December 22nd, 2009, 13:24
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Yeah, Byz are gone from the mainland. Looking at the MM that Ottoamsn have drawn up though, I think Byz might just survive by a turn or two to plant a city on the island. Then it is up to Ottomans to decide if they are going to go after Byz or not. Unfortunately for Byz, there are 2 forests at Athens to chop for a galley and Ottomans are CRE...
I wonder if Byz lose both workers?
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December 22nd, 2009, 13:28
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Krill Wrote:Yeah, Byz are gone from the mainland. Looking at the MM that Ottoamsn have drawn up though, I think Byz might just survive by a turn or two to plant a city on the island. Then it is up to Ottomans to decide if they are going to go after Byz or not. Unfortunately for Byz, there are 2 forests at Athens to chop for a galley and Ottomans are CRE...
I wonder if Byz lose both workers? The workers will be ferried across first to chop that forest, so they should be safe. Do the Ottomans have sailing?
December 22nd, 2009, 13:55
novice Wrote:The workers will be ferried across first to chop that forest, so they should be safe. Do the Ottomans have sailing?
I think it's next on their research list, because they want to explore the inner sea. I don't believe that they've yet considered that Byz may take to the sea.
December 22nd, 2009, 14:52
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So, what do you guys think will happen with the upcoming wars?
Dantski/DMOC + Nakor
kathelete/Daregorise(that sounds painful)
Also IKZ is so under the radar right now. What's going on with them? They should be breeding settlers like bunnies right about now.
December 22nd, 2009, 15:04
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novice Wrote:The workers will be ferried across first to chop that forest, so they should be safe. Do the Ottomans have sailing?
They still can be captured/killed by barbarians there.
Not sure about the ruke regarding landmass size for spamming barbarians (but even if they know the rule, they have no idea how big is this landmass.
If there is even a barbarian warrior there, they will be in trouble...
December 22nd, 2009, 15:20
antisocialmunky Wrote:So, what do you guys think will happen with the upcoming wars?
Dantski/DMOC + Nakor
kathelete/Daregorise(that sounds painful)
Also IKZ is so under the radar right now. What's going on with them? They should be breeding settlers like bunnies right about now.
-I think Dantski will try to avoid war with DMOC & Nakor if at all possible, since he "has enough on his hands" with Spulla. Or at least I think he still does, there hasn't been much information coming from his thread on what sort of attack he will make or when. A war between these two teams will probably be a stalemate (especially with skirmishers involved), with neither able or willing to do much damage to the other.
-It's difficult to say exactly what will occur with the war on Spulla since the two aggressors have provided so few details of their plans in their spoiler threads, but I expect the war to be a complete mess, with poorly coordinated strikes, Jowy looking to move in too early with paltry forces, and Dantski needing to keep troops south to defend against his other neighbors. I doubt Spulla will suffer much more than some whipping and perhaps a cursory pillaging. Dantski will be in serious trouble if Spulla can bring in DMOC & Nakor as allies. I'd like to see team Spulla brought down a peg, but I think they're too talented and their opposition too disorganized for that to happen in the upcoming war.
-WhosIt seems to be in a competition with Jowy for erratic play and confusing diplomacy (or is it the other way around?). He has unnecessarily delayed his attack on Ploker to the extent that they'll likely have an island colony and can spam axemen by the time he's ready to strike. I have no experience with aggressive praets, so I'm not sure how effective his attack will be- it likely depends on how well the two warring parties are able to maneuver their units. It's a shame that Ploker can't amphibiously strike at any of WhosIt's cities, that would be interesting to watch. Eh, probably will be a stalemate as well.
-Kathlete seems set to stomp Team Byz, and galley or no galley I don't think there's any real doubt to the outcome of the war since Jowly refused to trade Iron. I've been really impressed by Kathlete's play so far, especially given the at best lackluster performances from both players in the PBEM game and Pitboss 1. Kalin is a surprisingly aggressive player, which should make this game interesting =)
I think IKZ currently lacks any players able to invest much time in the game, which is a shame since they're in a perfect position to expand and out-develop the other teams.
December 22nd, 2009, 20:05
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I think it could get potentially a bit messy for Spulla - Dantski and Jowy are/were thinking of smacking them. Athelete/Kalin seem set on causing them grief and Nakor seems alarmed by their growth. Taking on 4 civs at once might be a little much even for them?
Also if Kathlete do gift Jowy some of their cavalry, that might throw them a curveball - although it doesn't seem *that* likely.
I'm on tenderhooks to see if the galley escapes before the HAs hit Byz. I do think an island colony could cause some real annoyance for the Ottomans - couple of spears/axes in there and it wouldn't be at all easy to dislodge? It might further slow them down or even get them to consider some kind of peace?
Think whosit/Plako should be interesting!
December 23rd, 2009, 03:20
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The problem is that right now everyone seems to be waiting for other teams to start muddying India's waters. Based on Sullla's C&D neither Jowy or Dantski seems to be focussing much on building military at the moment, and the Ottomans and Romalinese are too far away, and too caught up in other (potential) conflicts to do much outside of giving encouragement. Their intentions are also overt enough that India will probably know what's coming with enough time to whip out a defense force.
It'll take a lot more right now to seriously endanger India's position. :S
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
December 23rd, 2009, 07:53
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Someone needs to play IKZ when they can't. They should be a game leader right now. :-\
December 23rd, 2009, 10:06
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regoarrarr Wrote:T82 - Settler built. If the galley is in Athens, the settler can load on the galley, and then move off onto the island all on T82.
T83 - earliest we could found a city.
kalin Wrote:* 5HAs on T82, most likely option
* 6HAs on T83, a possibility if Byzantium gets 6 archers
Poor Byz  . Especially since once the Ottomans see the galley, they'll realize what's going on. Oh...and don't the Ottomans move first? They might get an extra worker for their trouble if they attack on T82  .