As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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SevenSpirits takes cultural relativism to the next level

I still can't work out how the "numbers of turns it will take to improve a tile" relates to "how long will it take".

I think I've gotten the hang of it by now.

Let N be the number of worker turns required to finish the improvement. If the improvement is not yet started OR will be finished this turn, the interface will display N. If you have previously started but then cancelled the improvement, the interface does not display any number. Otherwise (the improvement has been started and not cancelled, but will not finish this turn) the interface displays N-1.

I haven't really looked at how the green bar works. It's conceivable that you can distinguish between "1" meaning finishes this turn and "1" meaning finishes next turn by looking at the percentage of green, but it's not worth it to me. I just tell my workers to build their improvements every turn and if it finishes that is a wonderful surprise.

SevenSpirits Wrote:Btw now that I have Lancers I wish I had named Delusional AI "Defense Penalty" instead. Seriously, Lancers have this malus and that's all it says. It doesn't come with a number. You can even look it up in the civilopedia, it has its own page where there's a complete sentence saying that the unit that has it suffers a penalty on defense. Why can't they just say how much of a penalty it is? Is it -100%? -1%? Why don't they want me to know?!

Quite a lot of civ V seems to rely on "security through obscurity". I guess it makes the game seem more complicated than it really is.

Quick update.

I obviously liberated that city state. Also:

[Image: pbem1t101_1.jpg]

Almaty FINALLY gave me a good unit! OMG. And it spawned right where it could kill a longbow, awesome. Soon after:

[Image: pbem1t101_2.jpg]

Yuri keeps exposing his troops. He definitely should have bought that hole in his culture that's only 2 spaces away from the city. That tile cost me 1/3 of a movement point instead of 2 (great wall) on the critical turn. This let me send in a lancer (quite wounded, but it's all I had, and killing longbows is worth it) to snipe yet another longbow, put two rifles immediately next to the city, and even move in a cannon and fire at the city on the same turn.

[Image: pbem1t101_3.jpg]

So yeah, easy victory, and after healing up a turn or two I'm continuing west to the next city. I don't see any English troops anymore except where he's harassing me in the north - so it's some combination of him hiding them and not having any left.

My happiness has only gone up. How? Well I've not only been finishing several happiness buildings (Colosseums and Theaters; I'd already maxed out on Circuses) but I got a really nice policy - the Patronage one that gives +50% smile from city state luxuries. That was immediately worth +6 and I spend $250 to bribe another friend to ally status so I could get 2 more happiness from having a gifted gems in addition to my normal gems. I'm planning to bribe Almaty too (+2 from having their extra tasty elephants) and after my next policy (min 20 influence) I will also spend some money on that cultural CS in the north that has dyes, for +6.

I burned one of my two great generals on a golden age for no particular reason. Seemed like this is a good time to get some free gold (for the aforementioned bribes, and for upgrading units) and extra production.

I get Military Science (?) this turn (it's a couple turns after the last pic above) which will allow upgrading knights to cavalry, a mounted unit which gets an unspecified combat penalty against other mounted units. Exciting! Then I just have to tech Fertilizer (~5t I think) and I can bulb Dynamite.

I'm pretty sure Yuri's doomed, but there's no indication that oledavy is going to roll over anytime soon. I know he has Navigation due to his frigates, and that he has as many cities as me and a good amount of population, but that's about it.

What's the giant, flat gray thing taking up the tile directly west of False Tooltips? A fortress of some kind?

It's a partially-build fort. Pretty much because I had a couple workers waiting nearby for the invasion go-ahead and thought they might as well do something.

Every worker turn lost is a tragedy. wink

"Sentence never ends", huh? You never saw sentences I write in Russian is all I can say smile

Once again, very well played. I didn't realise the power of city states, and never bothered to build enough military to hunt down barbs in the early game

I'm sure you already saw in my thread, but the initial suggestion to attack you came from Oledavy. Not that it matters, I admit it was a dastardly move, and it deserved to be punished smile

I really didn't understand wardec diplo mechanics; leaving units in the open (including my only GG) to be killed by you on the 1st turn of the war was pretty bad

57% of the sentences in that post did not end. lol

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