November 28th, 2011, 01:26
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Idk, I saw TSM try a like 4 heal team+Soraka and Sona vs CLG and just rolled them after the early game. Teams are trying new stuff, which is good. Long term though I think things will just settle down to basically what is was before, except maybe for cleanse. Actual choices are good, but the summoners need to be less one dimensional imo.
November 30th, 2011, 09:27
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Hello everyone. I just wanted to tell you guys last night that my mic problem was not a broken mic, it wasn't configured :/. Anyways, it was pretty fun playing solo top with one of my older champions that I once played a long time ago in the game night. One thing for sure, wards are too valuable that some players just don't understand.
November 30th, 2011, 10:16
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Sir Bruce Wrote:Don't underestimate the value of increased attack range. Sivir can play safer now and has two-three disengages with spell-shield/flash/exhaust plus ult plus movement boost from attacking. It's not a blink, but it's not nothing.
I like the change to make her W an active ability. If it applies on-hit effects then it will be a sizeable buff imo.
Only applies on hit to first hit (same as before) And it costs 40 mana to use.
So now Sivir has:
- A longer range (still shorter than Vayne and Corki (550) and Ashe (600) which is...good, I suppose?
- More intensive mana usage.
- Less damage potential.
- No Dodge so takes more damage.
- A speed boost of 50 MS when she gets within range and auto attacks a champion. Compared to Vaynes' passive of an extra 40 MS when simply moving towards an enemy champ.
- Ult got nerfed to provide lesser attack speed to herself, more to the team (up from 1/3 to 1/2...which means at level 3 it makes no difference, level 2 you get an extra 2.5% increase and a 5% increase at level 1).
Sorry, pretty sure that's junk tier still, I'd rather have pretty much any other AD champ in the team than her.
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November 30th, 2011, 11:14
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Not so sure about that. We tested Sivir a bit last night, and she seemed fairly strong. The biggest difference is that you max her Ricochet (W) first now instead of her Boomerang Blade (Q). Particularly in bottom lane, which will have an AD + Support, that Ricochet can bounce a bunch of times between the two champs and deal a lot of damage. Auto attack, W, auto attack, Q = a lot of damage in a hurry. Don't forget that her spell shield is an incredibly powerful ability to have on an AD carry (although it requires a high skill cap to use properly). Block that Ashe arrow, that Caitlyn ultimate, that Ezreal Trueshot, etc. It's almost like having free Cleanse if you can time it correctly.
While I don't think Sivir is god tier or anything, I do think that she's considerably stronger now. Her biggest issue remains mana problems; she still pushes like a beast and deals a truck load of damage. Get a laning partner with a lot of crowd control (Alistar, Leona, etc.) and Sivir can stomp people.
November 30th, 2011, 11:54
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I was going to discuss Sivir and find some of you have started already!
With my enormous 1 game of experience with new Sivir here are my thoughts.
Q - It scales a little better with AD but isn't very noticeable.
W - Gives Sivir a bit more single target damage at the cost of her old pushing ability. I tried maxing it first, but I looked at the replay and noticed it doesn't really do much damage after the initial bounce. It will stack Tear mana now though so Manamune is better than before on her. Hard to say whether its an improvement on the old W. Honestly I'd say probably not as her teamfight damage is lower.
R - I think if you run Sivir you need to run at least 1-2 champs that also benefit from attack speed. We've seen double AP for a while and if you're going to try double AD, Sivir seems to complement a 2nd AD rather well. The change hurts Sivir's 1v1 ability which was never that strong to begin with and makes her do less damage in a teamfight.
Passive - I think this is actually pretty strong, especially with red buff. Sivir will be able to harass the heck out of melee champs in solo lanes and could be a very good counter to Kassadin and some other AP casters middle.
Overall? She's easier to lane despite being even more mana intensive. The problem is she has less damage in a teamfight without ricochet from every attack. Also she fits into the typical AD/support lane better now with longer range and 2 nukes (its like having Cait's Peacemaker + an extra autoattack). I'd say she's still not going to be seen in tournament play because too many AD's are superior.
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November 30th, 2011, 12:03
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Sullla Wrote:Not so sure about that. We tested Sivir a bit last night, and she seemed fairly strong. The biggest difference is that you max her Ricochet (W) first now instead of her Boomerang Blade (Q). Particularly in bottom lane, which will have an AD + Support, that Ricochet can bounce a bunch of times between the two champs and deal a lot of damage.
No it can't, ricochet can only hit a single target once.
Quote:Auto attack, W, auto attack, Q = a lot of damage in a hurry.
Compared to a Vayne silver bolt after a tumble, condemn into a wall? Or an Ashe auto, Volley, auto? Q can be dodged and you can only max one of W or Q, and level 1 Q does sweet FA once people are up to level 6.
Quote:Don't forget that her spell shield is an incredibly powerful ability to have on an AD carry (although it requires a high skill cap to use properly). Block that Ashe arrow, that Caitlyn ultimate, that Ezreal Trueshot, etc. It's almost like having free Cleanse if you can time it correctly.
Good if you can see it coming, so on Cait, Karthus, maybe a blitz crank pull depending on your ping, but blocks 1 spell, so mostly useful in the laning phase and is luck of the draw what happens in a team fight.
Quote:While I don't think Sivir is god tier or anything, I do think that she's considerably stronger now. Her biggest issue remains mana problems; she still pushes like a beast and deals a truck load of damage. Get a laning partner with a lot of crowd control (Alistar, Leona, etc.) and Sivir can stomp people.
I'd like to see a pushing contest between Sivir and Trist because I'm not exactly sure of that pushing potential any more. Then you got Yi, Corki, I suppose...there are others that can push "well enough" to backdoor.
As it is, I pretty much have to agree with everything Dantski wrote, especially the overall conclusion from my 3 games worth of experience of the new Sivir compared to the 100 games of the old Sivir.
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November 30th, 2011, 18:54
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I don't think Sivir was trash tier before nerf. Only champ that's trash tier, and has been for a long time is Eve. There really hasn't been a real trash tier champ outside of Eve for a long time now.
One tiny thing about Sivir: Her q is strong poke late game, comparable to Nidalee's late game poke IMO, even more now with the 1.1:1 ratio
November 30th, 2011, 20:01
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Cull Wrote:One tiny thing about Sivir: Her q is strong poke late game, comparable to Nidalee's late game poke IMO
Lower range though
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November 30th, 2011, 20:46
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I don't play Sivir so I won't try to comment on her pushing or most of her skills. My only thought is not to underrate a spellshield. There are quite a few champs with one non-damage ability that is a lot weaker than the rest of their kit, but as non-damage abilities go I think Sivir's is quite good. In fact as a ranged AD I think you have a bigger sense of when an ability is going to target you than some other champs. You should be positioned safely in fights right? So if you see that enemy (like Annie, Taric, WW, etc) walking past your allies towards you it's probably time to throw on that shield.
December 1st, 2011, 08:47
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sunrise Wrote:My only thought is not to underrate a spellshield. There are quite a few champs with one non-damage ability that is a lot weaker than the rest of their kit, but as non-damage abilities go I think Sivir's is quite good
It's not bad by any means and gives Sivir a skill that other AD's lack (much like ricochet, past and present version), but compare it to other strong AD's. It's a better defensive/escape skill than Vayne has until she can ult/tumble away, Ezrael/Corki/Tristana can all jump away. Graves has a mini dash and can use smokecloud to reasonable effect, Ashe can... well thats one of her big weaknesses, Kog has no real escape so she has an edge there I guess, Cait has a mini getaway which is inferior and Teemo/MF/Twitch aren't worth commenting on.
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