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[no players] You're doing it wrong...the lurking thread

So I think it's pretty clear by now, I should have held the line and kept FDR paired with Arabia for a slower start, with Sian clearly winning in the greens game and Mackoti at least tied for the lead in veterans (give N7 the 'mids and they'll be favorites with even Tokugawa of Russia, so kind of a moot point). For all that I think the Persians managed to kill themselves with over-expansion pretty handily.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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I think thats something IMP is prone to do. You just want to use this bonus above all else and realize too late that you'll have to keep some kind of economy as well. Limping to the key economic techs isn't that great a move imo.

Though it also shows that IMP is really a rather weak trait as those 22 hammers you save per settler are not helping you getting the snowball rolling if you have to stop at the same amount of cities as everyone else for maintenance purposes. Maybe giving it some small bonus (similar to Organizeds civic maintenance reduction) for city maintenance could help.

I actually see Imp and Org as seesaw traits. This is a toroidal map, which, even on Prince, makes Imp weaker and Org stronger. If on the other hand this was a flat map, Imp would be buffed a ton. Although really, you have to be very very flat and low-difficulty to make Imp a power can crash an economy on any map if you work for it. Obviously, for later starts with the costly settlers, the trait gets moved to the power section. Giving it something like cheap monuments/banks/etc might be a buff.

One solution to Imp's weakness might be to double again the GG generation, make it more of a war trait. It's already pretty useful in a hot defensive war, maybe give it within-borders style GG point buffs all over?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

It's interesting that Gaspar sees N7 as the clear runaway leader, while they themselves see Mackoti as far ahead of them.

novice Wrote:GrimNobs countered our generous 10 gold, map trade and OB offer with a similar offer where we gave 100 gold instead. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. So instead we gave them the 10 gold this turn, and offered a map trade, OB, dyes for silver trade separately. We also offered a horse for fish trade separately (us giving horses, them giving fish). I actually think the message behind it should be easy to decipher.

Gaspar Wrote:Quick, someone with a secret decoder ring, we were offered the following 3 trades:

1. N7: 10g gift
2. N7: OB/Map/Silver for Us: OB/Map/Dyes
3. N7: Horse for Us: Fish

[Image: help-wanted.jpeg]

Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Quote:So I think it's pretty clear by now, I should have held the line and kept FDR paired with Arabia for a slower start, with Sian clearly winning in the greens game and Mackoti at least tied for the lead in veterans (give N7 the 'mids and they'll be favorites with even Tokugawa of Russia, so kind of a moot point). For all that I think the Persians managed to kill themselves with over-expansion pretty handily

For sure Arabia would not slowed me at all,and do you have my chanse the starting save so i can play from lewwyn pozition , becasue i realy think he had the best leader and civ combo.He wasnt atackes by anyoone and he could played a very peaceful game having the best triat in game spiritual.

And in the other game i think Sian realy plays beter tha the others.

Read through this and it was pretty fun. Some of my favorites:

Commodore Wrote:Huh, I really like Lewwyn's plans vs. the wonder races/kubuki shadow game going on with the rest of the vets. There is going to be at least one big loser there in the 'mids/Colossus/GLH races...and ironically, it's all going to be within a couple turns. Meanwhile, Lewwyn's wonder of "more workers and cities" will be producing very nicely for him.

For all that (and some excellent micro) his metagame grasp seems...shaky. He's attacking/choking Mack something fierce, and messing with Gaspelium...which leaves the putative favorites N7 cheerfully growing and fulfilling whatever microplan iteration they finally settle on.

Xenu would totally wreck the vets if somehow we could open a rift in spacetime. More violence, please.

I think I never really had too grand a plan in this game. I just wanted to do to the best I could with what was in front of me and have fun with it. I also thought that Mack was more dangerous than No7 for the longest time. It's insane to me that noone else felt that way.

Commodore Wrote:Okay, well, this game got more than a little boring. Pity, I was looking forward to watching the map play out. I'm rather annoyed at the Justinian players in each game, Kuro for being Kuro and getting forcibly evicted in favor of a ringer who will crush them all, and Lewwyn for stopping what would have otherwise been a very interesting and even GLH/Colossus/Pyramids/cottage economy split. As it is, I'm looking for an over-under on the other players concessions:

Greens: Turn 110

Vets: Turn 120

Justinian players: ruining balance since 4000BC.

Ceiliazul Wrote:Cuz nothing says "lets be friends" like an Immortal shoved up Gaspar's left nostril.


mackoti Wrote:For sure Arabia would not slowed me at all,and do you have my chanse the starting save so i can play from lewwyn pozition , becasue i realy think he had the best leader and civ combo.He wasnt atackes by anyoone and he could played a very peaceful game having the best triat in game spiritual.

And in the other game i think Sian realy plays beter tha the others.

I really think you underestimate ORG on this map because you never actually saw how bad maintenance was and with GLH you were lightyears ahead.

And wait you had first pick of the civ/leader combos? lol Though I guess I wrangled IMP over CHA, which I still hold was an improvement even if in the end my over-expansion doomed me.

I will say that I had an economy I just screwed up royally by not taking CoL when I had the chance and let my economy flounder from that point on. I was actually influenced by my Duel with Bob where I started a monk economy and though it was fun and wanted to try it here in this game, which was a mistake. Its should have been more of a novelty bonus than a goal. Teching theo = stupid.

Had fun, sorry the reporting dropped off, just too many games for me to keep up. alright
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Was charismathic first not imperialist and i dont particulary like charismathic.

So, based on this game, would be it be safe to say that these four things are true?
1) On the right map, Organized is a solid trait.
2) Philosophical is still not that great, but can do some neat stuff (like engineer rushing the pyramids)
3) The pyramids are really good, but they don't guarantee a win, even though you'd expect them to be really good combined with philosophical.
4) The MoM-Taj combo is extremely powerful.

And of course getting attacked is always terrible for your economy, even when you don't lose anything.

Organised AND super cheap early courthouses. I know it doesn't save as many hammers as if they were normal courthouses, but the synergy is that it makes a highly attractive building class even more attractive.

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