Commodore offered peace back along with the city, so I accepted: his units got teleported to Nijmen or whatever it's called. If he gifts those units to Elkad I'm sure everyone knows how I'm going to react. I've whipped an archer in Leiden and run wealth in almost all the cities that aren't build triremes, to get Engineering eot and to be able to upgrade the archer to a longbow next turn. That will allow me to dump a stack of units next to Nijmwhaterver next turn and hold Leiden. If Elkad moves the gifted pike in there to attack the city Commodore returned, then I can road a hill that I've dumped 2 workers on and kill the pike, secure the city and still threaten Nijwhatever. I believe the longbow will then hold Leiden for reinforcements to arrive and it's just a matter of securing hte island and murdering those fucking triremes.
[PB25 Spoiler] General Flauros leads the Creole Calabim