Again, an absolute gargantuan pre-new-chapter update. What's interesting about it?
Again, an absolute gargantuan pre-new-chapter update. What's interesting about it?
- PvP characters can roll new equipment without having to roll a new character.
- PvP characters can make multiple items: Armor sets, weapons, whatever, and stash them all in inventory - for free.
- PvP and PvE characters can now switch their secondaries at will - for PvP characters, this allows them to switch to any profession, while PvE characters only get access to the professions that they "learned" in Pre-Searing/Shing Jea/Forgotthenameiskstan.
- Character and equipment templates, biatch.
- Salvaging your old equipment now allows you to select which modifier you want to salvage and gives you a 50% chance (increasing with certain titles) of not destroying the item.
- Offhands get upgrade items.
- The materials storage, originally a Factions-only perk, is now available to all.
- Some titles now do something: The Treasure Hunter and Seeker of Wisdom titles increase the chance of not desting a salvaged item by 3% per rank (from the 50% base), and the Hero, Gladiator, and Champion titles increase the Balthazar faction cap.
- There is no cow level.
- "While forming a party, you can now control+click on your Skill Bar to announce your skill setup to your party members." Ooh, yeah.
- AoE is no longer as useless as it was, but not as uber as it used to be: Monsters won't scatter from AoE if they're relatively healthy or believe they're capable of killing their target, yay. Melee monsters now spread out a tad to make them less suspectable to AoE gankage, boo.
- Double Balthazar faction for all!
- New dye system, and white and brown dyes are now item drops, grey dye replaces dye remover, and you get to preview dye effects before dunking your clothes in them.
- Overall whining from the fanbase reduced.
- Various skill changes.
- ...and a certain pumpkin-headed insane monarch is set for a return.