Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Pericle again, well what i can do..[mack spoiler]

mackoti Wrote:I just talk with commodore i am still thinking about the atack.I think Commodore wrote in his thread too.
He admited that he was preparing for the culturalvictory so i was overplayed there but he made this mistake.Should just i let this pass?

What lurkers think?

Well I don't know, what were the exact terms of the NAP? If it's not totally clearcut I think you'd feel better trying to win honorably, and your victory would be much sweeter.

Quote:Hey gents,
Just an fyi, keeping you both updated, apparently my culture attempt has worried Mackoti enough for him to invent a pretext to break our NAP, which was originally until 165. He said right now he's planning on invading on turn 162. TT, I know you're more or less in final war mode anyway, so this might be informative only I guess. Gaspar, Mack obviously isn't worried too much about you chances, or else I suspect he'd be inventing a reason to stab you, as well. Good luck in changing his mind.

Well i could stab Gaspar long time ago if i just wanted that , and easily grabed more land.

It was in gaspar favor but i still respected. He just should jut not plant that city.
you plant you pay.

What, exactly, was the agreement you signed?

It was he will not take anithing from TT or gave anithing to him.When i said i would raze the city he didnt said he intention to build another there so was clear my teritory there.
So yeah tehnicaly he broke the NAP.

I see alot of debate but i realy dont care becasue i know that i have right, he
should dont touch TT, any of his land that was the deal, and he broked.

I use that like an excuse??,not necesary, even he wasnt going for culture i would have atacaked him over that city but i would just take not so well defended cities as i atacked because he gave units to TT.

I supose everyone takes His part on this , and no oone sees that he actualy didnt respected a part of deal.

I could request for that 10000 gold and the city.But all will say its a pretext so he cant pay.

If someone would declare me war becasue i didnt respected a part of agreement i would not be mad.

And because this game makes me mad now i will declare as soon as i can.

Do you have the logs of that deal?

mackoti Wrote:It was he will not take anithing from TT or gave anithing to him.When i said i would raze the city he didnt said he intention to build another there so was clear my teritory there.
So yeah tehnicaly he broke the NAP.

I see alot of debate but i realy dont care becasue i know that i have right, he
should dont touch TT, any of his land that was the deal, and he broked.

I use that like an excuse??,not necesary, even he wasnt going for culture i would have atacaked him over that city but i would just take not so well defended cities as i atacked because he gave units to TT.

I supose everyone takes His part on this , and no oone sees that he actualy didnt respected a part of deal.

Don't assume my friend. I was just asking the terms of the deal. From what you're telling me, you are in the right and the NAP is void.

At the end of the day, if you make a NAP and set specific terms, you either keep all of them or the whole NAP becomes void.

Good luck in your war.

I could request for that 10000 gold and the city.But all will say its a pretext so he cant pay.

If someone would declare me war becasue i didnt respected a part of agreement i would not be mad.

And because this game makes me mad now i will declare as soon as i can.[/quote]

Sent this to Gaspar

Are you intending to join me in the atack of the cultural cities?Becasue i think will be unfair if i go for that and you just punch alot of emptie cities how commodore said to me he will do...,because if that true i dont see a point to go after commodore i will loose anyway you taking 10 fully developed cities from comodore and your army remains intact and i take the full hit...

And got this answer:

Quote:Hey mackoti,

My intention was to hit both his cultural and regular cities. Obviously since I haven't had the benefit of rolling over TT I need to pick up some land as well.


And comodore said he wil let undefended cities on his border with gaspar.

Perhaps i just let Commodore win and make everione happy but Gaspar.

So actualy if he gest some nice big cities he will beat me to space and bo hoo i am fighting for gaspar.

Why I didn't go for domination?

or i could get some marines on boat and raze whatever i

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