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[SPOILERS] Bismarck of Mali (NobleHelium and Lewwyn)

Played turn 46. I've realized that our thread is actually pretty damn boring, because all you see is demographics screenshot after demographics screenshot. But we can't actually explore anything and the island looks the same every turn, so I'm not sure what you'd gain from seeing a screenshot of it. I did however spam a bunch of signs this turn, as I am wont to do:

[Image: signs46.png]

We also got this:

[Image: polytheism.png]

[Image: cities46.png][Image: demos46.png]

Demographics look absolutely terrible. So those posts in the lurker thread are either saying that we'll barely beat Jkioan to the Oracle or laughing at how we'll fall hopelessly behind. lol I actually feel like we've done something fundamentally wrong, like not planting next to that rice...I saw that spot between the forests and it looked like a gimme though. Next to the rice would have wasted a forest. Shrug, I don't know. Hopefully the next six turns will pass quickly so I can stop fretting over the Oracle.

Kuro has grown his second (!) city to size 4, but not his capital. Jkioan has researched Wheel, and will be getting Pottery next, obviously. Pottery will take them 3-4 turns, based upon that 40 GNP guess and comparing to our Pottery research rate at 36 GNP. They have more culture (than we had at the time) so less research, plus we had gold saved up. They may need to save gold for a turn (or they may be running breakeven). So obviously they will not be finishing Oracle before then, although they could finish it on the same turn as Pottery.

Knowing the map as it is, Louis would have been a stronger choice. We could then still found on that nice nook between the forests and get access to the rice in five turns (faster than we built Stonehenge), and save forests for Oracle and be guaranteed it. We would have researched Priesthood before Pottery, and probably taken Meditation once we knew both religions would be taken. The one turn delay didn't matter with our actual build, other than taking additional beakers. The other problem is that we've basically not used the EXP bonus for workers, and only used it for granaries. And CRE's library bonus is basically the same in that respect.

Reminders for next turn are written in the signs, but the main thing is to remember to CANCEL the worker action in the south after putting one turn into the cottage. Keep the warriors awake in case we forget. And turn tech back on.

Messages In This Thread
[SPOILERS] Bismarck of Mali (NobleHelium and Lewwyn) - by NobleHelium - July 28th, 2011, 18:15
[SPOILERS] Bismarck of Mali (NobleHelium and Lewwyn) - by Bobchillingworth - October 28th, 2011, 18:08

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