Plako's possibly opting for more direct intervention methods:

My army:

I think I have enough around to stop plako, but it leaves me a bit vulneruble on the other side.
Last space parts:

Plako killed a Factory in my capital earlier, forcing me to use a GE. It might have affected my victory date if I had been able to make my tech goal, but I was falling a bit short anyway. So I had to 2t Ecology but hopefully these space parts complete straight away. Still have another GE lying around looking for something to do.

My army:

I think I have enough around to stop plako, but it leaves me a bit vulneruble on the other side.
Last space parts:

Plako killed a Factory in my capital earlier, forcing me to use a GE. It might have affected my victory date if I had been able to make my tech goal, but I was falling a bit short anyway. So I had to 2t Ecology but hopefully these space parts complete straight away. Still have another GE lying around looking for something to do.