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a) Nobody plays perfect all the time. Sometimes I suck, sometimes my teammates suck.
b) If the game lasts 78 minutes, the final outcome does not depend on a baron steal. Yes sure, if you would have gotten that baron earlier...and if bot would have scored 20 more CS...and if top would have won a clearly favourable matchup...and if mid would have followed through when you ganked...
A case for Captain HINDSIGHT !
c) It's a team game. You win together - you lose together.
d) It's just a game.
e) Play more custom games against bots and feel overpowered !
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Deceptus Wrote:Sigh. Not only did I rage by mashing keys.
I take this game way too seriously. This day, I missed every single Smite that was supposed to finish Baron. That lost us a 78 minute game. Made me feel like utter crap.
To be honest when I fail basic things like that after so many jungle games, I just feel really bad, a bit like a completely useless player that doesn't learn as well. I can tell that Varis seems to have less games played than I do, yet he simply plays smarter and in general outplays whoever he's against, often the opponent being me in the jungle. It weighs on me when I strive to be good at what I am doing but I play like a rookie instead.
But that doesn't call for ranting about my teammates. I shouldn't be talking about "retards". In the end, if it was an enemy Cho'Gath and Nunu contesting Baron, I still should at least be able to land a Smite. But I mistimed the spell.
I'm sorry for tantruming up what's supposed to be a fun game, a pastime.
Either way, due to the embarassing nature of the event, heed Rarity's plea on that matter, please.
Can you ever forgive me? If it makes you feel any better...I think timing smite against the Baron is one of the most difficult things to do in the game.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
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Gustaran Wrote:b) If the game lasts 78 minutes, the final outcome does not depend on a baron steal. Yes sure, if you would have gotten that baron earlier...and if bot would have scored 20 more CS...and if top would have won a clearly favourable matchup...and if mid would have followed through when you ganked...
That's entirely true.
Two baron steals on the other hand...
(I'm entirely joking. I was Cho'Gath, which means I was as culpable as anyone for those for not timing my feast properly. But otherwise... what Gustaran said)
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antisocialmunky Wrote:Seyruun, your rage commentary was pretty epic.
Poetry that Dylan would envy.
Quote:But that doesn't call for ranting about my teammates.
Yeah, I'm not condoning that part. No ship for you.
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We won, we won, we finally won!
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23
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@Seyruun - Rarity is the worst of the ponies.
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Krill Wrote:We won, we won, we finally won!
Not only that, we won vs an Akali mid who was 4/0 and had 110 CS after 15 minutes...! Good effort all round, I think.
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That is the last time I go boots first on Morde...
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23
Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6: PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18
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Took a look at Elementz solo queue tier list and found myself a bit surprised!
The bolded ones are characters I main:
Quote:*Tier 1 - Morgana, Karthus, Lee Sin, Brand, Akali, Kassadin, Caitlyn, Kennen, Nocturne, Garen, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Irelia, Casseopia, Renekton, Cho'Gath, Ashe, Vayne, Gangplank, Vlad, Malzahar, Rumble, Singed, Pantheon, Soraka,Twisted Fate, Amumu, Nidalee
* Tier 2 - Orianna, Tristana, Teemo, Taric, Alistar, Udyr, Urgot, Tryndamere, KogâMaw, Talon, Corki, Ryze, Jax, Nasus, Xin Zhao, Mordekaiser, Shaco, Maokai, Rammus, Sion, Lux, Zilean, Gragas, Warwick, Trundle, Galio, Miss Fortune, Janna, Ezreal, Anivia, Mundo
* Tier 3 â Leblanc, Kayle, Blitzcrank,Jarvan IV, Master Yi, Malphite, Yorick, Wukong, Olaf, Swain, Nunu, Sona, Poppy, Shen
* Tier 4 â Sivir, Riven, Veigar, Leona, Katarina, Skarner, Twitch, Karma, Heimerdinger,Eve
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It seems to me, looking at that list and having watched some high-level games, that Riot is partially succeeding (very slowly) in balancing champions. Not that there aren't significant imbalances and discrepancies -- there are still many champions who are quite clearly poorer, for example, most notably the stealth champs -- but it seems to me that there are a lot more viable champions as a percentage of total champions these days, and that there are fewer champions that are considered markedly OP.