaving judgment
up to each player, as to what to keep and what to offer to the rest of
the group. Whatever is chosen for item handling, team leaders should arbitrate
any disputes, and extras should be sold for cash rather than left go to
* Fire Sorceress prohibited from ever having any resistance to fire, including fire resistance or resist all on items, fire resistance shrines, and any skills from any character class that would add fire resistance. Resistance to fire will be 0/-20/-50 depending on difficulty level. (NOTE: negative resistance DOES increase damage.) COLD SORCERESS * Cold Sorceress prohibited from ever having any resistance to cold, including cold resistance or resist all on items, cold resistance shrines, and any player skills that would add resistance to cold. * Cold Sorceress prohibited from using any items that would reduce or prevent freezing effects. This includes thawing potions. LIGHTNING SORCERESS * Lightning Sorceress prohibited from ever having any resistance to lightning, including lightning resistance or resist all on items, lightning resistance shrines, and any player skills that would add resistance to lightning. * Lightning Sorceress restricted in assigning skill points to Static Field skill: no more than two points assigned to Static per act played. So for Normal difficulty, the base skill maximums for Static would be 2/4/6/8 through acts 1/2/3/4. In Nightmare, base skill levels for Static not to exceed 10/12/14/16. Hell Act 1 has a cap of 18, and thereafter the skill may be maxed if desired. Note: +skill items, including staves, are not affected or limited. Only the base skill level is limited by this rule. (The reason for this limit is to keep the Lightning sorcie from being a one-dimensional walking static field from the beginning her life all the way through to the end. It may happen anyway, eventually, but at least through her early career, there can be use of other skills going on -- and if pumped and used early, perhaps those skills will still see some use later in the game, too.) POISON NECROMANCER * Necromancer prohibited from using Iron Maiden. Prohibited also from using any skills from the Summoning Tree. * Bone Spear slvl for Necromancer (without +skills) must be less than or equal to HALF of Poison Explosion slvl. Obviously, slvl 10 would then be the maximum, and Spear would not be learnable until clvl 19 at the earliest. * Bone Spirit slvl for Necromancer (without +skills) must be less than or equal to HALF of Poison Nova slvl. Obviously, slvl 10 would then be the maximum, and Spirit would not be learnable until clvl 31 at the earliest. * Necromancer is prohibited from ever having any resistance to poison, including poison resistance or resist all on items, poison resistance shrines, or any player skill that would add resistance to poison. * Necromancer is forbidden to use any item that reduces length of poison, and he is forbidden from using antidotes. (Healing in town is permitted, even if poison duration has not ended). BOW AMAZON JAVELIN AMAZON PROTECTOR BARBARIAN * The Barbarian is restricted in his skill choices. No Weapon Mastery skills AT ALL. No Combat Skills except for Leap AT ALL. The character will focus on War Cries, Iron Skin, Natural Resistance, and perhaps a couple points into Increased Stamina/Speed. A shield is required, preferably with high blocking. Find Potion skill at a modest or even high level would be recommended, and this would save the team from ever having to cube gems into rejuvs: the gems could be saved up for shield use until everyone wanting one has a resistance shield, along with whatever gems the paladin needs. Other party-friendly war cries, like Shout, Grim Ward, Battle Orders, etc etc, would also be recommended. * The Protector barbarian is forbidden from using any forms of elemental attacks on his weapons, or from magic items that add elemental damages or effects. Gemmed weaponry is allowed, but only with amethysts, diamonds or skulls being socketed. On the up side, with no weapon masteries the barb can make use of the best weapons that come available, regardless of what type they are. One-handed weapons only, though. He may also need help from +AR items, since no weapon mastery means no boost to his AR. He will not want to go hog wild with Dex, though, since to fill his role as Protector, he will need extra Vitality and may need to weigh his items at least a bit toward increasing mana. (Remember, there is always the option of Piercing weapons, even though these are limited -- on one-handed weaponry -- to wands and scepters). ELEMENTAL PALADIN * Paladin allowed to use Rare weapons with three or more different elemental effects on them, or to use Rares with two or more effects IF a third (different) elemental effect can be gained from other items. (Note: minimum of two effects from the weapon itself. Only one elemental effect from other items may apply). * Paladin gets the first gem chips that fall, to gem a weapon of his choice. Remember: each gem socketed must be of a different type from the four choices. Thereafter, the Paladin must ALWAYS use a weapon with the required elemental attacks on it. If a rare can be found that fits this restriction, it may be used. Otherwise the Paladin will be consigned to using gemmed weaponry and MAY NOT upgrade until all gem sockets are actually socketed with gems. (So if he is trying to get that 3-Perf exceptional socketed weapon, or otherwise holding off waiting to get higher quality gems to use, he cannot start using that new weapon until all gem slots have been socketed with actual gems). * Paladin restricted to Sacrifice, Smite, Zeal, and Fist of the Heavens attack forms. Holy Bolt, Blessed Hammer and Holy Shield are allowed. Charge and Vengeance are allowed but only at skill level one (+skill items are allowed as well). Conversion is prohibited, and may be gotten ONLY as prereq to Fist of Heavens. * Paladin restricted to Prayer, Defiance, Vigor and Meditation for Defensive Auras. Redemption is forbidden because it would consume corpses needed for Poison Explosion, and to a lesser degree for Grim Ward and Find Potion. Cleansing and the four Resistance auras are forbidden because they would interfere with the resistance restrictions on the elemental spellcasters. * Paladin restricted
to Holy Fire, Holy Shock, and Sanctuary, for offensive Auras. (This is
NOT meant to be an offense-oriented role). Holy Freeze and Conviction
are allowed, also, but only at skill level one in each, so as not to overshadow
the roles of the Cold Sorcie and the Poison/Lower-Resist-Curse Necro.
(+skill items are allowed). Might and Thorns are necessary prereq skills
but their use is forbidden! Blessed Aim, Concentration, and Fanaticism
are forbidden. List of priority
opponents for Protector Barbarian: Protect the Cold Sorcie from: Cold-Enchanted bosses, Holy Freeze aura bosses, Bone skeletons, Vipers, The Summoner, Izual, Mephisto. Protect the Lightning Sorcie (takes precedence over conflicting duties!) from: Lightning-Enchanted bosses, Holy Shock aura bosses, all Spitters, Horror undead, Lightning Spires, Gloam-type ghosts, Zakarum Priests, and Storm Caster types. Protect the Poison Necro from: mummies (all types -- and only when not protecting the sorcies from more dire threats), Plague Bearers, Maggots, Poison-throwing cats in Lost City, River Hydras, Andariel
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