November 11th, 2011, 19:43
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Q: What are the decent junglers? I have Amumu and a full set of runes for him, but beyond that I haven't really tried anyone out beyond Fiddle and Warwick and don't know how to play them optimally...
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November 11th, 2011, 19:54
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Krill Wrote:Q: What are the decent junglers? I have Amumu and a full set of runes for him, but beyond that I haven't really tried anyone out beyond Fiddle and Warwick and don't know how to play them optimally... Some of the top junglers right now are Nocturne, Lee Sin, Gangplank, Udyr, Amumu in some order.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
November 11th, 2011, 20:09
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As an addition, Skarner is a very strong jungler now after his buffs. He clears the jungle really fast and can invade easily. Also, Trundle, Rammus, and Jarvan are all strong junglers. Rammus is a monster late game tank, Trundle's pillar is one of the best forms of CC in the game right now, and Jarvan has some great CC with his knockup, slow, and Ult. All four of these champs can be built very tanky while still offering decent damage and utility to the team. However, they are more team dependent whereas Nocturne, Lee Sin, Gangplank, and Udyr are powerful by themselves.
November 11th, 2011, 20:11
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November 11th, 2011, 20:32
(This post was last modified: November 11th, 2011, 20:54 by Sullla.)
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Nunu is a very good jungler even after his nerfs - as the only true jungle support he roams around well, counterjungles his enemies just fine, and can gank respectably after his Ice Blast gets on decent levels. Since he's a support he might as well have no gold and just focus on getting a ton of wards for his team for global maphack, but his late game usefulness is basically buffing his carry and forcing the enemy to blow CC on him due to the ult threat. Plus his slow stings the enemy AD carry really harshly. If you use your ultimate as a zone to protect your AD carry then it can win a fight as the AD carry just kills everyone that moves like molasses. I like him, I think that playing him can be a good way to learn the jungle - you can invade easily because all it takes is to consume a creep and run away - and running away is Nunu's big asset due to his W and E - you can gank with your snowball - and you can maneuver around the lanes a lot because of your speed, so you can figure out different jungle patterns. You can also learn a fair bit of counterjungling especially since he's an early-mid game character that wants to ward for his team a lot (and good warding is necessary for safe counterjungling and countercounterjungling)
Cho'Gath works as a jungler and while he's tricky to play (ganks hard to pull off, not as much farm as in lane) you can play him decently and he's highly thought of (at least by Stonewall008) and even seen in some scrims; he is also notable because his ult+Smite combo is pretty much free baron and dragon anytime you are in position because you deal like 1700+ damage per the "Supersmite"; this also makes you a very strong invader because with your innate attack speed, Vorpal Spikes and Supersmite you steal buffs like a boss, and the AoE skillset makes killing small camps a breeze; you have a ton of sustain, also you don't need Wriggles because of this!
Master Yi is tough to jungle with (no joke: ideally you proc Alpha Strikes and while you probably can do a jungle route without proccing a single one it will slow you down), but it's the only place the game's quintessential melee carry can really work as an AD; after 6 with red it's hard to escape your ganks. But you have to farm and push a ton. And you want to maximize your farm by invading the enemy, but with Master Yi you have to be careful even after level 6.
Tryndamere is in a similar boat, although he's a good top solo he can also jungle well and he's not dependant on blue. He's also tough to play in my opinion (due to the timing of his ultimate, farm-dependence [but he doesn't get quite as much farm in the jungle]) and other factors - you need to get a good feel on him), but he also jungles fairly fast and he only needs a Vampire Scepter to sustain himself (no need for Wriggles which would be a waste on some stats). So he comes out of the jungle as a fairly decent "third carry" for the most part. He can gank decently with his gap closer, his slow and high natural damage.
Xin Zhao is a shadow of his former self after the nerfs but he still pulls off a mean level 2 gank and is overall a great early game ganker. Only problem - if he doesn't get fed, he sucks.
Riven can work in the jungle but I haven't played her, I only know she has decent ganks and doesn't scale off the jungle too badly.
Shyvana breezes through camps but doesn't really do anything until level 6 and she's kind of a weak champion overall.
Other than that what Varis/Speaker/Cull pointed out are the most standard picks but the above also work. Things like jungle Taric and Shen also work but they're just a silly niche (Taric has a level 2 gank and adds sustain to your teamcomp and you can work him into a fairly underpowered tanky DPS, while Shen has global presence with his ult so he might as well farm the jungle infinitely if the situation calls for it; also both of those junglers have infinite sustain pretty much). I used to jungle with Malphite and while it has some merits it isn't worth it because so many champions do what he does better and safer (and faster; Malphite moves in the jungle like molasses).
EDIT: Good post, had to break up that monstrous wall of text. -Sullla
November 12th, 2011, 03:28
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November 12th, 2011, 07:06
(This post was last modified: November 12th, 2011, 07:28 by Krill.)
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Well, that's a lot of armour pen you can get now...
Wow, it just looks like the masteries have been massively buffed, in some places they are better than runes now...Indominitable and Honour guard seem just broken though.
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November 12th, 2011, 07:10
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November 12th, 2011, 09:39
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I sure hope Riot knows what they're doing... These seems like some fairly drastic changes to a game that's been stable for a long time. There's lots of potential for exciting new gameplay, but there's also a lot of potential to screw things up. We shall see.
November 12th, 2011, 10:03
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There's probably going to be a lot of iterations, and a rather chaotic meta-game in the first couple of weeks. It looks like Riot wants to move away from established cookie-cutter builds and force you to make some tough decisions in your masteries.
Wait and see I suppose. I like that they're trying to give you more to choose from, but something tells me every character will again have a build that everyone uses before long.
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