- Class: Any (Paladin most common)
- Armor: Gothic plate, Embossed, Lacquered
- Shield: Gothic shield, Ancient, Ward, and gothic-"shaped"
Paladin shields
- Wpn: One slot MUST be a 2H Gothic wpn (Sword, Axe, Bow, Staff), and
used frequently. Other slot MUST include a Gothic class shield. Elite
versions are fine too, for example Shillelah is Elite Gothic Staff.
- Stats: High dex, strong block, tanking ability is a must
- Skills: Mix of might and magic a must, neither meatheads nor glass cannons.
Versatility is viewed as a big strength, no one-trick-ponies
- Merc: Any type allowed, but treated as a comrade not a slave. They must
wear Gothic gear was well, as far as they are able.

An urgent message
from the Pen of CharisCobrago, Leader of the Ostrogoth Confederacy...
"It has come
to my attention that in the lands of Harrogath, the Prime Evils have conspired
to genocide against the Gothic peoples. The bodies, and armor, of our
fallen comrades litter the bloodstained ground. The time for this heinous
mockery of justice has come to and end. The Gothic nations will stand
idle no longer. Prepare for war!"
"In roughly one
months time, a fresh cadre of Goths will band together for greater glory.
It will be a loose gathering, but one which respects other. (Near) equal
levels will be maintained, and Act Bosses will be killed together as far
as possible. Unlike other teams there will not be a total focus for each
character - each Goth must be a versatile warrior, good both solo and
in parties. Each will however have a minor focus which others in coop
can rely on. More on this later..."
"Some of you
are wondering just what a Goth is. The extensive and sometimes confusing
training regime has sometimes clouded the vision of who we are. A true
Goth is: Valiant, Proud, Helpful, Versatile, Tenacious, and Generous.
We excel at Combat, we embrace Change, and we do not fear Magic or the
Elements. While self-sufficient, we know that banding together provides
even greater strength."
"In the days
of Tristram's glory, you would pick out a Goth by the following:
- The most glorious of all armors and shields, the Gothic Plate and Gothic
Shield These and other high durability items were seen as the finest works
of a craftsman
- Strength and Agility, excelling in combat, both blocking and offense
- Intelligent use of Magic, with our skills FAR exceeding the typical
D1 warrior
- A passion to exterminate our mortal foes, the vile Gargoyles spawned
from Hell itself."
"These traditions
will carry over into the new lands. All classes and genders may now become
strong enough to don Gothic armor, and all are welcome in the fold. Times
change, and so must our training - we will find new ways to push ourselves
hard, for a time, so that in the end we may be strong."

- Almost no long term restrictions, with the exception of gear: once a
royal title is obtained, ONLY Gothic plate, Gothic shields, their exceptional
and elite forms, and the Gothic shaped Paladin-only shields may be used.
No exceptions.
- Early on however, restrictions on weapons, stats, skills will be tight,
for self-discipline.
Preferences and
Role-Playing Suggestions
- The other weapons which bear our name, and the related norm/exc/elite
versions, are strongly preferred but not required.
- We were successful in ridding the world of the Gargoyle abominations,
but their close allies, Winged Nightmares and the advanced Frenzied Knights,
now earn our wrath.
- Cooping, sticking with a set of comrades if possible, is to be preferred
over powergaming or pubbie madness
- The Crossbow is strongly favored as the ranged attack (e.g. Chu-ko-nu),
with the exception of course of the Gothic Bow.
- Mercs are not meat-shields, they are comrades or apprentices, or not
used at all
- Some classes may cast magic extensively, but Goths "get their hands
dirty", they do not sit back behind a wall of minions drinking tea.
(Necros rely on curses which require thought like the mind-altering skills,
not a sea of revives. Sorcs may cast freely but melee, not run around
in a blaze retreat. Druids are not zookeepers, but agressive fighters,
- They are incensed when the ground is littered with Gothic plate and
weapons, signs of fallen comrades. As far as they can, they will treat
these items with respect, setting up a small monument where the gear was
found (pick up and inspect the item, then leave it in place) or bring
it to town for proper handling. (Remembrance pile or sell). They would
never ever leave a set or unique piece of Gothic gear to rot on the ground,
and often are found defending the honor of Isenhart.
- The 'w' key is made for the Goth! It allows full expression of versatily,
whether Gothic Sw/Gothic Shield and Gothic Axe combo, or a Orb/Shield/Gothic
Staff combo, S/S-Bow, Undead killer/Demon slayer weapons, etc.

