HAK played his turn but didn't end it, then I played and ended mine, then ended HAK's.
Nakor, I'm not sure the workers should road the gems right away. Verrieres Ridge can already gain +1 happiness from MP if we decide to grow it after the settler, so it shouldn't need them for a while. I think the workers should either keep chopping, pasture the horses, or maybe make a cottage if we do plan to grow Verrieres Ridge again.
After considering what everyone had said, I decided to put both chops into Courcelette; its granary will complete the turn it grows, both with exact yields:
(Verrieres Ridge is as in the post-turn screenshot in my last post.)
Old Harry, I think we should revolt when this next settler is en route and Courcelette is ready to whip its worker. Does that sound good to everyone?
Speaking of said settler, we should really decide where it's going to go:
We could plant aggressively in the west in that horse-sheep-corn-rice region (it's not actually that far from the capital), or in that corn-copper-lake-river spot HAK marked out southwest of Courcelette, or somewhere else. What do you guys think?
Now for the news you were all waiting for:
As you can see in the Courcelette screenshot, I bumped my science down to 70% so Polytheism wouldn't complete on my turn (this will allow for two turns of 100% research presently). I ended my turn: Polytheism stood at 173/175 beakers. I logged in and ended HAK's turn:
(Oh, the suspense!)
What the heck?
You read that right; there's nothing we could have done about it anyway.
(Now, I actually prefer Courcelette as the shrine-site, but I didn't want to interject that into the consensus when it was time to play the turn anyway).
Well, I guess you learn something new every day. Now it's time to pick our next tech:
Options: Great Lighthouse, Oracle, Mathematics, Monarchy ...