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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Have to agree with Krill there.

I'm not sure if they really gained a massive advantage (depends on if they would have had enough attackers to take Gao and gift it to Dantski and then attack the cannon-stack).

Though I agree that they should have either waited for you and discussed it or reload the turn (without you ordering them to do so).

Serdoa Wrote:I'm not sure if they really gained a massive advantage (depends on if they would have had enough attackers to take Gao and gift it to Dantski and then attack the cannon-stack).

Though I agree that they should have either waited for you and discussed it or reload the turn (without you ordering them to do so).

Don't really have time to post, but gifting Goa is unacceptable if it is done during Spulllas' turn set. The gist of it is that the turns need to be completely sequential, including diplomacy, in every respect. Probably need to go read the original thread from back in early Feb for the explanation.
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Krill Wrote:Jabah pointed out on the 29th that India had broken the rules. It sets a very bad example that if you can get a way with breaking the rules for a few turns, you won't get punished for it. That is not acceptable, anywhere, especially after you gained a large advantage from breaking the rules.

So reload the turn. That is none negotiable
I've gotta agree with Krill on this one. If I was a player, I'd be annoyed of course. But this game, whether we like it or not, will set the ground rules for future RB pitboss games and cheating shouldn't be something you can get away with.

Serdoa Wrote:MJW, how do you come to the conclusion that they

a) were depressed and therefore did not check for illegal moves and
b) would ask for a reload now that you told them?

Nakor did not state anything like that, neither in his own thread nor in the IT thread. Both times he basically said: Play on.

1. I made that statement before they posted.
2. The threads will be opened. HRE may not want to anger Spulla in future games. This game is lost anyway and they do not want waste time fighting it.
3. They did not check for illegal moves. They would always check for illegal moves if HRE put lots of effort into the game. They are putting in less effort because the game is lost.

Jowy Wrote:I've gotta agree with Krill on this one. If I was a player, I'd be annoyed of course. But this game, whether we like it or not, will set the ground rules for future RB pitboss games and cheating shouldn't be something you can get away with.

Making an illegal move is not the same as cheating. I don't think Spulla would make an illegal move on purpose.

Krill Wrote:The really bad thing™ is that Jabah posted that this broke the rules back on the 29th, but Speaker or Sullla didn't post anything publicly, or admit to it, until I asked for a reload.

Now, I hope that this happened because Speaker didn't check the forum, but that doesn't make it right. Two whole turns got played after they knew they had broken the rules, without trying to put it right until they got called on it. How is that...decent? Right? Just?

What India did was let Dantski move first (fine) then India attacked Goa (fine) then Dantski moved again to take out red lined defenders (NOT FINE) then India attacked a cannon stack with cav (NOT FINE).

You think that is just petty rules lawyering? After the rule specifically states that this is an illegal move, and India gained a massive advantage from flaunting it?

Completely agree. You cannot break the rules, play on, and then claim that it is too late to reload. Also - Sulla offered 100g in compensation... thats a bit cheap for a stack of cannons (can't remember the number)

Speaker Wrote:Please explain how us allowing Dantski to kill one 1.something unit constitutes a major advantage?

Way back when, we asked you to give a neutral ruling on a heated situation. None of us intended for you to become the all-powerful lord of Pitboss 2, telling people what they can and can't post about, and trying to own the game. I suggest you back the fuck off and stop trying to ruin our game. We are not reloading and forcing everyone to remember exactly how they moved hundreds of units, all because you feel the need to prove how powerful you are because we asked you to help out with the game.
[Image: biglol.gif]
[SIZE="1"](smiley loaned from Sulllla)[/SIZE]

I tried to explain it to him in their thread and hope I did get it right. Maybe someone can check and let me know if I should better edit something?

Jabah Wrote:
Adlain Wrote:Bah, the games all over bar the shouting, is it realy worth sturing up the hornits nest again for that - give them a warning saying dont do it again and let the game continue imho.

Sure it won't change in the short term, but Spullla have been able to 'murder' HRE counter-strike force (most of all HRE spare cannons and cavaleries).
It could be fair to let HRE have a little chance to use them and have a mini-tactical victory
Quote:[Originally Posted by Speaker
Please explain how us allowing Dantski to kill one 1.something unit constitutes a major advantage?

Way back when, we asked you to give a neutral ruling on a heated situation. None of us intended for you to become the all-powerful lord of Pitboss 2, telling people what they can and can't post about, and trying to own the game. I suggest you back the fuck off and stop trying to ruin our game. We are not reloading and forcing everyone to remember exactly how they moved hundreds of units, all because you feel the need to prove how powerful you are because we asked you to help out with the game.

consider the nest well and truly kicked.
It's a real shame that this game has degenerated to dirt slinging towards the end as on the whole I think most would agree that the game has been very good to watch and highly infomative (and I don't just mean spulla)
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[Image: 1367939.png]

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