Class Specific
Pal - Gothadin - The closest to the classical D1 Goth, a mixture
of might and magic, virtuous and strong. All skills seem to fit in just
fine. As for shields, none of the wimpy new round shields, but the new
2x4 shields are in actuality, Gothic in construction and highly prized.
Sor - Goth Enchantress - Love of nature and a disturbed imagination
lead this enchantress to focus on bending the power of nature to her will:
Meteor, Thunder Storm, Static Field, Glacial Spike, Blizzard. The spells
of the D1 Sorcerer are not her favorite: Chain Lning, Fireball.
Ama - Gothazon - Bowzon (Xbow or Gothic Bow) or Gothic Shield w/Javelin
Fending, Avoiding, and Dodging are seen as a high art form. Impale is
more likely to be used than by others, as it demands high dur items.
Bar - Gothbar - What distinguishes the Gothbar is the lack of a
meathead mentality
The Gothbar is high in energy and uses mana frequently instead of purely
passive skills. Iron skin and other Defense improvement skills are good.
Leap attack is critical for the Gothbar - reminiscent of the glory days
of telekill. In D2X WW is again allowed, but Berzerk and Frenzy are strong
Nec - The Vizigoth - Dark in color and somber in character, this
is still a solid choice for a Goth. He will be pushing dex both for blocking
and for the highest damage dagger class weapons. Not a "hit-and-run"
PD, but an in-your-face melee and tactical magic character. There is much
variety past this restriction that melee cannot be ignored. Confuse, attract,
dim vision, CE after you get a melee kill, fighting side by side with
a golem, all are good choices.
Dru - Gothid - The 'love of nature' is the key characteristic here.
They use "close range" magicks which complement melee, and if
they shape shift at all, will be good in BOTH bear and wolf forms. The
idea of one-mode-fits-all is exactly what the Goth is NOT. Sometimes speed,
sometimes power and life - and their two weapon combos will be chosen
very carefully to match!
Asn - The Eastern Vizigoth clans have fielded this new warrior.
They use claws and power ups extensively, BUT switch to a high powered
Gothic weapon for the finishing blow!

The Gothic Training
Regime - The 9 Stages (simplified)
I. Gothic Initiate
- the would-be-Goth must solo clear the Den of Evil, Blood Moor, and Cold
Plains. No skills may be assigned at this point except the one from Akara,
and it must be applied to an offensive skill. No stat points may be distributed
at this time. Obviously no twinking. No Potions, no scrolls, no magic
items, no town heal. Clear the Blood Moor and Cold Plains too. Any problems?
Go home farmboy. NPCs? You spoke ONLY when spoken to ('!' over head of
- Reward: potions, scrolls, healers, magic items may now be used
II. Gothic Seeker
- time to learn about faith and undead. Weapon: blunts.
AFTER Blood Raven is dead you may assign five stat points. No further
stat points.
Besides quest 2, the Crypt and Mausoleum, and Stony Field must be cleared.
The Seeker phase also includes finding any three of the following four
shrines: Skill, Experience, Armor, and Stamina. These represent strong
values honored by Goths. Once found, they trek through the underground
passage and unravel the mystery of Tristram. If Treehead Woodfist is slain
in the process, you may distribute 5 stat points to Strength and 1 more
skill point.
III. Gothic Protector
- the power of defense.
Sword(or 1H wpn) and shield is required for this phase. It begins with
the assignment of 5 more stat points, all to dex, and one more skill,
something with defensive value. First goal: Kill Countess and The Smith,
and find some form of magic mail armor. You may distributed str points
if needed, to wear it (or to wield a found shield). If the Goth dies facing
the Smith, the kill must be repeated in another game, until he can do
it without dying. Second goal is similar: Defeat Andariel. Repeat if necessary
until you can do it without dying. (Otherwise, what good are you as a
Reward: With the promotion to Soldier, all remaining stat points may now
be distributed. One or two pts to dex per lvl up is recommended.
IV. Gothic Soldier
- the best defense is a good offense
Any 2H wpn must be used (other than sword). The Goal is to learn to hit
often and hard: a +AR gem or jewel must be found and worn, and rare or
unique weapon with +AR must be found and used, and the max dmg on character
screen (without help from others) must be at least 60. When these conditions
have been met, slay Duriel. If you die, do it again until you get it right
V. Gothic Crusader
- a triple threat, the power of magic
Where the Goth Enchantress may have found Soldier difficult, now is her
time to shine, while others may have it tougher. Armor up to Field plate
is allowed, and any shield up to Bone (no Gothic til next stage). While
the jungle is not home to the Goth, he must clear the Swampy Pit and the
Arachnid Lair, as well as a full clear of any section of Kurast in which
a Winged Nightmare is found. The weapon used should be one which gives
a magic boost (orb, sceptre, wand, or one with a magic skill). Classes
with no such skills available should choose a weapon where elemental damage
is very high and phys dmg low - three elements ideally, socketing one
if necessary. Kill the Travincal gang with ranged or magic attacks, then
using magic and elemental damage to the greatest extent possible, take
down Bremm, Maffer, Void and Mephisto. Resistances of at LEAST 35% all
should be worn in Durance 3. Use the new crafting formula to make the
necessary rings if needed. Mephisto should be killed "with style"
VI. Gothic Master
- finally, the Lord of Terror, and the right to wear Gothic Plate
The Pandemonium Fortress is a special place. There they will meet the
Goth of ancicent days, Halbu. Halbu sells many fine Gothic Plates, which
the fools tend to scorn. The Goth knows better. His goal is to find or
amass enough of a donation to receive, a fine magical Gothic Plate (and
matching Shield of course). However to earn the right to wear these, he
must first defeat Hephasto. Consider if at all possible, bringing the
Hell Forge Hammer to the Fortress to celebrate, and with Halbu's mentoring,
forge a suit of armor yourself with the mighty Horadric Cube. (Later,
in Act V, you will do so again, this time with runes). Now honored and
properly adorned, the Goth is ready to take on the Lord of Terror, Diablo.
No holds barred here, with one exception- from here on out... no Static
Field vs and end boss when it is done for a quest title. Victory against
Diablo earns the title Gothic Knight, and the duty to proudly wear the
Gothic Plate and Shield.
VII. Gothic Knight
- there is a brother who is not happy
The Gothic Knight stage is one of the longer ones, for there is much to
do, and... much to prove. Baal must be defeated, as well as all the super
bosses of Nightmare difficulty. During this stage dex must be raised to
at LEAST 60 (if not already), hit points must be at LEAST 400, a boss
Winged Nightmare must be found and slain, and finally, NM Baal. This could
take from clvl 25 to 60 to accomplish. Only those that perservere through
and past this can take on higher titles.
VIII. Gothic Lord
- now it really gets tough
The Gothic Lord now enters the realm of Hell difficulty. The tasks are
by now familiar, just much harder. Vitality must be raised to 100 (the
max vit for the D1 Goth), minimum 500 hp (not much actually, may be raised),
and he must help at a deserving female character to get her NM title.
As before, a Winged Nightmare boss must be found and killed.
IX. Gothic King
- slayer of Baal in Hell difficulty
No more is required of him, and no restrictions left other than to proudly
serve the Gothic nations and wear their armor and shields. Most will choose
a Crown to wear at this point. He has run the course, he has finished
the race.

