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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

No mention of fixing Annie in the patch preview frown But other nerfs were good, TF's and Panth's ultis are no longer global, and Corki finally got nerfed, so might be worthwhile to use MF again.

Jowy Wrote:No mention of fixing Annie in the patch preview.



Very tiny tweaks. She'll still be strong, but this might take her across the boundary from OP to strong.

Started playing solo queue ranked, and I'm astonished by how bad everyone is...

v8mark Wrote:Very tiny tweaks. She'll still be strong, but this might take her across the boundary from OP to strong.

Started playing solo queue ranked, and I'm astonished by how bad everyone is...

Good farming, basic map awareness and common-sense puts you far ahead of the average. lol

Also, the first few games of ranked are a total disaster zone because people of all true ELO are thrown together. So it's common to see one person totally carry and crush as well as tons of bad mistakes. I think my first ranked game had an Annie who went 26/2/20 or so. Luckily she was on my team.

No games for me for a while - the gaming computer has been boxed up for a move. frown

v8mark Wrote:Started playing solo queue ranked, and I'm astonished by how bad everyone is...

So I should practice my Ashe more and roll over people?

I'm pretty happy with where I am in solo queue unranked, in that I don't feel godly overpowered nor helpless, but I still don't have teammates that ward and it drives me crazy. However, I've taken up jungling for our team recently, and re-learning Sona. Dang she can take some finesse to use the Power Chords right.

Not sure particularly about playing Ashe -- I play Ashe because she’s by far the champion I’m most comfortable with, rather than because she’s particularly good at that level (in fact, she’s quite ill-suited, because she needs support which she doesn’t often get in solo queue).

My comment was more about the general macro standard of play. I guess it comes down to playing mostly premades; I was a bit scared that the emphasis would be far more on mechanical skill and less on teamplay, which to some extent is true. Seeing the likes of PlasmaPuffball and Speaker, both of whom are players I consider far, far better than myself, at ‘only’ 1500-1600 ELO also scared me. But I’ve found, in my first 10 ranked games, that I’ve usually been one of the best players on my team at 1200-1400 ELO, and in two cases in particular carried the team to a win that an ‘ordinary’ player at that level wouldn’t necessarily have carried us to. Sometimes, I’ve even had appalling teammates (in last night’s game at 1400 ELO, I had a Jax/Nasus duo queue -- 2/10 and 4/13, respectively. I should have guessed after they both screamed at me to ban Mordekaiser in champ select... that was a game we lost, despite my 14 kills!)

I’ve come to the tentative conclusion that our group’s (ie the RBers who normally play together, like myself, Cull, Dantski, Seyruun, Bruce, Ashain etc) normal ‘hidden’ ELO, particularly our premade normal ELO, was actually quite high, and that we’re quite good players after all, in the grand scheme of the LoL playerbase. This is based on nothing scientific, and on only 10 ranked games (which is why it’s a tentative conclusion) but I’ve been surprised both at the speed of my rise to a provisional 1400 ELO, and the fact that I’m still not yet out of my depth at that ELO.

Just some general thoughts. Now that more of us are starting to play ranked, I’d be interested to hear those of others smile

If it makes you feel any better, I got to 1490 in the first few weeks I played. Probably could have gotten even higher if I hadn't switched to EU for now (since I can't play with you guys anymore). Plasma and Speaker are just really underrated for whatever reason :P

Btw I was wrong about Annie, she was fixed:
"Fixed a bug where certain spells would deal damage twice"

My solo queue ELO is ~750 frown

I've been level 26 for over 9 months now frown

Wait, that's a good thing, right?
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sunrise089 Wrote:My solo queue ELO is ~750 frown

I expect to join you, once I start playing ranked. I feel like I need to get more normal games under my belt before I take the plunge.

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