Wow, everything is awesome, except Zara's giant military. We could hold him off if worse came to worse with our superior tech, but still... just to play it safe...
Go get him, boy!
Oh, and what are all these Great People doing, just sitting around like that? Let's waste 'em! Islam shrine founded for a grand total of 4 GPT! UN is GE rushed in Stalingrad! GA bombs Arretium!
And why are so many wonders still available to build?! Red Cross started in Lisbon! Internet in Yaroslavl! Manhatten Project in Novgorod! C'mon, guys, let's have some fun!
UN completes, Space Elevator started in Stalingrad!
Alright, I concede the UN was maybe not the best idea:
Mt. Rushmore starts in Rostov! A great scientist is born, so I found Ethanol, Inc in St. Pete!
I manage to screw up and not launch for several turns; finally in Turn 323 I remember.
Welcome, the glorious Russian empire accepts all!
Nice try, Zara.
What the hell, sure. For some gold, I get Sal to join in the fun, as well.
On turn 327, Moscow goes Legendary. It has over three times the culture as in our next highest city!
Both Manhatten Project and the Internet complete on Turn 330.
Turn 332: Saladin completes Apollo, Oh Noes!

We still have a whole turn to go!

We also get a great engineer. Woot.
Final pics of the empire:
Former Rome
Former Portugal
The Russian Homeland
Faro, Crown Jewel Of The Empire
Our tenuous tech lead [keep in mind we have researched every tech and will research Future Tech 2 at end of turn]
Entertaining demographics pics
And, of course, Aksum getting blown sky-high
Always wanted to do that.
Mission recap: we set out to build a whole crapload of wonders, and BY GOD WE DID IT. Out of the 42 wonders built, 28 of them were by us.

Darn, SDI was due at the end of turn, too!
End turn and the secrets of Refrigeration were stolen by enemy infiltrators!

Oh, and:
A 1913 Space win, not too shabby considering how many hammers we poured into wonders. Incidentally, it also was the top score in my hall of fame

[Which I refuse to show here, because of the Chieftain losses!

Just... don't ask.]
One last insult from Augustus:
Oi, we kicked his arse!
Save of final turn attached for nostalgic purposes.
Gold Ergo Sum, Nakor, it was great playing with you guys, I felt only a little behind in skill level [

], and you guys were both great about posting and playing the turns. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be completely perfect in that respect, but hey, it was an awesome game.
Played in: PBEM 4 [Formerly Jowy's Peter of Egypt] | PBEM 10 [Napoleon of the Dutch] | PBEM 11 [Shaka of France] | EitB XVI [Valledia of the Amurites] | PB7 [Darius of Rome] | Diplomacy 3 [Austria-Hungary] | PBEMm/o vs AutomatedTeller