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[SPOILER] Ikhanbod

(May 31st, 2013, 14:33)Ichabod Wrote: There's an annoying bug going in my second city. Do you see that face working a tile? That's a citizen which is controlled by the governor, not by myself (the locked ones are mine).

I know what happened here. At some point, you took a tile from Sentenza to another city by clicking on it in the other city. Sentenza remembers this locking in order to automatically replace its citizen on that tile if/when the tile comes available again. Sentenza thinks you already have 4 tiles locked including the unavailable tile and will not allow locking a 5th.

To fix it, either temporarily reclaim the tile for Sentenza and then manually unlock it, or click Reset Tiles and manually re-lock everything.

(May 31st, 2013, 14:33)Ichabod Wrote: Question: do I lose something by growing into hapiness on the end of turn and hooking up the resource on my next turn?

Cities are processed in order and each checks happiness. So if the first city grows your civ into unhappiness, the rest of the cities will suffer the food penalty for that turn.

(May 31st, 2013, 15:33)Ichabod Wrote: I was reading a bit about the game and I found out that Chichen Itza gives +4 happiness on top of the Golden Age bonus. That's big! I have to get this wonder and it fits perfectly with a CS beeline.

Yes, it's good. 4 happy is like 200 hammers worth of colosseums, so it's almost like the GA effect costs just 100 hammers. Even better if you figure Chichen as only 260 base hammers with Aristocracy.

(May 31st, 2013, 15:33)Ichabod Wrote: I'll have the Wonder SP by then and I can gear my capital to production by cleaning all those hill-jungles (what do you think of hill farms, T-Hawk?). Does anybody know how much production a forest chop gives in Civ 5? I have two chops to speed the construction.

Hill farms are excellent tiles. 2 food far beats 1 hammer from a mine.

Forest chops are 20 hammers if within the city's border and first two rings. The hammers do not receive any percentage multipliers.

(May 31st, 2013, 15:33)Ichabod Wrote: a market in my capital is also interesting. My capital currently produces 18 gold. If I work the other gem mine, it gets 21 gold. Another riverside tile gives 22 gold. A market would give me +2 gold and +25% gold. That's 8 gold for a building. Pretty nice.

Not really. Markets are weak because gold is weak. Gold converts to hammers at no better than 4:1 until late in the game. So that market is spending 100 hammers to add 2 hammers/turn, a very long time to recover its cost compared to other build options.

Great Merchants are also weak. They give only about 400 gold, and the alliance could be had by paying 500 instead. That total is pretty weak compared to a 400+ hammer Great Engineer or late scientist bulb.

(May 31st, 2013, 19:27)T-hawk Wrote: Cities are processed in order and each checks happiness. So if the first city grows your civ into unhappiness, the rest of the cities will suffer the food penalty for that turn.

Did they change this in Gods and Kings? I remember in the base game that this does not happen--we talked about in the first Civ5 pbem.

I don't know if it changed or what the old behavior was, but yes happiness is definitely checked city-by-city in G&K. In single player at least.

Thanks a lot for the help, T-Hawk. I try to find answers on my own, but it's incredibly hard between the useless Civilopedia and the lack of World Builder (testing becomes a luck factor).

If you don't mind answering some more questions, could you tell me:

1. Does production factors decimals like food?

2. Do you now how much influence I get by destroying a barb camp (that the city state gave as a mission)?

I wonder if what I'll get will be enough to become friends with Jerusalem, giving me a Pantheon. If it's not enough, I'll probably build a shrine soon.

I could have gotten quite a bit of free culture by using the jungle Pantheon. That was a mistake, in hindsight. Not that big a deal, but it's true. Now I'm getting closer to the point of clearing the jungle, so it's not that good.

Production always has all decimals, yes.

Barb camp is 50 influence.

50 influence!?

Holy guacamole, way more than I expected.

There is a world-builder in this game. It is well hidden:

I cannot say that I disagree with it not being well hidden. Why care about world-builder if like 90% of players you cannot beat EMP? mischief

Edit: Of course you can beat EMP Ichabod...

There may be a direct correlation between not finding the world-builder and not being able to beat Emperor. wink

(June 1st, 2013, 08:05)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: There is a world-builder in this game. It is well hidden:

I cannot say that I disagree with it not being well hidden. Why care about world-builder if like 90% of players you cannot beat EMP? mischief

Edit: Of course you can beat EMP Ichabod...

To be fair, I never finished a Civ 5 game. lol But I got significant leads on Immortal and Emperor before quitting (my PC can't handle late game).

I made some calculations and I think I can build Chichen Itza in 6 turns. Here's how it works:

Chichen Itza costs 201 hammers.

I can get 23 hammers from chopping (13 from a second ring one and 10 from a third ring one -I tested and I can direct which city get the chop - nice work, Civ 5 development team smile )

So, I need 178 hammers in 3 turns.

My capital will likely be at size 11 or more, though I think I can make it work with size 10 (it'd require another hill farm). Let's use size 11 for the example, though.

My capital can make 26 production a turn on size 11

Capital produces 5 hpt (3 palace, 1 watermill, 1 city center)
3 mines give 9 hpt - Red circles
3 hill farms give 6 hpt - blue circles
4 plains farms give 4 hpt - green circles
1 hill sheep gives 2 hpt - black circle

26 hpt total.

26 hpt become 29,9 hpt considering the 15% bonus when building wonders (I'll have that Social Policy by that time).

29,9 . 6 = 179,4

There you go, Chichen Itza ready in 6 turns.


What this plan require is quite a bit of worker turns. So, I'll get my workers to improve the capital pretty soon, especially the mines and hill farms (since plain tiles don't need a farm in it to get the needed hammers). The worker farming above will finish a farm and help complete a road from Harmonica to Sentenza (the TR will give 6 gold, while the roads cost only 3 - nice bonus there, especially for the movement bonus). After that, they'll quickly go to the western hills and start farming and cutting the jungle. The worker paturing above will mine that northern hill.

CS will be ready in, at minimum, 24 turns, according to the tech tree. I think I have enough time. If I don't have the improvements ready, I can use the plains/forest tile marked with the yellow dot as a replacement tile. If I make 25 hpt, I can still build the CI in 6 turns, but I'll need 6 production coming by overflow. This should not be hard to achieve.

There you go. This is my 6 turn Chichen Itza plan. I don't think anyone can challenge me to this wonder, what with my beeline to CS + powerful capital + good science rate (Serdoa may have a better one, but he went for Theology, so I think he's out of the race) + astute planning ( lol ).

After that, I need to get a GA. And finding out what GAs do would also be helpful. lol


26 hpt is also 1 horsemen every 2 turns. devil Of course, my actual tile configuration will be slightly more food focused. But my capital will be higher size soon enough too.

(June 1st, 2013, 17:34)Ichabod Wrote: After that, I need to get a GA. And finding out what GAs do would also be helpful. lol
smile +1 gold on each tile that produces any gold. +20% production in all cities. +20% to national culture (towards social policies, but I think not in cities towards tiles.)

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