Special Sets and
- Isenhart's set has
a Gothic Shield, and Gothic style Breast Plate
- Sigon's shelter is the only set Gothic plate. Sigon, a tower shield
is allowed. The unique Gothic armor is Rattlecage armor, the Shield is
"The Ward"
- These sets have no armor/shield, so can be used nicely with Gothic
gear: Death, Infernal, Iratha (Iratha's father was rumored to have been
a Goth, who used Rattlecage and The Ward)
- Cloudcrack is a new unique Gothic sword with moderate dmg, good elem
dmg, chance of FoH on striking, thorns, +2 defense/offense auras and +10%
max Ltning res.
- Boneslayer Blade, Gothic Axe. Moderate dmg, extra AR/dmg vs Undead,
50% chance cast
Holy Bolt on strike, +20% IAS.
- Heaven's Brethren has a Ward shield, and hefty special armor, and is
- Tal Rasha's uses the exceptional gothic plate, lacquered. Sazabi's is
also allowed.

Twinking and Towing
The gothic items tend
to be viewed as less than uber by most folks, and the fear is not as great
as making a young character a powerhouse. At a later age, making some
use of 'medium' finds such as Cloudcrack or a nice Godly Gothic plate
of the Whale is encouranged. But early on, giving items to eliminate the
challenge makes no sense. Similarly, being 'towed' up from norm/1 to ancients
then same in NM makes little sense. A possible exception would be to get
a NM merc as young as possible to maximize their eventual skill levels.
But keep in mind that being carried through such quests is not the same
as earning it, and such a character must go back immediately and fill
in the gaps untwinked and not towed. Do not accept/use items that would
eliminate challenge.

A band of several
goths come together at one time to start as new recruits and seek to become
a cadre of undeafeatable warriors. It is a long term goal, and looser
than some, but a worthy one.
Up to eight may form
the team, and others may go in parallel as needed. They will join up,
as many as available, on a regular basis. It is not a race or a quest
for the powergamer. The idea is to stay close in levels and acts to be
able to coop together and benefit from each others skills. In a full party
(unlikely in practice) there would be one of each class plus a second
paladin. The benefits brought would likely include:
- Conviction, lower
resist and amp damage to face the many immunes and resistant
- Minion and mercenary support, with enough targets around for the monsters
that the sorcs and necros could melee without fear
- Defiance and shouts all around, as all will be wearing heavy but not
necessarily 'max' DR gear
- Powerful elemental damage and chilling
- Enchant, spirits, inner sight, for higher and harder hitting
With schedules tight
and strict, getting all together will be tough, but hooking up on an as-possible
basis, with the old Tues Variants night as one to target (for those that
can). Their bond will be the common training and struggles, sharing of
our stories as posts, and keeping an eye out for gothic gear to share
with comrades. The first quest is pretty much solo, so the first hook
up would be the passage to Dark Wood and Tristram. Act bosses should be
done as group as much as possible, especially Diablo and Baal.
Those who like team
quest might consider adding the Goth as a "role" into your Seven
Samurai, EST, FF, LoG, or other team.

"Whether we have
just one, eight, or more Goths willing to take up this Crusade, it will
happen... the ground will no longer be littered with the Gothic plates
of fallen comrades!!" -- CharisCobrago
