(May 31st, 2013, 14:33)Ichabod Wrote: There's an annoying bug going in my second city. Do you see that face working a tile? That's a citizen which is controlled by the governor, not by myself (the locked ones are mine).
I know what happened here. At some point, you took a tile from Sentenza to another city by clicking on it in the other city. Sentenza remembers this locking in order to automatically replace its citizen on that tile if/when the tile comes available again. Sentenza thinks you already have 4 tiles locked including the unavailable tile and will not allow locking a 5th.
To fix it, either temporarily reclaim the tile for Sentenza and then manually unlock it, or click Reset Tiles and manually re-lock everything.
(May 31st, 2013, 14:33)Ichabod Wrote: Question: do I lose something by growing into hapiness on the end of turn and hooking up the resource on my next turn?
Cities are processed in order and each checks happiness. So if the first city grows your civ into unhappiness, the rest of the cities will suffer the food penalty for that turn.
(May 31st, 2013, 15:33)Ichabod Wrote: I was reading a bit about the game and I found out that Chichen Itza gives +4 happiness on top of the Golden Age bonus. That's big! I have to get this wonder and it fits perfectly with a CS beeline.
Yes, it's good. 4 happy is like 200 hammers worth of colosseums, so it's almost like the GA effect costs just 100 hammers. Even better if you figure Chichen as only 260 base hammers with Aristocracy.
(May 31st, 2013, 15:33)Ichabod Wrote: I'll have the Wonder SP by then and I can gear my capital to production by cleaning all those hill-jungles (what do you think of hill farms, T-Hawk?). Does anybody know how much production a forest chop gives in Civ 5? I have two chops to speed the construction.
Hill farms are excellent tiles. 2 food far beats 1 hammer from a mine.
Forest chops are 20 hammers if within the city's border and first two rings. The hammers do not receive any percentage multipliers.
(May 31st, 2013, 15:33)Ichabod Wrote: a market in my capital is also interesting. My capital currently produces 18 gold. If I work the other gem mine, it gets 21 gold. Another riverside tile gives 22 gold. A market would give me +2 gold and +25% gold. That's 8 gold for a building. Pretty nice.
Not really. Markets are weak because gold is weak. Gold converts to hammers at no better than 4:1 until late in the game. So that market is spending 100 hammers to add 2 hammers/turn, a very long time to recover its cost compared to other build options.
Great Merchants are also weak. They give only about 400 gold, and the alliance could be had by paying 500 instead. That total is pretty weak compared to a 400+ hammer Great Engineer or late scientist bulb.