November 5th, 2011, 10:36
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Can't judge new spells/buffs until we see them ingame, I can almost guarantee that promote + heal will not be used unless buffed to OP'ness.
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November 5th, 2011, 13:07
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Can't Promote Tibbers :<
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November 5th, 2011, 13:07
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Basically Promote is going to approach the power of super minion once you knock down an inhib. If it does, it's pretty much 100% needed to stop someone just pushing you right back into your tower and losing the tower to minions. If it's weaker than that...what's hte point?
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November 5th, 2011, 13:11
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Wouldn't that be somewhat imbalanced if you promoed multiple cannon minions at the beginning of the game? I don't play LoL but I can't see it as a good thing early game if you get super minions right off the bat. It has to be much weaker or scale with the game timer.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
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November 5th, 2011, 14:08
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Its cannon minions though. They don't spawn at the start and when they do they aren't present in every wave, plus there is only one each in the waves that come per lane. The way it works out is that its impossible to have more then 1-2 super creeps with promote in a lane.
November 5th, 2011, 14:15
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yeah, but you take 3 promotes, one per lane, and push on those waves. Doesn't affect a jungler as you can time the ganks to not be on cannon minion waves, and it gives you a straight forward method of destroying turrets, which gives gold to every team member...the obvious counter to which is hte other team takes promote as well.
Symmetric boni are not good for this sort of game.
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November 5th, 2011, 15:38
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Or laning Smite to nuke Staff Sergeant Cannun Minion which would probably be even more useful since you can 3/4 smite a dragon lol.
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November 5th, 2011, 15:52
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I think you're overestimating the power of a single super minion. Yes, they're strong and provide excellent pushing power, but you have to give up an even more valuable summoner to do something natural to a bunch of champions. Even if all three lanes take promote, I would see that as a bonus. That means top doesn't have teleport/exhaust/escape. It means bot will lose exhaust/escape/CV. It means Mid will lose killing power or be more suseptible to ganks. A single super minion will also cause last hitting to be more difficult and push the lane hard (leaving you open for jungle interference). Plus, certain champions would actually have an easier time with the super minion. Kog, Vayne Irellia, and Olaf all have % damage or true damage. Laning Trundle would crush any opponent who uses it, since he would get massive damage from it with Q.
Additionally, a lot of it's utility will be dependent on its mechanics. Does the super minion give cannon XP or more? If more, it would be detrimental to use it in lane unless your opponent leaves, which can be countered by jungle holds and teleport. How long will the cool down be? If its as long as flash/teleport/heal, then it will be worthless. If its too short, it will be too powerful for every cannon wave. If it's as long as exhaust or ignite, I'd rather take exhaust/ignite/Teleport and push you out of the lane.
It will undoubtedly be superior in more situations compared to fortify, but I'm expecting it to be a niche summoner for certain strategies rather than a sure pick in every situation like ignite/teleport/exhaust/escape is. Most good players are not silly enough to recall if the cannon minion is in lane, since that's just asking to be pushed already. This will doubly be the case once promote hits the game.
If flash gets hit too hard, most people will switch to ghost, just like the last time it was hit. In this game, escapability is too important to switch for something else.
November 5th, 2011, 15:57
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You are attempting to work within the current metagame, which you can't be sure would exist after these changes. As said above, it depends on the level of the changes - a super minion when you are at level 4 is strong enough to wreck a champ and a fair bit of a turret.
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November 5th, 2011, 17:26
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They only would do damage if you tank it. Plus, I'm thinking both about the current meta and any potential changes. Most champs could handle a super minion, whether that's tanky DPS bot, AD mid or top, AP top/mid, tanky DPS top, or AP/AD support bot. It would be a non issue to kite the super minion to prevent it from hitting the turret until minions arrive, and once they do, that would be detrimental to your own CS. As it is, I would rather have players take promote vs. me than ignite/exhaust/teleport, since that means I can win my lane very easily once that minon is dead.
The wriggles metagame shift introduced by TSM could make promote an even more unreliable summoner skill. If the tanky dps, AD, and jungle all get wriggles, clearing a super minion won't be too hard. I usually don't have issues getting wriggles by 8-10 minutes, which is quite the small window for promote usage. AP may have more trouble with it, but I would be in favor of ignoring it for the other minions in that case.
Now, if promote would work on normal minons, that would be completely different, but the confines of the spell make it much easier to adapt to and counter. In addition, I see it limited usefulness once the mid-late game is reached and team fighting summoners become more vital. Once champs reach level 11+, I would prefer having a teleport on the team for split pushing way more than promote. Now, if there is scaling on the skill that causes it to be stronger than a normal super minion, or if it gives a decent passive bonus, I might be interested in running it in some situations. However, as it stands described now, I would rather run teleport.